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                          Screenplay by
                   J.K. Rowling & Steve Kloves

                    Based on a screenplay by
                          J.K. Rowling

                          Directed by
                          David Yates

                                           FINAL SHOOTING SCRIPT

                                           March 21, 2022



1   INT. TRAIN CAR - DAY                                                                 1

    MEN and WOMEN sit silently in the flickering light. CAMERA
    GLIDES slowly, reveals a MAN standing, strap in hand, gently
    swaying with the train's movements. His face is hidden to us,
    but his HAT, set at a mildly rakish angle, is somehow

2   EXT. STATION - MOMENTS LATER - DAY                                                   2

    The train comes to a halt. The doors open. The men and women
    stream out, including the man in the hat.

3   EXT. PICCADILLY CIRCUS - MOMENTS LATER - DAY                                         3

    The man with the hat emerges into the light and separates
    from his fellow passengers. He glances about briefly, then
    continues on.

4   INT. CAFÉ - DAY                                                                      4

    Busy.   Loud. As a WAITRESS with          a DARK BOB crosses into view,
    we go   with her, wending as she          wends, gracefully gliding to a
    table   near the back, where she          sets a cup of something hot in
    front   of the man with the hat:          DUMBLEDORE.

                 Thank you.

                 Would you like something else?

                 No. Not just yet - I'm waiting.
                      (a frown)
                 I'm expecting someone.

    The waitress nods and turns away. Dumbledore watches her go,
    then stirs a lump of sugar into his tea, leans his head back,
    and closes his eyes. We HOLD on him like this, face in
    repose, for a long time until... a LIGHT falls over
    Dumbledore's face.

    Dumbledore opens his eyes, considers the man standing beside
    his table: GRINDELWALD.

                 Would this be one of your regular


4   CONTINUED:                                                                         4
                 I don't have any regular haunts.

    For a moment, Grindelwald studies him, then sits in the seat

                 Let me see it.

    Dumbledore stares at him, then slowly brings a hand into view
    and reveals: the BLOOD TROTH. As he cradles it, its chain
    slowly slithers between Dumbledore's fingers, as if alive.

                           GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                 Sometimes I imagine I still feel it
                 around my neck, I carried it for so
                 many years. How does it feel around

                 We can free each other of it.

    Grindelwald ignores this, glancing about the room.
                 Love to chatter, don't they, our
                 Muggle friends. Though one must
                 admit: They make a good cup of tea.

                 What you're doing is madness-

                 It's what we said we'd do.

    I was young. I was--                                    GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                                                   --committed. To me. To us.
                           DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                 No. I went along because-


                 Because I was in love with you.

    They stare into each other's eyes, then Dumbledore looks away


4   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                   4
                 Yes. But that's not why you went
                 along. It was you who said we could
                 reshape the world, that it was our

    Grindelwald settles back, eyes narrow. INHALES.

                           GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                 Can you smell it? The stench? Do
                 you really intend to turn your back
                 on your own kind for these animals?

    Dumbledore's eyes shift, meet Grindelwald's steely gaze.

                           GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                 With or without you, I will burn
                 down their world, Albus. There's
                 nothing you can do to stop me.
                 Enjoy your cup of tea.

    As Grindelwald exits, a LOW RUMBLE begins. Dumbledore stares
    down at his teacup, watches it faintly TREMBLE on the hard
    surface of the table. As the liquid within QUIVERS, he seems
    to get lost in it.

    We go to flames, holding for some time, until we are in...

5   INT. DUMBLEDORE'S ROOM - HOGWARTS - MORNING                                          5

    We find Dumbledore standing at his window, eyes closed. As we
    slowly pull focus to him, his eyes open, and we are back in
    the present.

    He holds the blood troth, the chain coiled around his wrist.

6   EXT. LAKE - TIANZI MOUNTAINS - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                     6

    A vast, beautiful landscape. Under a low moon, limestone
    pillars rise majestically out of the water in the shadow of a
    MOUNTAIN - the Angel Eye.

    NEWT paddles across the lake.

7   EXT. TIANZI MOUNTAINS - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                        7
    Feet delicately step ashore, leaving the bobbing boat behind,
    and we reveal NEWT SCAMANDER.


7   CONTINUED:                                                                       7
    Lakes and tributaries fall away behind as he starts an ascent
    through the bamboo forest.

    The distant cry of an animal echoes evocatively across the
    landscape. Newt listens for a moment. PICKETT, atop Newt's
    shoulder, listens too.

                 She's ready.

8   EXT. HOLLOW - TIANZI MOUNTAINS - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                               8

    Newt moves rapidly but carefully toward the mouth of a great
    cathedral- like cave. As he draws close, something stirs
    inside, half hidden in shadow.

9   EXT. HOLLOW - TIANZI MOUNTAINS - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                               9

    Newt tenderly reaches out to stroke the back of the animal as
    she rolls gently, and we see she's a QILIN: part dragon, part
    horse, powerful but with a sweetness to her. She's breathing
    fast, her skin flecking and twitching, insects and bits of
    jungle and dust caked into her hide.

    She lets out another cry.

    A GOLDEN LIGHT begins to suffuse the ground beneath her. Newt
    smiles, entranced. Slowly, slithering out from beneath the
    mother, a BABY QILIN appears, beautiful and fragile, its eyes
    blinking blindly. SNIFFING curiously, it softly BLEATS, its
    tiny body pulsing with GOLDEN LIGHT, briefly illuminating
    Newt's and Pickett's faces as they peer down at it.

    Newt steps back, watches as the mother Qilin licks the baby
    clean as it shivers and stumbles around.

                      (off Pickett's look)
                 Right, you two. Now the tricky bit.

    Newt reaches down for his case, opening it gently. We see a
    photo of TINA pinned inside the lid.

    Through the deep undergrowth figures approach, wands being

    ...ACOLYTES ROSIER and CARROW approaching, eyes hungrily on
    the baby Qilin.


9   CONTINUED:                                                                       9
    With a WHOOSH Rosier and Carrow raise their wands, firing
    SPELLS, flaying the mother Qilin's hide. She sways drunkenly,
    BELLOWING into the night, and then - her legs betraying her -


    Newt sends a defensive spell back and it blooms into a
    shield, but it's too late.

    Glancing back to see a DARK FIGURE emerge between the other
    Acolytes: CREDENCE, looking older, more assured, as he
    strikes through Newt's shield with his wand.

    Newt points his wand at his case.

                                NEWT (CONT'D)

    The case flies across into his hand.

    Credence breaks through the shield as Newt pitches himself
    over the rim of the hollow, dropping down a treacherous slope
    as he jumps, stumbles, and trips through the undergrowth.
    A THWACK of a spell from behind, splintering BAMBOO around
    him, SENDS his case tumbling from his hands.

    Up ahead we see the baby Qilin standing in the undergrowth,
    frightened and fragile.

    Newt picks up the pace, LOOKS ACROSS TO SEE...

    ...legs pop out of the CASE as it bumps and bounces downhill,
    steering it back toward him.

    Carrow jets toward Newt, hands outstretched for the baby
    Qilin. Newt counters, sending her flying backward.

    THWACK! Another SPELL whistles over Newt's head just as he
    ducks and sweeps his arm around the baby Qilin, scooping her
    up, and in that moment another incoming spell HITS HIM and
    sends him flying off HIGH GROUND AND DOWN.

    FROM BENEATH, Newt's body plunges deep into swirling water.

    On the foaming surface, Pickett's head pops up, swimming
    parallel to the shore, WORRIED at the sight of Newt's
    unconscious body drifting to a stop on the opposite



9   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                   9 reveal that we are at the base of a series of
    beautiful, cascading waterfalls that spill down from the
    Angel Eye.

    For a moment, Newt lies in a dreamlike state, blinking up
    into the sky. Finally, he raises his head.


    ...ZABINI holds a sack while Rosier reaches over and collects
    the baby Qilin, shoving it roughly into the sack. WHOOSH! In
    an instant, they are gone.

    Newt prizes himself up.

    We CUT TO:

    ...Newt stumbling back toward the hollow, one arm wrapped
    about his case. He reaches the crest of the hollow. The
    mother Qilin lies in shadow, unmoving. Newt collapses against
    the mother Qilin's motionless body. His chest heaves

                           NEWT (CONT'D)
                 I'm so sorry.

    Newt squints upward, considering the empty sky. His eyelids
    grow heavy... sleep beckoning... his chest rising more
    steadily... when:

    His face BLOOMS SOFTLY with light.

    His eyes flutter open. The earth beneath him is BLOOMING.

    Turning, he studies the mother Qilin, watching as the flesh
    surrounding her eye TWITCHES and...

    ...a SOFT, MURMURING BLEAT breaks the silence. As the LIGHT
    at his back BLOOMS BRIGHTER, Newt turns, watching as...

    ...a SECOND BABY QILIN wriggles into view. As it slips free,
    it peers around uncertainly, then meets Newt's eyes. Newt
    smiles before the Qilin wriggles into his arms. He turns back
    to the mother... then stops.

                           NEWT (CONT'D)
                 Twins. You've had twins...

    As he watches, a TEAR trickles from her eye, her PUPIL
    DILATING. Newt's face falls. He rolls back against the
    mother's lifeless body.


9    CONTINUED: (3)                                                                   9
     Slowly, Pickett pokes his head out of Newt's pocket, staring
     at the baby Qilin with wonder.

     Newt nods to the case and Pickett hops to, pausing over one
     of the latches, looking back for guidance.

     Still clasping the Qilin, Newt unfastens one latch while
     Pickett flips open the other.

     TEDDY pops his head out, seeing Newt and then looking across
     at the baby Qilin.

     From deep below, in the belly of the case, we follow the
     leggy limbs of a WYVERN as it climbs upward toward the sky,
     past the picture of TINA GOLDSTEIN stuck to the inside of the
     case lid, and then Teddy before emerging UP AND OUT of the
     case into the Angel Eye itself.

     The Wyvern's body starts to expand magically and beautifully
     before us. With his last bit of strength, Newt gathers the
     Qilin close, pulling it within the folds of his coat.
     Shivering, it bleats softly in his arms.

     The tail of the Wyvern wraps around Newt, and he and the baby
     Qilin are lifted gently into the air.

     The Wyvern ascends high into the sky, its great majestic
     wings expanding gracefully as it carries Newt and the baby
     Qilin over the expansive waterfalls and toward the horizon,
     which glimmers faintly with the day's first light.



10   EXT. CASTLE ENTRANCE/COURTYARD - NURMENGARD - MORNING                            10

     We DRIFT, watching Grindelwald leave the castle as the
     Acolytes Apparate into the far end of the courtyard.

     Credence separates from the others.

     Grindelwald's eyes are fixed on the sack in Credence's hand.
     Rosier hovers - silent, watchful. Grindelwald steps forward.

                  Leave us.

     The Acolytes withdraw wordlessly. One or two glance back,
     aware that Credence is now the favorite. Alone with Credence
     now, Grindelwald nods to the sack.


10   CONTINUED:                                                                      10
                                 GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Show me.

     Grindelwald takes the Qilin and peers deeply into its damp
     eyes. PHLEGM drizzles from its quivering nose.

                  The others. They said it's special.

                  Oh, it's beyond special. See, see
                  its eyes? Those eyes see
                  everything. When a Qilin is born, a
                  righteous leader will rise, to
                  change our world forever. Her birth
                  brings change, Credence, to

     Credence eyes the Qilin quizzically.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  You did well.

     Grindelwald places his hand on Credence's cheek. Credence
     covers Grindelwald's hand with his own, tentatively, as if
     unfamiliar with such intimate touch.

                                 GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Go. Rest.

11   INT. DRAWING ROOM - SAME TIME - MORNING                                          11

     QUEENIE watches Credence disappear from view, then returns
     her attention to Grindelwald, who gently lowers the Qilin to
     the flagstones, eyeing it with evident fascination.

     Reaching out, he gently lifts it to its feet, steadying it,
     then positions himself in front of it. For a moment, nothing.
     Then, slowly, the Qilin's head lifts, its weary gaze meeting
     Grindelwald's expectant one. Then... turns away. Grindelwald's face hardens. He picks up the
     Qilin and cradles it in his arms. He reaches into his pocket,
     something GLIMMERING briefly as he withdraws his hand.
     Grindelwald's arm rises and...

     ...blood spatters the flagstones, the glimmering blade in
     Grindelwald's hand running red. Queenie's breath catches -
     almost too softly to hear.

     A VISION appears in the pooling blood, of TWO FIGURES, seen
     from on high, WALKING in the snow.


11   CONTINUED:                                                                     11
     We CUT TO:

12   EXT. HOGSMEADE - DAY                                                            12

     Newt and THESEUS trudge through the snow, past TATTY POSTERS

                  I don't suppose you'd like to tell
                  me what this is about, would you?

                  He just asked that we meet. And
                  that I be sure to bring you.


     Theseus studies Newt as they walk ahead into HOGSMEADE.

13   INT. HOG'S HEAD - MOMENTS LATER - DAY                                           13

     The bearded proprietor (ABERFORTH DUMBLEDORE) runs a dirty
     rag over the MIRROR behind the bar, his suspicious gaze
     shifting as Newt and Theseus, in REFLECTION, enter. As they
     glance about the squalid surroundings, he continues to clean.

                  Here to meet my brother, I expect?

     Newt steps forward.

                  We're here to see Albus Dumbledore.

     Aberforth eyes them once more in the mirror, then turns.

                  That would be my brother.

                  Oh. Sorry, um... brilliant. I'm
                  Newt Scamander and this is-

     As Newt extends his hand, Aberforth turns away.

                  Up the stairs. First on the left.

     Newt stands with his hand extended another moment, then nods
     and turns back to Theseus, who raises his eyebrows.


14   INT. UPPER ROOM - HOG'S HEAD - CONTINUOUS - DAY                                  14

                  Has Newt told you why you're here?

                  Was he meant to?

     Dumbledore eyes Theseus, clocking the mild challenge in his

                  No, as a matter of fact.

     Theseus's eyes shift to Newt, who struggles to hold his gaze.

                  There's something we - that,
                  Dumbledore - wishes to speak to you
                  about. A proposal.

     Theseus considers his brother, then Dumbledore.

                  All right.

     Dumbledore, having crossed the room, takes the BLOOD TROTH
     from a table and dangles it in the firelight.

                  You know what this is, of course.

                  Newt had it in Paris. I can't say I
                  have much experience with such
                  things, but it looks to be a blood

                  That would be correct.

                  And whose blood is contained

                       (a beat)
                  And Grindelwald's.

                  I'm assuming that's why you can't
                  move against him?


14   CONTINUED:                                                                      14
                  Yes. Nor he against me.

     Theseus nods, eyeing the troth, watching as the droplets of
     blood circle one another like weights in a clock.

                  Can I ask what would possess you to
                  make such a thing?

                  Love. Arrogance. Naivete. Pick your
                  poison. We were young. We were
                  going to transform the world. This
                  ensured we would. Even if one of us
                  had a change of heart.

                  And what would happen if you were
                  to fight him?

     Newt eyes Dumbledore expectantly, but he remains mute,
     staring at the troth.

                  It's really quite beautiful, you
                  have to admit. Were I even to think
                  about defying it...

     The blood troth flashes red and flies free, caroming off the
     floor and to the wall. As he draws his wand, taking aim, the
     troth's chain, still tethered to his arm, constricts,
     burrowing deep into his flesh.

     As Newt and Theseus look on, Dumbledore begins to approach
     the troth where it grinds into the wall, a strange smile
     coming over his face, as if he were in thrall to it.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  It knows, you see...

     Dumbledore stares, transfixed. The chain causes the veins in
     his hand to swell, bulging monstrously. Grimacing, the wand
     tumbles from his fingers.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  It senses the betrayal in my
     Newt's gaze shifts to the DROPS of BLOOD, now circling one
     another more frantically within the troth.


14   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  14
     Dumbledore continues to stare at the troth as it trembles
     more violently against the wall and the chain snakes slowly
     up his throat, encircling his neck...


     ...drawing tighter, then tighter still...

                                 NEWT (CONT'D)

     ...his eyes rolling up into his head...

                                 NEWT (CONT'D)

     The blood troth drops to the floor and then into Dumbledore's
     hand, the chain slithering from his neck and reattaching
     itself to the troth, its host. Gradually the chain loosens
     and Dumbledore's chest heaves, as if he'd just remembered to
     breathe. He opens his hand. In his palm, the troth trembles
     briefly, then goes still.
                  That would be the least of it. A
                  young man's magic, but as you can
                  see, powerful magic. It can't be

                  So this proposal. I take it the
                  Qilin has something to do with it?

     Dumbledore's eyes shift to Newt.

                  He promises he won't tell a soul.

     Dumbledore turns back to Theseus, answers his question.

                  If we are to defeat him, the Qilin
                  is only part of it. The world as we
                  know it is coming undone. Gellert
                  is pulling it apart with hate,
                  bigotry. Things that seem
                  unimaginable today will seem
                  inevitable tomorrow if we don't
                  stop him. Should you agree to do
                  what I ask, you'll have to trust
                  me. Even when every instinct tells
                  you not to.


14   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  14
     Theseus eyes Newt. Finally, he looks up into Dumbledore's
     gaze once more.

                  Let's hear it.

15   INT. CREDENCE'S ROOM - NURMENGARD - DAY                                          15

     Credence's face comes into frame. He meets his own eyes in
     the glass, then raises a hand. As he watches, a fly crawls
     along his arm. He watches, transfixed, then his eyes shift.

     Queenie stands in the doorway.

                  Does he send you? To spy on me?

                  No. But he asks. What you're
                  thinking. What you're feeling.

                  And the others? Does he ask you
                  what they're thinking and feeling?

                  Yes. But it's mostly you.

                  And do you tell him?

     She starts to reply, then falters. As the veins in his hand
     lighten, returning to normal, Credence turns, looking at
     Queenie directly for the first time.

                                 CREDENCE (CONT'D)
                  You do?

     He smiles but there is something unnerving about it.

                            CREDENCE (CONT'D)
                  Who's reading whose mind now?
                       (smile vanishing)
                  Tell me what you see.

     She eyes him, then:

                  You're a Dumbledore. It's an
                  important family - you know this
                  because he's told you.


15   CONTINUED:                                                                      15
                            QUEENIE (CONT'D)
                  He's also told you that they
                  abandoned you, that you were a
                  dirty secret. He says Dumbledore
                  abandoned him too and he knows how
                  you feel. And for that reason...
                  for that reason, he's asked you to
                  kill him.

     Credence's smile has curdled.

                  I want you to go now, Queenie.

     She nods, makes to exit, then, at the door, stops.

                  I don't. Tell him. Not always. Not

     She withdraws, closing the door quietly. Credence stands,
     unmoving for a moment, then the mirror catches his eye.
     Slowly, as if drawn by an invisible hand, LETTERS begin to
     MATERIALIZE on the SURFACE of the glass.

     ...FORGIVE ME...

     Credence looks unsurprised. Stepping forward, he raises his
     own hand... and wipes the mirror clean.

16   EXT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - LOWER EAST SIDE - PREDAWN                               16

     A battered metal window shutter RATTLES upward, revealing the
     sad and lonely figure of JACOB KOWALSKI standing outside in
     the chill. He stares bleakly within.

17   INT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - CONTINUOUS - PREDAWN                                    17

     The oven door opens to reveal Jacob as he checks that it is
     still lit.

     He grabs a BRISTLED BRUSH and, stepping to the front window,
     begins to sweep up yesterday's crumbs, chasing off the
     occasional ROACH.




18   CONTINUED:                                                                     18
     A blanket of white icing. An ALTAR made of spun sugar. And
     two TINY FIGURINES: A BRIDE, poised before the altar. The
     GROOM, lying facedown in a drift of icing.

     Jacob delicately takes the groom when - BRINNNG! - the shop
     BELL sounds. He lays the groom back down on the icing.

19   INT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - MOMENTS LATER - PREDAWN                                19

     Jacob emerges, apron on his shoulder, stops cold.

                  Hey, we're closed--

     A WOMAN is peering into the far pastry case.

                                 JACOB (CONT'D)

     The woman turns, beams. Queenie.

                  Hi, sweetie.
     Jacob approaches.

                            QUEENIE (CONT'D)
                  Honey, look at your bakery, it's
                  like a ghost town.

                  Yeah, well, I... I... missed you.

     Tears well in Jacob's eyes.

                  Oh, baby. Come here... Come here.

     She enfolds him in her arms. He closes his eyes.

                            QUEENIE (CONT'D)
                  Everything's going to be all right.
                  Everything's going to be just


     He opens his eyes. Looks at his empty arms. Sighs. Through
     the grimy front window he catches sight of a shy-looking
     young woman (LALLY HICKS) sitting on the bus bench across the


20   EXT. BUS STOP - LOWER EAST SIDE - CONTINUOUS - PREDAWN                          20

     Lally begins to read. In the near distance, we see THREE
     WORKMEN approaching.

     One of the men separates from the others.

                            WORKMAN 1
                  Hey, sweetheart. What brings you

     Lally continues to read her book.

                  I really hope you didn't spend all
                  day coming up with that.

     The man is a little taken aback by Lally, who remains
     absorbed in the book in her lap.

                            WORKMAN 1
                  Oh, you want scary? Is that what
                  you want?

     The workman waits expectantly as Lally studies him solemnly.

                  You know what it is, you just
                  aren't menacing enough.

                            WORKMAN 1
                  I think I'm plenty menacing. Am I
                  not menacing?

     He turns to his two cohorts, who seem uncertain.

                  Maybe if you waved your arms
                  around. You know, like a crazy man.
                  Then you'd appear more menacing.

     As the workman continues to gesticulate wildly, Lally leans
     slightly to her left, peering across the street.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  That's good, a little more.

21   INT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - CONTINUOUS - PREDAWN                                   21

     Jacob squints, watching as the workman looming over Lally
     begins to wave his arms.


22   EXT. BUS STOP - LOWER EAST SIDE - CONTINUOUS - PREDAWN                           22

                  That's it. Keep going, keep going.
                  Perfect. Three, two, one...

                                 JACOB (O.S.)

     Jacob comes crashing out of the bakery in a cloud of Colonial
     Girl flour, BANGING the FRYING PAN with a METAL SPOON as he
     strides across the street. The three workmen circle away from
     Lally, start toward Jacob.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  That's enough. Get outta here...

                            WORKMAN 1
                  What's on your mind, baker boy?

                  Ah, jeez. You should be ashamed of
     Lally watches carefully as the three men close in on Jacob,
     never taking her eyes from them.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Tell you what, I'll give you the
                  first shot, go ahead-

                            WORKMAN 1
                  Are you sure?


     Workman 1 drops. Jacob freezes. Seconds later the FRYING PAN
     comes clattering down to earth as he drops it.

     The first workman rolls up into a sitting position, rubs his

                            WORKMAN 1 (CONT'D)
                  Last time I ever help that woman
                  out again... Lally!

     Lally touches her wand to her sad little bob and - in quick
     succession - her lustrous hair spills forth, the spectacles
     vanish, and her dowdy dress and stiff collared shirt
     transform into smartly tailored slacks and a soft, flowing


22   CONTINUED:                                                                      22
                  Whoopsie, Frank. Sometimes I forget
                  my own strength. I'll take it from
                  here. Thank you!

                                 WORKMAN 3

                            WORKMAN 2
                  Catch you later, Lally...

                  Bye, Stanley, I'll be over for a
                  game of Befuddler Dudley soon.

                                 WORKMAN 2
                  All right.

                  That's my cousin Stanley. He's a

     Instantly, Jacob picks up the frying pan and begins to back
     away, shaking his head.


                  Please, it's early, don't make me
                  work for it.

                  I said I wanted out. And I want

                  Come now, Mr. Kowalski-

     Jacob enters the bakery.

                  My therapist said you wizards don't
                  exist. What a waste of money!

     Lally magically appears standing opposite him inside the
     bakery, chewing on a cinnamon bun.

                  You do know I'm a witch, right?


22   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  22
                  Yeah. Look. You seem like a really
                  nice witch, but you don't know what
                  I've been through with you people -
                  so could you please get out of my

     Jacob opens the door and gestures for Lally to leave. When
     she continues to talk, he leaves the shop, still carrying the
     frying pan. Lally follows him.

                       (in one long stream)
                  A little over a year ago, in the
                  hopes of securing a small business
                  loan, you walked through the doors
                  of the Steen National Bank -
                  located about six blocks from here -
                  you then made the acquaintance of
                  one Newt Scamander, the world's
                  foremost - albeit only -
                  Magizoologist, you then learned of
                  a world you had previously been
                  wholly unaware of, you met and fell
                  in love with a witch named Queenie
                  Goldstein, had your brain wiped by
                  means of Obliviation, only it
                  didn't take, and - as a result -
                  you reunited with Miss Goldstein
                  who - after your refusal to marry
                  her - decided to join Gellert
                  Grindelwald and his dark army of
                  followers, who pose the single
                  greatest threat to your world and
                  ours in four centuries. How did I

     Jacob sits down and just stares.

                  Yeah. That's good. Except for the
                  part about Queenie going over to
                  the dark side. I mean, yeah, she's
                  cuckoo, but she's got a heart
                  bigger than this whole crazy island
                  and she's so smart, she can
                  legitimately read your brain, she's
                  a whatchamacallit--

                  A Legilimens.


22   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  22

     Jacob sighs, stands, and begins to walk toward the bakery.
     After a moment, he turns back to Lally.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Look. You see this, you see the
                       (holding up the frying
                  That's me. I'm the pan. I'm all
                  dented. Dime a dozen. I'm just a
                  schmo. I don't know what crazy
                  ideas you have in your head there,
                  lady, but I'm sure as hell you can
                  do a lot better than me. Goodbye.

     Jacob turns and hobbles slowly toward the dim lights of the

                  I don't think we can, Mr. Kowalski.
     He stops but doesn't turn.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  You could've ducked under the
                  counter, but you didn't. You
                  could've looked the other way, but
                  you didn't. In fact you were
                  willing to put yourself in danger
                  to save a perfect stranger. Seems
                  to me you're just the kind of
                  average joe the world needs right
                  now. You just don't know it yet -
                  that's why I had to show you.
                  We need you, Mr. Kowalski.

     Jacob looks at the wedding cake in the bakery and makes his
     decision. He turns to face Lally.

                  All right. Call me Jacob.

                  Call me Lally.
                  Lally. I gotta lock up.


22   CONTINUED: (4)                                                                  22
     Lally waves her wand. The door closes, the lights turn out,
     and the shutters fall over the bakery. Jacob's clothes

                                 JACOB (CONT'D)

                  Much better, Jacob.

     Lally lets the book slip free of her fingers and, boards
     flapping, it softly flutters in the air, where the pages
     begin to turn.

     As she extends her hand, the pages riffle faster and faster,
     then explode from the binding, dispersing into the air like a
     kaleidoscope of butterflies.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  I believe you know how this works,

     As their hands touch, the cyclone of pages descends,
     engulfing them and - SWOOSH! - they VANISH. Seconds later,
     the pages flutter back into the binding of the book.

     Seconds after that... all that is left are a few stray pages
     that float to the ground.

23   EXT. GERMAN COUNTRYSIDE - DAY                                                    23

     The TRAIN wends through the Brandenburg countryside. We focus
     in on the CARRIAGE at the tail of the train.

24   INT. MAGICAL TRAIN CARRIAGE - DAY                                                24

     YUSUF KAMA stands by the window watching the snowy
     countryside roll past. Newt and Theseus are by a ROARING
     FIRE, a copy of the Daily Prophet in Theseus's hand. On
     Theseus's copy we see:


     Who Will Triumph? Liu or Santos?

     Directly below, a pair of PHOTOGRAPHS show the CANDIDATES
     themselves: LIU TAO and VICÊNCIA SANTOS.
     On the back page, Grindelwald's WANTED poster.


24   CONTINUED:                                                                      24
                  What are they saying at the
                  Ministry? Liu or Santos?

                  Officially the Ministry takes no
                  position. Unofficially? The smart
                  money's on Santos. But anyone would
                  be better than Vogel.


     Kama's gaze alights on Grindelwald. Theseus clocks it.

                  I don't believe he's on the ballot,
                  Kama. He also happens to be a

                  Is there a difference?

     Just then, the FIRE SPUTTERS, turning faintly GREEN, and
     Jacob stumbles over the hearth. He still holds the frying

                  Spinning. Always with the spinning.

                  Jacob! Welcome! You brilliant man.
                  I was absolutely sure Professor
                  Hicks would convince you!

                  You know me, pal. Can't pass up a
                  good Portkey.

     Just then, the grate sputters again and, seconds later, Lally
     strides easily out of the fire, clutching the book.

                  Mr. Scamander?

                  Professor Hicks?

                  At long last.


24   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  24
                       (to the others)
                  Professor Hicks--
                       (catching himself)
                  and I have corresponded for many
                  years, but we've never actually
                  met. Her book on Advanced Charm
                  Casting is a must-read.

                  Newt is far too kind. Fantastic
                  Beasts is required reading for all
                  my fifth-years.

                  Now, well, let me make
                  introductions. This is Bunty
                  Broadacre, my indispensable
                  assistant for the past seven years--


     Two adolescent Nifflers sit on Bunty's shoulders.

                             BUNTY (CONT'D)
                  ...years and a hundred and sixty-
                  four days.

                  As you can see: indispensable. And
                  this is--

                  Yusuf Kama. Pleasure.

                  And you've obviously already made
                  Jacob's acquaintance-

     Theseus CLEARS HIS THROAT. Newt stares blankly at him.
     Theseus raises his eyebrows.


                  Oh, yes. Sorry. This is my brother,
                  Theseus. And he works for the


24   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  24
                  Actually, Head of the British Auror

                  Ah. Well, I'll have to ensure my
                  wand registration is up to date.

     Lally grins.

                  Yes. Although, strictly speaking,
                  that doesn't fall within my purview-

     Newt turns suddenly and walks to the back of the carriage.
     The others follow.

                  All right, then. I imagine you're
                  all wondering why you find
                  yourselves here.

     General consensus all around.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  And in anticipation of that,
                  Dumbledore asked that I convey a
                  message: Grindelwald has the
                  ability to see snatches of the
                  future. So we have to assume that
                  he'll be able to anticipate what we
                  do before we do it. So if we hope
                  to defeat him, and to save our
                  world... to save your world,
                  Jacob... then our best hope is to
                  confuse him.

     As Newt concludes, he is greeted with... silence.

                  Excuse me? I'm sorry, how do you
                  confuse a guy who can see the


                  Exactly. The best plan being no

                  Or many overlapping plans.

      Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore     FINAL Shooting Script    03/21/2022
24   CONTINUED: (4)                                                                    24
                  Thus, confusion.

                  It's working on me right now.

                  In fact, Dumbledore asked that I
                  give you something, Jacob.

     The others stand by as Newt draws forth from his sleeve - a
     bit like an amateur magician - a WAND.

                  NEWT (CONT'D)
     It's snakewood. It's somewhat                              JACOB
     rare--                                         Are you kidding me right now?
                                                    Is this thing real?
                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Yes, well, it doesn't have a core,
                  so sort of - but yes.

                  Sort of real?
                  More importantly, where we're
                  going, you'll need it.

     Jacob takes the wand, stares at it in awe. Newt begins to
     search his pockets.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Now there's something for you too,
                  I think, Theseus-

     Again, the others wait in anticipation. Newt - truly like a
     magician this time - tries to draw out something from inside
     his coat - but something tugs it back. Newt wrestles for a
     moment, gives it an extra tug, addressing an inside pocket...

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Teddy, please let go. Teddy, please
                  let go. Teddy. Will you behave.
                  This is Theseus's...

     With a decisive yank, Teddy caroms across the carriage where
     he is caught by Jacob. A piece of fabric falls to the floor.
     Jacob and Teddy stare at each other.


24   CONTINUED: (5)                                                                  24
     Newt bends down to pick up the piece of fabric. It is a
     GLITTERING RED TIE patterned with a GOLDEN PHOENIX. He stands
     and hands it to Theseus, who takes it and turns it over.

                  Well, of course, now everything
                  makes sense.

                  Lally, Lally, I believe you were
                  given some reading material...

                  You know what they say, a book can
                  take you around the world and back -
                  all you have to do is open it.

                       (popping Teddy down)
                  She ain't kidding.

                  Bunty. That's for you. I'm told
                  it's for your eyes only.

     Newt fishes out a small folded SQUARE of PAPER and hands it
     to Bunty. As she opens it, she visibly reacts, but before she
     can give it a second read, it catches fire and incinerates.

                                 NEWT (CONT'D)

                  I have what I need.

                  What about Tina? Is Tina coming?

                  Tina's... not available. Tina's...
                  been promoted. She's... very, very
                        (a beat)
                  From what I understand.

                  Tina's been made Head of the
                  American Auror Office. We know each
                  other well, she's quite a
                  remarkable woman.

     Newt stands for a moment, eyeing Lally, then:


24   CONTINUED: (6)                                                                  24
                  She is.

                  So this is the team that's going to
                  stop the most dangerous wizard
                  we've faced in over a century? A
                  Magizoologist, his indispensable
                  assistant, a schoolteacher, a
                  wizard descended from a very old
                  French family... and a Muggle, a
                  baker, with his fake wand.

                  Hey. We got you too, pal. And his
                  wand works.

     Jacob knocks back a drink and...

                  True. Who wouldn't like our

     ...giggles, and we CUT TO:

25   EXT. TRAIN STATION - BERLIN - EVENING                                            25

     Frigid Berliners stand stiffly on the platform as the train
     RUMBLES into the station.

26   INT. MAGICAL TRAIN CARRIAGE - EVENING                                            26

     Newt, kneeling by his case, finishes feeding the Qilin and
     gently snaps the case shut.

                  You're all right, little one.

                  Berlin... Wonderful.

     Newt turns, sees Lally standing by the adjacent window,
     looking out. One man (TALL AUROR) stands out for both his
     height and demeanor.

     The train ceases its movement, engine HISSING. The others
     begin to collect their things. Kama is first to the door.

                  Kama, stay safe.


26   CONTINUED:                                                                      26
     Kama pauses, locks eyes briefly with Theseus, then nods. As
     he exits, a CHILL WIND fills the carriage. Bunty appears at
     Newt's side.

                  I must be going too now, Newt.

     Newt begins to reply, then stops, looks down, sees that
     Bunty's hand is entwined with his own on the case's handle.

                            BUNTY (CONT'D)
                  No one can know everything. Not
                  even you.

     He looks up at her, but she says nothing more. Finally, he
     releases the handle.

     As she goes, Newt clocks Theseus and Jacob watching him.
     Turning away, Newt looks back out the window, watching as
     Kama and Bunty head in opposite directions.

27   EXT. STREET - BERLIN - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                     27
     A LIGHT SNOW FALLS as Jacob, Newt, Lally, and Theseus move
     through the street.

                  Right... Well, here it is.

     Newt leads them into an alleyway toward a BRICK WALL bearing
     a CREST. As the others stride toward the wall, Jacob glances
     from side to side and up and about when...


     ...the four of them have passed through to the other side.
     Jacob frowns and sees the same brick wall and the same crest -
     only depicted from the back.

     Shrugging, Jacob looks forward and sees - emblazoned on
     MASSIVE BANNERS looming over the street - the face of a
     looms, surrounded by SUPPORTERS of Liu and Santos.

                  The German Ministry of Magic.


                  I take it we're here for a reason.


27   CONTINUED:                                                                      27
                  Yes. We have a tea ceremony to
                  attend. And if we don't hurry up,
                  we'll be late.

     As Newt heads off, Theseus and Lally exchange a glance, then
     follow. Jacob continues to trip along, glancing about in awe.

                                 LALLY (O.S.)

     He looks, sees Lally gesturing.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  Stay with the group.

     As Jacob hurries off, he passes a moving WANTED poster of
     Grindelwald staring out, following Jacob's every move.

     Jacob can't help but warily hold Grindelwald's gaze.

28   EXT. STEPS - GERMAN MINISTRY - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                             28
     BANNERS in the air in an exuberant but peaceful display of
     partisan passion. Newt and the others weave their way toward
     the steps.

     As Theseus leads the others through the throng and toward the
     Ministry entrance, one of the GERMAN AURORS stationed along
     the perimeter tries to impede Lally and Jacob from ascending
     the steps.

                  Evening, Helmut.


                  Hey. They're with me.

     The Auror blocking them sees Theseus, and his eyes flicker
     with recognition. He glances to the COMMANDING AUROR (HELMUT)
     overseeing all at the top of the stairs, who nods.

     Theseus leads the others up.
     Just then, the mob surges. Rosier and Carrow are pushing
     forward through a group of Santos supporters to the
     concussive beat of drums.


28   CONTINUED:                                                                      28
     Rosier nods to Carrow, who raises her wand. A bolt of fire
     strikes a Santos banner. As Santos's face turns to ash, the
     mood becomes suddenly dark, with much pushing and bumping.


     throughout the magnificent room. Theseus walks alongside
     Newt, who is glancing about conspicuously, as if searching
     for someone.

                  I take it we're not here for the
                  finger sandwiches?

                  No. I have a message to deliver.

                  A message? To who?

     Newt stops. Looking. Theseus follows his gaze.

     At the opposite end of the room, Anton Vogel, the benign
     wizard glimpsed on the STREET BANNERS, presses the flesh
     while a phalanx of BODYGUARDS shadows his every step, and a
     FEMALE ATTACHÉ (FISCHER) keeps him moving.

                            THESEUS (CONT'D)
                  You are joking.


     As Newt heads in their direction, Theseus follows and we CUT


                  What are we even doing here? Let's
                  go outside. I'm not very good in
                  these situations.

                  These situations?

                  With all the people. The fancy


29   CONTINUED:                                                                      29

     Jacob jumps, finds an elderly matron (EDITH) on his elbow.

                            EDITH (CONT'D)
                  I saw you enter the room and I
                  thought to myself, "Edith, that's
                  an interesting-looking man."

                  Jacob Kowalski. How are you? Very
                  nice to meet you.

                  And where is it that you hail from,
                  Mr. Kowalski?


     Edith nods slowly and we CUT TO:


     Newt, trailed by Theseus, approaches Vogel and his

                  Herr Vogel, I wonder if I could
                  have a word-

     Vogel turns at the sound of Newt's voice.

                  Merlin's beard! It's Mr. Scamander,
                  isn't it?

                  Herr Vogel...

     The bodyguards loom. Theseus looms. Vogel stares long at
     Newt, then waves his hand, signaling the bodyguards to stand
     down. As they step aside for privacy, Newt leans close.
                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  I have a message from a friend. And
                  it cannot wait. "Do what is right.
                  Not what is easy."


29   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  29
     Newt straightens. Vogel remains still.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  He said it was important that I
                  reach you tonight. That you hear
                  them, tonight. The words.

     Fischer appears.

                  It's time, sir.

                       (ignoring her)
                  Is he here? In Berlin?

     Newt hesitates, not sure how to respond.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  No. Of course not. Why leave
                  Hogwarts when the world outside is
                  I thank you, Mr. Scamander.
     As Fischer spirits Vogel away, she glances back at Newt.

     The sound of a SPOON AGAINST CHINA cuts through the chatter
     and all eyes turn to Fischer, standing with a teacup in hand,
     Vogel at her side. Once she has the room's attention, she
     steps aside and Vogel takes the stage. The audience applauds
     as he steps forward.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Thank you, thank you. I see many
                  familiar faces here tonight.
                  Colleagues, friends, foes...

     As the crowd CHUCKLES.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Within the next forty-eight hours,
                  you - along with the rest of the
                  wizarding world - will choose our
                  next great leader. A choice that
                  will shape our lives for
                  generations to come. I have little
                  doubt that no matter who should
                  triumph, the Confederation will be
                  in able hands. Liu Tao. Vicência


29   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  29
     As Vogel gestures to Liu Tao and Vicência Santos, who we
     recognize from the Prophet, those present APPLAUD.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  It's at moments such as these we
                  are reminded that it is this
                  peaceful transfer of power that
                  marks our humanity and demonstrates
                  to the world that, despite our
                  differences, all voices deserve to
                  be heard.

     Vogel looks off. Theseus, watching from a few yards away,
     tracks his gaze. One after another, BLACK-CLAD AURORS are
     staging themselves at each exit.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Even voices which many may find

     Theseus tracks Acolytes walking through the room.

                  Newt, any of those lot look
                  familiar to you?

     Newt follows Theseus's gaze.

                  Paris. The night that Leta...

                  They were with Grindelwald.

     Theseus tracks Rosier through the crowd. She looks back,
     almost taunting him to follow. He follows, trying to reach
     her, and Newt follows at a distance.

                  And so, after an extensive
                  investigation, the Confederation
                  has concluded that insufficient
                  evidence exists to prosecute
                  Gellert Grindelwald for the crimes
                  against the Muggle community of
                  which he was accused. He is hereby
                  absolved of all his alleged crimes.

     Newt registers what Vogel's said. Suddenly, the room explodes
     in response: outrage, scattered cheers, confusion.


29   CONTINUED: (4)                                                                  29
                  Are you kidding me? They're letting
                  the guy off? I was there! He was
                  killing people!

     A knowing hardness comes over Lally's face. Then:

                  You're under arrest! All of you!
                  Wands down!

     Theseus, wand raised, is in a tense standoff with five Dark

     A SPELL hits Theseus in the neck and he drops. Helmut
     appears, the tip of his wand smoking.

                  Nehmen Sie ihn weg.

     Two Aurors lift Theseus.

     Newt wheels and moves through the crowd in shock, as if shot

                  Theseus! Theseus!

     As Newt breaks through the crowd, Lally and Jacob arrive at
     his side.

                  Newt, Newt. Not here. Newt, we
                  don't stand a chance.

     Calmly, Helmut turns, as does the phalanx of Dark Aurors
     behind him.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  Let's go. Newt. They have the
                  German Ministry. We've got to go.

     Jacob shouts back into the room as he gets caught in the mass

                  It ain't right... it ain't right.
                  That's not justice... extended
                  investigation... Were you there...
                  I was there... you let a killer

     Lally grabs hold of him.


29   CONTINUED: (5)                                                                  29
                  We have to go! We have to go!
                  Jacob, let's go!

     The ROAR of the CROWD RISES. A BANNER of Grindelwald unfurls
     above the throng encircling the Ministry. The crowd begins to
     CHANT Grindelwald's name, their voices growing LOUDER and
     LOUDER, and we CUT TO:




30   EXT. HOGSMEADE - NIGHT                                                           30

     The storefronts are shuttered. The street a long white
     blanket. Pristine.

31   INT. UPPER ROOM - HOG'S HEAD - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                 31

     Dumbledore stands before the PAINTING of ARIANA. It's as if
     she's watching him.

32   INT. HOG'S HEAD - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                              32

     Dumbledore and Aberforth sit across from each other in the
     empty pub, eating. Their spoons dipping into the bowls in
     front of them is the sole sound for a time.

                       (the soup)
                  That's very good.

     Aberforth continues to eat.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Her favorite. Remember how she
                  begged Mother to make it - Ariana -
                  Mother claimed it calmed her. I
                  think that was wishful thinking-

     Dumbledore stops, sees his brother looking him in the eye.


32   CONTINUED:                                                                     32
                            ABERFORTH (CONT'D)
                  I was there. I grew up in the same
                  house. Everything you saw, I saw.
                       (a beat)

     Aberforth tucks back into his soup. Dumbledore studies his
     brother, burdened by the distance between them, then begins
     to return to his own bowl when - suddenly - a RAPPING is
     heard. Aberforth CALLS OUT GRUFFLY:

                            ABERFORTH (CONT'D)
                  Read the sign, you stupid sod!

     Dumbledore looks toward the FAMILIAR SHADOW beyond the
     entrance, rises.

33   INT./EXT. PUB ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                  33

     Dumbledore pulls open the door: MINERVA McGONAGALL.

                            MINERVA MCGONAGALL
                  I'm sorry to disturb you, Albus-
                  Tell me, what is it?

                            MINERVA MCGONAGALL
                  It's Berlin.

34   INT. HOG'S HEAD - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                            34

     Aberforth sits, listening to McGonagall's and Dumbledore's
     MURMURING VOICES, then - as if sensing something - turns.

     The SURFACE of the GRIMY MIRROR behind the bar is SHIMMERING

     Rising slowly, Aberforth crosses the room and stares into the
     mirror. Over his own bleary REFLECTION, WORDS EMERGE, as if
     rising to the surface of a pond:


     Aberforth considers the message for a moment, then seizes a
     nearby oily rag to wipe the mirror clean.


35   INT./EXT. PUB ENTRANCE - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                   35

     McGonagall kneads her hands fretfully. Dumbledore's face is
     serious, contemplating what he's just been told.

                  I'm going to need someone to cover
                  my morning classes, can I impose on

                            MINERVA MCGONAGALL
                  Of course. And, Albus. Please be...

                  I'll do my best.

     McGonagall starts to exit, stops, CALLS OUT.

                            MINERVA MCGONAGALL
                  Evening, Aberforth.

                            ABERFORTH (O.S.)
                  Evening, Minerva. Apologies for
                  calling you a stupid sod.

                            MINERVA MCGONAGALL
                  Apology accepted.

     McGonagall turns away then, and Dumbledore shuts the door.

36   INT. HOG'S HEAD - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                             36

     Aberforth, hearing his brother's footsteps, turns away from
     the mirror to see Dumbledore carrying his hat and coat.

                  I'm afraid I'll have to cut our
                  evening short.

                  Off to save the world, are we?

                  That will take a better man than

     Dumbledore shrugs on his coat, then stops, his gaze fixing on
     the mirror, watching as the words DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT'S LIKE
     TO BE ALONE slowly appear. As he looks away, he sees
     Aberforth staring at him.


36   CONTINUED:                                                                      36
                  Don't ask.

     The brothers stand like this, eyes locked on each other, then
     Dumbledore exits. Aberforth listens to him go, then glances
     once more into the words in the mirror.

37   EXT. COURTYARD - NURMENGARD CASTLE - SAME TIME - NIGHT                           37

     The glowing PHOENIX sweeps through the air to catch a crust
     of bread. Credence stands below, his face suffused with a
     quiet joy as he watches it.


     Grindelwald stands at a large window. As he watches the
     Phoenix, a vision of Dumbledore surfaces on the glass, then
     slowly gives way to Kama. He studies it, eyes fixed, when
     Rosier appears.

                  There are thousands in the streets.
                  Chanting your name. You're a free

     Grindelwald nods.

                  Tell the others to prepare to


                  Tomorrow. We'll have a visitor in
                  the morning.

     Through the window, the Phoenix comes briefly into view,
     shedding ash. Grindelwald peers down into the courtyard where
     Credence stands.

                  Why does it stay with him?

                  It must sense what he's about to


38   CONTINUED:                                                                      38
                  And you're sure? That he can kill

                  His pain is his power.

     Rosier looks at Grindelwald.

39   INT. GERMAN MINISTRY OFFICE - CONTINUOUS - MORNING                               39

     Newt, Lally, and Jacob chase a MINISTRY OFFICIAL down a

                  The man that I'm inquiring about is
                  the Head of the British Auror
                  Office! How can you have misplaced
                  the Head of the British Auror

     The official, turning to face him, stares placidly at Newt.

                            MINISTRY OFFICIAL
                  It's our contention that since he
                  was never in our custody, we never
                  misplaced him.

                  Sir. There were dozens of people
                  there. Any one of them can

                            MINISTRY OFFICIAL
                  And your name is?

     The official looks into Lally's eyes when:

                  Let's get out of here... Hey! Wait!
                  That's the guy-

     Newt and Lally turn. Through the glass corridor, Helmut can
     be seen emerging from an office in the company of the Tall
     Auror we first saw on the train platform.

     Jacob gestures for the official to follow him.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Come here! Come here!

     Jacob, Lally, and Newt rush to the door.


39   CONTINUED:                                                                      39
                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Excuse me! Hey! That's the guy. He
                  knows where Theseus is. Hello!
                  Where's Theseus!

     Helmut continues walking, ignoring them all.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  That's him - he knows about

     Suddenly, a sheet of glass slides down from above like a

40   EXT. GERMAN MINISTRY - MOMENTS LATER - MORNING                                   40

     As Newt, Jacob, and Lally slip out of a side entrance, Lally


     Newt and Jacob look back, see a GLOVE floating in midair. The
     GLOVE points around the corner. Newt walks forward and
     catches the glove in his hand. Then, following a second
     glove, Newt approaches a figure behind a pillar. Dumbledore.

41   EXT. GERMAN MINISTRY - MOMENTS LATER - MORNING                                   41

     Recovering one glove from the air and taking the second from
     Newt, Dumbledore leads the others briskly down a busy avenue,
     his eyes constantly moving, as if every shadow offered the
     possibility of threat.


                  Theseus has been taken to the

                  But the Erkstag shut down years

                  Yes, well, it's the Ministry's
                  secret little bed-and-breakfast
                  now. You'll need this to see him...
                  and one of these... and this.


41   CONTINUED:                                                                      41
     Dumbledore places both gloves into his hat as he removes some
     PAPERS and slips them to Newt, clocking Newt's look.

     Dumbledore leads them to the wall and they head through it.
     Lally pushes Jacob, who appears reluctant.

                  Wait, wait, wait!

                  I trust you're enjoying your wand,
                  Mr. Kowalski?

                  Me. Oh. Yeah. Thank you, Mr.
                  Dumbledore. It's a real pip.

                  I advise you to keep it close.

     As Jacob ponders the meaning of this, Dumbledore fishes a
     POCKET WATCH from his coat and angles it. Newt sees Credence
     slide over the REFLECTION inside the lid.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Professor Hicks, assuming you're
                  not otherwise engaged--and frankly,
                  even if you are--I'd encourage you
                  to attend tonight's Candidates'
                  Dinner. Take Mr. Kowalski. I'm
                  quite certain there will be an
                  assassination attempt. Anything you
                  could do to scotch that would be
                  greatly appreciated.

                  It's my pleasure. I shall welcome
                  the challenge. Besides, I'll have
                  Jacob with me.

     Jacob, having monitored this conversation, looks mildly
     alarmed. Dumbledore clocks it.

                  Not to worry, Professor Hicks's
                  defensive magic is superb. Until
                  next time.

     He smiles, doffs his hat, and exits.


41   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  41
                  Such a flatterer.
                       (a beat)
                  Well, not really. It is superb.

     Newt steps forward, calls out.


     Dumbledore turns, looks back.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  I was just wondering...

     Newt gestures as if holding a case.

                  Ah, yes. The case.


                       (continuing on)
                  Rest assured it's in safe hands.

42   EXT. BERLIN STREETS - MOMENTS LATER - LATE MORNING                               42

     Bunty - Newt's case in hand - skirts a tram and steps briskly
     across the street to a LEATHER GOODS store.

43   INT. OTTO'S LEATHER GOODS - SAME TIME - LATE MORNING                             43

     As a SMALL BELL tinkles, OTTO, a large, wispy-haired MAN in
     an apron, looks up from a table cluttered with shears and
     mallets and clamps.

                  Can I help you?

     Bunty steps to the counter and places Newt's case carefully
     on the glass top.

                  Yes. I'd like to have this case
                  replicated, please.


43   CONTINUED:                                                                     43
     Bunty watches nervously as the man runs his calloused hands
     over the beaten case, examining it from myriad angles, then
     tries to flip open the catch.

                  Oh, no. You mustn't open it! I
                  mean, that's not necessary. The
                  interior isn't important.

     The man eyes Bunty curiously, then shrugs.

                  I see no reason I can't make you

     As the man turns to get paper and pen on the shelf behind,
     the baby Qilin pops her head out of the case and peers around
     curiously. Bunty quickly - and gently - eases her back inside
     just before the man turns back.

                            OTTO (CONT'D)
                  If you leave it here-

                  Oh, no. I couldn't. Leave it. And
                  I'll be needing more than one. You
                  see, my husband he's a bit
                  absentminded. He's always
                  forgetting things - just the other
                  day he forgot he was married to me.
                  Can you imagine?

     She laughs, a bit maniacally, realizes it, and composes

                            BUNTY (CONT'D)
                  But I love him.

                  Exactly how many were you thinking?

                  Half a dozen. And I'll need them in
                  two days' time.

44   EXT. BERLIN STREETS - MOMENTS LATER - LATE MORNING                              44

     Bunty returns across the street holding Newt's case.


45   INT. CREDENCE'S ROOM - NURMENGARD CASTLE - LATE MORNING                          45

     Queenie peers down. Sees Zabini and Carrow in defensive

                  Show your hands!

     A FIGURE calmly raises his hands, continues to advance...


     The figure takes a few more steps. Stops. Kama. Zabini
     separates from the others and crosses to him.

                  Who are you?

                  My name is Yusuf Kama.

     Grindelwald and Rosier emerge from the castle.

                  Who's our visitor?

                  I'm an... admirer.

                  You murdered his sister. Her name
                  was Leta.

     Grindelwald eyes him.

                  Leta Lestrange.

                  Ah, yes. You and your sister share
                  an ancient bloodline-

                  Shared. It's the only thing we

     Grindelwald studies Kama carefully.

                  Dumbledore sent you, am I right?


46   CONTINUED:                                                                      46
                  He fears you are in possession of a
                  creature. He fears the use you may
                  put it to. He sent me here to spy
                  on you. What would you like me to
                  tell him?

                  Queenie. Is he telling the truth?

     Queenie eyes Kama. Something troubles her eyes.

     She nods.

     Grindelwald's gaze shifts to Credence in the shadows.
     Grindelwald nods, almost imperceptibly, and Credence slips
     away. Grindelwald turns his gaze back on Kama.

                                 GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  What else?

                  Even though he believes in you, he
                  holds you responsible for his
                  sister's death. He carries her
                  absence with him every day. Every
                  breath he takes is a reminder that
                  she breathes no more.

     Queenie sees Kama staring into her eyes. Grindelwald nods to
     himself, as if pondering this. Then draws his wand.

                  Then I presume you won't mind if I
                  relieve you of your sister's

     Grindelwald steps forward and places the tip of his wand to
     Kama's temple, watching him, to see if he will resist in any
     way. But Kama remains still, stalwart.

                                 GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)


     Slowly, Grindelwald retracts his wand, extracting a
     TRANSLUCENT STRAND as he does. Queenie attempts to remain
     composed, watching as - for a fleeting moment - a sense of
     loss ripples through Kama's face.


46   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  46
     Just then, the translucent strand breaks free of Kama's
     temple. It flutters like a kite's tail at the end of
     Grindelwald's wand and then turns to MIST.

                  There. Better?

     Kama stares ahead, eyes unfocused. Finally, Kama nods.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  I thought so. When we allow
                  ourselves to be consumed by anger,
                  the only victim is ourself.
                       (a smile, then:)
                  Now. We were just about to depart.
                  Perhaps you'd like to join us?
                  Come, we can talk some more about
                  our mutual friend, Dumbledore.

     Queenie watches Grindelwald begin to escort Kama inside, when
     - just as he passes - Kama's vacant eyes meet hers - briefly
     aglimmer with intensity - as if he were sending her a
     message. As he vanishes inside:
                  After you.

     Queenie looks up, sees Rosier studying her. Rosier gestures
     and closes the door behind her as we CUT TO:

47   EXT. CROWDED STREET - BERLIN - DAY                                               47

     Dumbledore, walking briskly, heads through the Berlin
     streets. Credence follows behind.

     Dumbledore crosses the street and slowly comes to a stop in
     front of a shop, where he sees Credence, in the reflection of
     the window, visible behind and between passing cars.

     Dumbledore slowly blows on a snowflake, and it transforms
     into a water droplet.

     We follow the drop as it flies into the window like a
     translucent bullet and over the reflected view of the trams
     and cars, traveling across to Credence, breaking on his
     forehead. As it bursts, the sound of the street melts away,
     becoming distant.
                  Hello, Credence.


47   CONTINUED:                                                                      47
     Dumbledore turns and faces him. Credence tenses, wand ready,
     as Dumbledore steps out into the street. The world around
     them seems different, slower somehow, like we have shifted
     into a subtle mirror of BERLIN, a reflection of itself.

     They circle each other; the crowds around them seem
     oblivious. Credence, wand poised.

                  Do you know what it's like? To have
                  no one? To always be alone?

     Dumbledore slowly realizes.

                  It's you. You're the one sending
                  messages in the mirror.

                  I'm a Dumbledore. You abandoned me.
                  The same blood that runs my veins
                  runs yours.

     The PHOENIX swoops past; Dumbledore glances up at it. The
     dark energy emanating from within Credence starts to ripple
     outward, cracking the pavement, lifting the tram rails up
     around them. Dumbledore studies the energy, recognizing it,
     all the while the world around seems to continue on as

                            CREDENCE (CONT'D)
                  He's not here for you. He's here
                  for me.

     The ground starts to splinter and break around Credence.
     Dumbledore tenses, sensing what may be coming.

     A GREEN BOLT spits from Credence's wand. Dumbledore parries
     it, his movements smooth, wicked-fast. Instantly, Credence
     advances and fires another spell, lifting the ground and
     smashing it forward around Dumbledore, who dissipates the
     explosive onslaught before he Apparates out of the way.

     Credence is running now, lifting cars, masonry, glass from
     windows, all collecting and sending a rippling, seismic
     earthquake ahead of him, toward Dumbledore.

     Before Dumbledore can parry any further, Credence is upon
     him, the two locked arm in arm as they duel.
     Behind them, a TRAM is approaching and Dumbledore Apparates
     backward. Credence follows, and we go with them ONTO THE
     TRAM, as Credence seeks him out in his relentless onslaught.


47   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  47
     Credence releases another powerful spell, splitting THE TRAM
     IN HALF, as we travel at blinding speed from INSIDE OUT AND
     BACK INTO the street with them.


     The STREET, eerily quiet now, and for the first time,
     Credence starts to register how the world around him feels
     different. Credence, suddenly aware of a wand at his neck,
     turns to see Dumbledore standing behind him.

     Dumbledore lifts the DELUMINATOR.

                  Things are not quite what they
                  appear, Credence. No matter what
                  you've been told.

     With a flick, the STREET around them is sucked into it,
     melting like a painting, leaving a negative image of the real
     world as if it were a distant memory.

                  My name is Aurelius.

                  He's lied to you, to kindle your

     Credence, frustrated, lashes out, lightning fast, and for a
     moment, he and Dumbledore duel at kinetic speed.

     Dumbledore defends easily when Credence fires a VOLLEY of
     EXPLOSIVE SPELLS, which Dumbledore weathers before he
     stretches out his hand and hits Credence with a spell that
     sends him reeling backward, causing a black, kinetic mass to
     erupt from his body.

     Gently lowered by Dumbledore's hand, Credence falls slowly,
     his back on the snowy street, staring upward at the angry
     sky, at the circling Phoenix.

     Dumbledore, chest heaving, lowers his wand and as the black
     vapors writhe behind Credence, watches the Phoenix swoop
     down, hover briefly over Credence, then beat its wings and
     soar off.


     Dumbledore approaches. He crouches down - calmly - watching
     at Credence's side.

     Credence's eyes shift, peer into Dumbledore's.


47   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  47
                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  What he's told you isn't true. But
                  we do share the same blood. You are
                  a Dumbledore.

     Hearing this, Credence's eyes meet Dumbledore's. They remain
     like this for a moment, connected, before the flowing black
     mass rushes back into Credence. Dumbledore gently places his
     hand on Credence's chest.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  I'm sorry for your pain. We didn't
                  know, I promise.

     Dumbledore lifts the DELUMINATOR once more, a spell ripples
     forth, and he and Credence are now in the street, the world
     of their duel reflected beneath them in pools of water
     collected by the melted snow.

     Dumbledore steps back from Credence, studying him carefully,
     and stretches out his hand.

     When Credence takes it, Dumbledore reaches down and lifts him
     up, before slipping away into the busy street. Credence
     watches him go.


     We see Newt approach and unlock a RUSTED GRILLE.

49   INT. ERKSTAG PRISON - BERLIN - MOMENTS LATER - EVENING                           49

     A GUTTERING CANDLE eerily illuminates an unkempt WARDER
     stationed before a wall of PIGEON HOLES.

                  I've come to see my brother. His
                  name is Theseus Scamander-

     As Newt extends the PAPERS Dumbledore provided, a well-
     traveled PHOTOGRAPH of Tina spins onto the desk. An
     overzealous charmed STAMP moves its way across Newt's papers,
     heading toward the photograph. Newt snatches it away just in

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Sorry, that's just...
     Newt then notices: The Warder is wearing Theseus's tie. He
     stares for a moment, then:


49   CONTINUED:                                                                      49

     Newt frowns, reaches into his coat, reluctantly complies. The
     Warder rises stiffly and begins to pass his own wand over
     Newt. As it hovers over a pocket, a SQUEAK is heard.

                  Oh. That's - I'm a Magizoologist...

     The Warder fishes Pickett out of the pocket.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  He's perfectly harmless. He's just
                  a... pet, really.

     Pickett cranes his neck upward and frowns.

                                 NEWT (CONT'D)

     Teddy pokes his head out of another pocket.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  That's Teddy - he's a total
                  nightmare, truth be told-

                  They stay here.

     Reluctantly, Newt hands both over, watching miserably as the
     Warder places Pickett, along with Newt's wand, into one
     cubbyhole and Teddy into another, his plump body filling it
     to capacity. Pickett SQUEAKS BESEECHINGLY.

     With a SICKENING, SQUELCHING SOUND, the Warder plunges his
     hand into a BUCKET SQUIRMING with GRUBS, plucks one out, and
     shakes it in his fist, where it QUIVERS briefly before
     transforming into a FIREFLY. He deposits it in a tiny tin
     LANTERN. As it flutters about, the lantern glows feebly with
     a TREMULOUS LIGHT. Taking the lantern in hand, Newt eyes the
     dark passage.

                  How will I know where to find him?

                  He is your brother?


49   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  49
                  He will be the one who looks like
                  your brother.

     As Newt heads off, Pickett stares after him.

                  I'll be back, Pick. On my word.

     Just before the darkness swallows him, Newt looks back.

                  "I'll be back, Pick. On my word."
                  And I'll be Minister of Magic one

     The Warder GRINS CRUELLY. Teddy looks on as Pickett sticks
     out his tongue at him.

50   EXT. GERMAN MINISTRY - NIGHT                                                     50

     The streets surrounding the Ministry are now teeming with
     supporters of Grindelwald, holding placards bearing his
     likeness as the DRUMMERS beat their skins fiercely. At the
     top of the steps, Helmut surveys it all impassively.

51   INT. GRINDELWALD'S CAR - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                      51

     Grindelwald stares - with cool fascination - at the FUNHOUSE
     OF FACES beyond the tinted glass. Rosier sits beside him.

     The faces beyond are no longer in focus. Instead, an IMAGE
     plays on the glass, an image only Grindelwald can see. Jacob
     bearing a wand.

     Rosier has leaned forward and is talking to the driver.

                  Take us around back. It's not safe

                       (coming round)
                  No. Roll it down.


                  The window. Roll it down...

      Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore     FINAL Shooting Script   03/21/2022
51   CONTINUED:                                                                       51
     Hand trembling, Rosier reaches out and CRACKS the window.
     Instantly CLAWING FINGERS probe the shadows of the car and
     VOICES RAGE. Throughout, Grindelwald remains calm, eyes shut.
     Then, without warning, he LIFTS the door latch...

                  No! No!

     As Grindelwald pitches himself into the maelstrom outside,
     Rosier sits frozen.

52   EXT. GERMAN MINISTRY - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                         52

     Waving like a Roman magistrate, Grindelwald lets the tide of
     rabid supporters sweep him up the steps.

53   INT. BALCONY ABOVE - GERMAN MINISTRY - SAME TIME - NIGHT                          53

     (VICTOR), Fischer, and Vogel, staring down at the swelling

                  Those people aren't suggesting we
                  listen to them. They aren't asking
                  us to listen. They're demanding it.

             BRITISH WITCH
     You're not actually proposing                              VOGEL (CONT'D)
                                                    Yes! Yes, let him stand!
     that man be allowed to stand--
     Below, Rosier, white as a ghost, steps out of the car and
     watches Grindelwald move through the crowd.

                            BRITISH WITCH (CONT'D)
                  Gellert Grindelwald wants Muggle-
                  Wizard war! And if he gets his
                  wish, he won't just destroy their
                  world, he'll destroy ours as well.

                  Which is why he cannot win! Let him
                  stand as a candidate. Let the
                  people vote. When he loses, the
                  people will have spoken. But deny
                  them their voices... and those
                  streets will run with blood.
     The others look down, watch Grindelwald borne over the arms
     of the crowd and up the steps of the Ministry.


54   INT. PASSAGEWAY - ERKSTAG PRISON - NIGHT                                         54

     A tiny fluttering blob of light approaches. As it draws
     closer, Newt comes clear. He stops.


     Tiny movements can be heard in the surrounding shadows.

     Newt crouches, swings the lantern. A tiny crab-like creature -
     a BABY MANTICORE - scuttles into view. Seeing Newt, it
     waggles its antennae. It is - there's simply no denying it -

     Newt seems less than charmed. As he watches, another baby
     Manticore appears, then another, then another still. One
     peers up, bares TEETH. Not adorable.

     Newt backs away into a central atrium, his feet at the edge
     of a great pit. He looks down into the vast, dark hole.
     Something stirs in the shadows below.

     Newt suddenly adopts an odd, crab-like pose. The baby
     Manticores copy him.

55   INT. GRAND HALL - GERMAN MINISTRY - NIGHT                                        55

     Plates of lobster are being ferried to tables. Seated now,
     Lally's eyes rake the room, clocking the tables where Liu and
     Santos sit and assessing the potential threat the BUSBOYS and
     WAITERS orbiting them pose. One DARK-EYED WAITER keeps
     crossing into Lally's view.

     As Jacob's GOBLET magically fills with wine, he takes it
     and--noticing Edith waving enthusiastically from across the
     room--tips his goblet in a toast. He then notices a
     DISTINGUISHED WIZARD with conductor's hair sitting to Edith's

                  Lally. The guy with the hair.
                  Sitting next to Edith. He looks
                  like he can kill somebody. He also
                  looks like my uncle Dominic.

                  Is your uncle Dominic the Norwegian
                  Minister of Magic?


55   CONTINUED:                                                                      55

                  Didn't think so.

     Lally smiles. Then, abruptly, the energy in the room shifts
     and Grindelwald and his entourage stumble into the room in
     high spirits. Hair askew, jacket rumpled, Grindelwald seems
     rakishly authentic in this room of wheezing wannabes. He
     turns to the HOUSE ELF QUARTET to resume playing.

     He moves through the room, trailed by Rosier, Queenie, Kama,
     Carrow, Zabini, and Acolytes.

     As Queenie crosses, Jacob rises.

                  Queenie... Queenie.

     Queenie knows he's there but blanks him completely.

                       (spotting Santos)
                  Madam Santos. A pleasure. Your
                  supporters are in fine voice.

                       (a steely smile)
                  As are yours, Mr. Grindelwald.

     Grindelwald constructs a smile.

56   INT. FAR PASSAGEWAY - ERKSTAG - NIGHT                                            56

     Theseus hangs from his ankles in a small cell. As a
     CLATTERING SOUND RISES, he peers down the passageway,
     watching as Newt comes into view, doing an odd sidelong
     scissor walk, trailed by HUNDREDS of BABY MANTICORES, all of
     whom appear to be mimicking him.

                  Rescuing me, are you?

                  That's the general idea.

                       (Newt's scissor walk)
                  I presume this - whatever it is
                  that you are doing - is strategic?


56   CONTINUED:                                                                      56
                  It's a technique called limbic
                  mimicry. It discourages violent
                  engagement. Theoretically. I've
                  only actually attempted it once

                  And the results?

                  Inconclusive. Also, that was a
                  laboratory setting and the
                  conditions were strictly
                  controlled, and the current
                  conditions are more volatile,
                  making it less predictive of
                  ultimate outcome.

                  Ultimate outcome presumably being
                  our survival.

     Newt remains very still as a huge ANTENNA emerges from the
     darkness below. Theseus and Newt stare at each other in
     alarm. Newt delicately turns to the antenna, it studies him
     for a moment, then the lamplight in the cell adjacent to
     Theseus's sputters out.

     The antenna retreats down and a giant, scorpion-like tail
     plunges into the now-dark cell, retrieving the cocooned body
     that's in there and pulls it down into the pit below. A beat.

     The body is CATAPULTED back up from the darkness, landing
     with a SLOPPY THUD feet away. Newt raises his lantern to
     reveal it's been disemboweled, food now for the horde of
     Manticores that tumble over to feast. Newt grabs his moment
     and sidles into the cell, clawing away at the fibrous yarn
     encasing Theseus's ankles.

     Newt claws the last remaining strands, and Theseus drops to
     the ground.

                                 THESEUS (CONT'D)
                  Well done.

     The brothers step out of the cell to face a further ocean of
     Manticores, blocking their exit.
                            THESEUS (CONT'D)
                  And the plan is?


56   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                 56
                  Hold this.

     He passes his lantern to Theseus. He cups his hands and emits
     an ODD WHISTLE akin to a whippoorwill.

57   INT. ERKSTAG PRISON - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                         57

     As the Warder SNORES, feet up, Pickett unlocks the padlock on
     his cubbyhole and opens the door.

58   INT. ERKSTAG - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                                58

                  What the bloody hell was that for?

                  We're going to need some help.

     Newt strikes a BALLETIC limbic mimicry pose. The baby
     Manticores immediately copy him.

                             NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Follow me.
                       (a beat)
                  Come on.

     Theseus assumes the same position, and Newt and Theseus start
     to shuffle away.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  You're not swiveling properly.
                  Swivel, swivel, but delicately.

                  I'm swiveling like you're
                  swiveling, Newt.

                  I don't believe you are.

     Between them, a second LAMP outside a cell entrance goes out,
     and the tail comes up and takes another body.

     After a beat, it too is deposited sloppily at their feet.
     Theseus and Newt share a look.


59   INT. GRAND HALL - GERMAN MINISTRY - NIGHT                                        59

     Queenie sits quietly. A TEAR trickles from her eye, tracking
     down the side of her face no one at the table can see.

     Across the room, Jacob stares intently at her. We HOLD on
     them, lost in each other, the surrounding world irrelevant
     and fading, until...

                  Go to him.

     Queenie jumps, finds Grindelwald leaning close. He nods over
     her shoulder to where Credence lingers near the entrance.
     Queenie rises...

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Queenie. Tell him it's all right. I
                  can see he's failed. He'll have
                  another chance. It's his loyalty I
                  most value.

     Grindelwald's eyes are locked on hers. She nods and,
     disengaging from him, heads off.

     Lally watches Queenie cross the room. Jacob stands as she
     passes by, but Queenie, steeling herself - we can see it's
     hard for her now - blanks him again. Jacob, crushed, sits
     once more.

     Lally looks over to Grindelwald. Rosier enters the room with
     the Dark- Eyed Waiter. The Dark-Eyed Waiter pauses, then
     moves toward Santos's table.

     Lally starts to track the Dark-Eyed Waiter's journey across
     the room with a glass of ruby-red liquid. Tossing her napkin
     down, Lally rises and turns to Jacob as she goes.

                  Stay here.

     Jacob gulps another glass of wine.

     Lally pushes past waiters and picks her way through busboys.

                                 LALLY (CONT'D)
     Lally watches the Dark-Eyed Waiter draw closer to Santos...


59   CONTINUED:                                                                      59
     ...the Dark-Eyed Waiter leans over Santos, setting the glass
     down. Lally approaches but is stopped by two bodyguards.

                  Oh boy...

     Jacob approaches Grindelwald's table like a man on a swaying

     As Santos raises her glass, the ruby-red liquid rises into
     the air menacingly. Lally discreetly sends a spell, and the
     liquid hovering above Santos's glass zooms down the high
     table and hits a door, corroding the wood.

     As Jacob arrives at the table, Grindelwald, only just now
     aware of him, eyes him mildly.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Let her go.

                  Excuse me?

     Jacob draws his wand.
                                 NORWEGIAN MINISTER

     Lally turns, looking back in disbelief as Jacob now holds up
     both hands.

     WHOOSH! Lally flicks her wand again, and Jacob's arm holding
     the wand is thrust vertically into the air. A tornado-like
     VORTEX consumes the room, as if the contents of the room were
     tossed in a blender.

     Lally quickly sends another spell, tying the bodyguard's
     shoelaces together.

     Guests flee as each and every chandelier is TREMBLING and the
     draperies are billowing along the wall, the tablecloths are
     pitching to and fro, and napkins are taking flight like

     A FIGURE can be sensed--a suggestive BLUR--in the distance
     beyond. As Jacob's eyes adjust, we RACK FOCUS and see the
     FIGURE is...

     She stands much like him, still amidst the chaos, staring at
     him. Their eyes lock...


59   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  59 Queenie begins to slip from view, pulled on by Kama.

     Helmut and his Aurors enter the room.

     Queenie, just before vanishing, FLICKS her own wand and sends
     a chair careening toward Helmut, temporarily obscuring his
     view of Jacob.

     Lally pulls out her book and flips it into the air. She drops
     a chandelier on Helmut and his Aurors as the pages cascade
     forth, causing a series of steps to appear. Jacob turns and
     takes them at pace as Lally rushes toward him on the pages,
     firing spells at the Aurors.

     Helmut shoots a fiery blast, setting the steps alight as
     Jacob rushes toward Lally. WHOOSH! They are sucked into the

60   INT. ERKSTAG PRISON - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                          60

     The Warder SNORTS, his chair tipping backward. Teddy - one
     end of the glittering necktie clenched in his teeth - skates
     forward, the pads of his tiny feet SQUEAKING across the
     surface of the desk.

     Above, Pickett precariously balances on the edge of one of
     the cubbyholes, trying to retrieve Newt's wand.

     BELOW, as the Warder wakes, the chair steadies. Then...

     It falls back as the knot in the tie is finally pulled undone
     and the Warder crashes like a tree that's been felled,
     SMASHING into the cubbyholes and launching Pickett forward.

     Teddy leaps up, ignoring Pickett in midair, and grabs some
     falling coins before crashing to the ground.

     The WHISTLE echoes again.

61   INT. CELLBLOCK - ERKSTAG - SAME TIME - NIGHT                                     61

     The lamplight in Theseus's hand is frittering in and out. We
     hear a crunch, and Theseus stops.

     The baby Manticores suddenly pause, staring. Theseus looks
     down and slowly, delicately, lifts his right foot, under
     which we see a squashed baby Manticore.

     He looks at Newt.


61   CONTINUED:                                                                      61
     In that instant, the light in Theseus's lamp fizzles out,
     plunging them both into darkness and sending the baby
     Manticores running away.

     The HUGE tail lifts up, starts to recoil to strike.

     As one, the brothers bolt, the tail smashing into the cell
     walls feet away from them.

     Newt and Theseus race through corridors, the Manticore's tail
     and antennae whipping, SNAKING, smashing, and sending fiery
     bolts after them, followed by the GIANT MANTICORE itself,
     squeezing through crevices, close in pursuit.

     Theseus swings right and races precariously along a ledge as
     the Manticore ferociously bears down upon him. Eyes, claws,
     limbs of the beast flail toward him, before Theseus trips
     left, just avoiding the limb that has almost skewered him.

     Newt and Theseus reunite and rush forward as the ceiling
     collapses behind them, trapping the Giant Manticore.

     Theseus breathes a sigh of relief just before one of the
     Manticore's antennae snakes around his waist and drags him
     away. Newt desperately follows, grabbing at his brother.

     Racing toward them is Teddy - Theseus's tie clenched in his
     teeth, Pickett riding atop like a cowboy - carrying Newt's
     wand. The Warder fires spells after them before hitting Teddy
     and causing Pickett to be jettisoned forward into the air
     with Newt's wand.

     Newt holds on to Theseus as he is pulled toward the edge of
     the pit by the Giant Manticore. Pickett lands at his feet
     with his wand.

     Newt sees him, retrieves his wand, and Pickett quickly grabs
     hold. Newt casts a spell toward Teddy...


     ...who is lifted into the air and tumbles toward them.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Grab the tie!

     They begin to tumble into the pit.
     ...And they are gone.


61   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  61
     The Warder chuckles to himself until his lamp starts to
     flicker and extinguish. He looks out in alarm into the inky

62   EXT. WOODED AREA - CONTINUOUS - NEXT MORNING                                     62

     Newt and Theseus crash down through a thicket and land
     heavily on mossy ground. Covered in leaves, they rise, still
     holding hands.

     Theseus pushes the Manticore antennae from his waist. It
     slithers toward the lake.

                  That was a Portkey.

     Theseus hands Teddy, still clinging to the tie, to Newt.


                       (to Pickett and Teddy)
                  Well done, you two.

     Newt and Theseus emerge from the trees and look across a
     shimmering lake. A CASTLE rises beyond. Teddy and Pickett
     peer out of Newt's pocket. Pickett COOS with delight.


     Above the castle, a QUIDDITCH PLAYER pursues a GOLDEN SNITCH.

63   INT. GREAT HALL - HOGWARTS - MOMENTS LATER - MORNING                             63

     Lally sits with a few students finishing breakfast.

                  Not that either of you asked but I
                  would highly recommend learning

     Newt and Theseus walk in.


                  What kept you two?


63   CONTINUED:                                                                      63
                  We encountered some complications.
                  And you?

                  We encountered some complications.

     She hands Newt the Daily Prophet. Theseus peers over Newt's
     shoulder. On the front page is a PHOTOGRAPH of Grindelwald
     and Jacob under a SCREAMING HEADLINE:


                  Jacob tried to murder Grindelwald?

                  It's... a long story.

     Jacob sits at a House table with a group of students. He is
     showing them his wand.

                            REDHEADED RAVENCLAW
                  Is it really snakewood?

                  Yes, it's really snakewood.

     A TINY SECOND YEAR WITCH leans close.

                                 TINY WITCH
                  Can I...?

     She begins to reach out toward the wand.

                  Uh-uh. It's very dangerous - it's
                  very powerful. It's rare, if it got
                  in the wrong hands - you know, it
                  could mess you up.

                  Where did you get it?

                  I got it for Christmas.

                            LALLY (O.S.)
                  Jacob! Look who I found.

     Jacob turns to see Lally, Newt, and Theseus.


63   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  63
                  Hey! It's my wizard friends.
                       (to the kids)
                  Newt and Theseus. We're like this.

     Jacob crosses his middle and forefinger and sticks out his

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  And that's me right there. I gotta
                  go. All right, have fun. Don't do
                  anything I wouldn't do.

     As Jacob and the others come together.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Can you believe this place, they
                  got pint-sized witches and wizards
                  running around here.

                  Uh. You don't say?

                       (to Newt)
                  I was the assassin.

                  Newt and Theseus both went to

                  Oh. I knew that. Well, they're
                  being very nice to me. The
                  Slytherin boys over there, they
                  gave me these. They're delicious,
                  who wants one?

     Jacob takes a packet from his pocket and tips a DARK CLUMP
     into his mouth, offers it to the others.

                  I never cared for cockroach
                  clusters much myself. Though
                  Honeydukes are supposed to be the

     As Jacob blanches, a COLLECTIVE BURST OF LAUGHTER rises from
     the Slytherins. They proceed to the back of the Hall. The
     others turn to see McGonagall, who ushers students away.
     Dumbledore approaches.


63   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  63
                  McGonagall. Albus.

                  Well done. All of you. Well done.


                  Indeed. Professor Hicks managed to
                  foil an assassination. And you are
                  alive, and you are well. The fact
                  that everything did not go
                  precisely to plan, was precisely
                  the plan.

                  Countersight 101.

                  Albus. Forgive me, but aren't we
                  back where we started?

                  Actually, I would argue that things
                  are a great deal worse.
                       (to Lally)
                  You haven't told them, have you?

     Theseus and Newt turn to Lally.

                  Grindelwald has been allowed to
                  stand in the election.

                  What! How?

                  Because Vogel chose easy over

     Dumbledore sweeps his wand into the air, etching together
     IMAGES of hand-drawn MOUNTAINS and VALLEYS as though he were
     a street artist. The images start to MATERIALIZE out of smoke
     all around them and then slowly transform into a beautiful
     landscape. The others stare up in wonder.

     Jacob looks around, disoriented.


63   CONTINUED: (4)                                                                 63
                  It's all right.


                  Correct. Three points to
                  Hufflepuff. The kingdom of Bhutan
                  sits high in the Eastern Himalayas.
                  It's a place of indescribable
                  beauty. Some of our most important
                  magic has its origins there. They
                  say if you listen carefully enough,
                  the past whispers to you. It also
                  happens to be where the election
                  will be held.

     CLOUDS form under the Hall's ceiling. Amidst them an EYRIE
     can be glimpsed, visible one moment, gone the next.

                  He can't win, can he?

                  Only a few days ago he was a
                  fugitive from justice. Now he's an
                  official candidate in the
                  International Confederation of
                  Wizards. Dangerous times favor
                  dangerous men.

     Dumbledore turns and begins to make his way back down the
     Great Hall. The image of Bhutan begins to fade away into
     smoke behind him.

     The others stare after him.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  And by the way, we'll be dining
                  with my brother in the village.
                  Should you need anything before
                  then, Minerva is here.

     As Dumbledore exits, Lally leans in, speaks quietly.

                  Dumbledore has a brother?


64   INT. HOG'S HEAD - LATER - NIGHT                                                 64

     Aberforth offers the Qilin a saucer of milk. Instantly, the
     Qilin perks up, making all manner of happy sounds as it leans
     over and slurps. Bunty looks on.

     Just then, the front door RATTLES and the rush of wind and
     scatterings of snow sail into the pub. The sound of VOICES
     and the STAMPING OF BOOTS precedes the entrance of
     Dumbledore, Newt, Theseus, Lally, and Jacob.

                  Bunty! You're here!


                  How is she?

                  Oh, she's fine.

     Newt bends down as a Niffler runs toward him.

                  Whoa, what's Alfie done now? You've
                  not been biting Timothy's bottom
                  again, have you?

                  Miss Broadacre. I trust my brother
                  has been a gracious host?

                  Yes. Ever so gracious.

     Dumbledore glances at his brother.

                  I'm delighted to hear. So, rooms
                  have been arranged for you in the
                  village, and Aberforth here will
                  prepare you a delicious dinner. His
                  own recipe.

     We CUT TO:


65   INT. HOG'S HEAD - LATER - NIGHT                                                  65

     PLOP! Aberforth, greasy pot in hand, LADLES a thick grayish
     STEW into the chipped bowls sitting before the group, who sit
     at a long table.

                  There's more of that if you want

     The others stare queasily at their bowls as Aberforth heads
     for the stairs.

                  Thank you. Thanks.

     Aberforth pauses, glowering down at a smiling Bunty, then
     nods shortly and continues on up.

                  Astonishing... Never has something
                  that looked so repellent tasted so

     The Qilin BLEATS with pleasure. The others all dip their

                  Who's this little one... Hey, do
                  you mind?

     Newt watches Jacob jockeying with the Qilin over the stew in
     his bowl.

                  She's a Qilin, Jacob. She's
                  incredibly rare. One of the most
                  beloved creatures in the wizarding


                  Because she can see into your soul.

                  Oh, you're kidding me.

                       (shaking his head)
                  So if you're good and worthy, then
                  she'll see that.


65   CONTINUED:                                                                      65
                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  If, on the other hand, you're cruel
                  and deceitful, then she will know
                  that too.

                  Oh yeah? Does she just tell you
                  that or... ?

                  Not exactly tells-

                  Well, she bows. But only in the
                  presence of someone truly pure of

     Jacob gazes at Lally, captivated.

                            LALLY (CONT'D)
                  I mean, almost none of us are, of
                  course. No matter how good a person
                  we try to be. There was actually a
                  time, many, many years ago, when
                  the Qilin chose who would lead us.
     Jacob takes his bowl and moves to the Qilin's milk bowl. The
     Qilin dances around him. Jacob spoons some of the stew into
     the Qilin's bowl.

     Newt smiles, enjoying the moment, when his gaze catches sight
     of the mirror. Words are surfacing, one by one:


66   INT. UPPER ROOM - HOG'S HEAD - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                             66

     Within, Dumbledore and Aberforth stand opposite each other,
     their voices low, but their postures suggesting their
     discussion is tense.

                  Come with me. I'll help you. He's
                  your son, Aberforth. He needs you.

     We see the POV is Newt's. He begins to turn away when he
     notices something in Aberforth's hand: a FEATHER, strewn with
     ASH, darkening Aberforth's fingers where he touches it. A
     Newt knocks...


66   CONTINUED:                                                                      66
                                 DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)

     Aberforth brushes past Newt wordlessly, still clutching the

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                       (to Newt)
                  Come in.

     Newt enters.

                  Albus. The mirror downstairs.
                  There's a message.

                  Close the door.

     Newt closes the door, then turns back to Dumbledore.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  It's from Credence, Newt. The
                  summer Gellert and I fell in love,
                  my brother fell in love as well.
                  With a girl from the Hollow. She
                  was sent away. There were rumors.
                  About a child.


                  He's a Dumbledore. Had I been a
                  better friend, to Aberforth... If
                  I'd been a better brother, he might
                  have confided in me. Perhaps things
                  would have been different. This boy
                  could have been part of our lives.
                  Part of our family.
                       (a beat)
                  Credence can't be saved, I know you
                  know that. But he may yet be able
                  to save us.

     As Newt reacts, Dumbledore holds up his hand, fingers stained
     with soot.

                             DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Phoenix ash. The bird comes to him
                  because he's dying, Newt. I know
                  the signs.
                       (off Newt's look)


66   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  66
                             DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  You see, my sister was an

     Newt stares at Dumbledore. Stunned.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  And like Credence, she never
                  learned to express her magic. Over
                  time it grew darker and began to
                  poison her.

     Dumbledore looks to the painting.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Worst of all, none of us were
                  capable of easing her pain.

                  Can you tell me how it is - how it
                  came to an end for her?

                  Gellert and I had made plans to go
                  away together. My brother didn't
                  approve. One night, he confronted
                  us. Voices were raised. Threats
                  made. Aberforth drew his wand,
                  which was foolish. I drew my wand,
                  which was even more foolish.
                  Gellert just laughed. No one heard
                  Ariana coming down the stairs.

     Dumbledore's eyes glitter as he stares at the painting.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  I can't say for certain it was my
                  spell. It doesn't really matter.
                  One minute she was there, and the
                  next she was gone...

     His voice trails off.

                  I'm so sorry, Albus. If it's of any
                  comfort, perhaps she was saved some

                  Don't. Don't disappoint me, Newt.
                  You of all people. Your honesty is
                  a gift, even if at times a painful


66   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  66
     Newt studies Dumbledore as he stares off toward the painting
     once more.

                             DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Our friends downstairs will be
                  tired and wanting to go home. You
                  should go.

     Newt begins to exit, then stops just shy of the door.

                  Albus. Lally said something
                  earlier. About most of us
                  ultimately being imperfect. But
                  even if we've made mistakes,
                  terrible things, we can try to make
                  things right. And that's what
                  matters. The trying.

     Dumbledore doesn't turn, just stares at the painting.

67   EXT. NURMENGARD CASTLE - LATE DAY                                                67
     The camera circles high across the slate sky above the
     castle. Far below, we see an ARMY OF DARK-CLAD FIGURES
     assembled. As Grindelwald and Credence make their way toward
     the castle, the figures part. Reaching the entrance,
     Grindelwald turns, surveying them.

                  Our time is close, my brothers and
                  sisters. The days of hiding are
                  over. The world will hear our
                  voice. And it will be deafening.

     A ROAR goes up amongst the throng. Grindelwald smiles
     faintly, then his eyes fix on Kama, standing to one side in
     front of the cheering Acolytes, somehow both a part of the
     throng and separate. Grindelwald steps over to him and, to
     Kama's surprise, takes his face in both hands.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  You didn't come here to betray
                  Dumbledore. You know in your pure-
                  blood heart your place is here. To
                  believe in me is to believe in
     He stares deeply into Kama's eyes one more moment and walks
     him down into the crowd, gently pushing him into the
     assembled troops.


67   CONTINUED:                                                                      67
                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Prove your loyalty, Mr. Kama.

     Then releases him, before turning for the castle.

68   INT. CELLAR - NURMENGARD - MOMENTS LATER - LATE DAY                              68


     As the limp creature's head flops to one side, the laceration
     across its throat is revealed.

     ...UNDERWATER, looking upward through a strangely undulating
     surface. All is eerily SILENT, like a dream, then a FIGURE
     appears-- indistinct through the liquid--cradling something.
     The figure PLUNGES his hands into the water and the face of
     the DEAD QILIN turns our way. Blood blooms from its ragged


     He stands waist-deep in a pool, shirtsleeves rolled up past
     his elbows, holding the Qilin underwater as he murmurs
     indistinctly. He waits for the water to grow still, then


     Credence, Vogel, and Rosier watch from the shadows.

     With great tenderness, Grindelwald plays his fingers over the
     Qilin's throat, mending the flesh there. BUBBLES rise from
     the pool. The Qilin's head breaks the surface and it
     SCREECHES. Grindelwald lifts it from the water.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Vulnera Sanentur...

     As the scars vanish under his fingertips, the Qilin turns its
     head to him, its eyes still eerily vacant, but otherwise
     appearing healthy and whole.

     Grindelwald smiles, strokes it.

                             GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  There, there. There, there...
                       (without turning)
                  Come look.

     Vogel glances away, staying put, but Credence leaves the
     shadows and goes to the edge of the pool.


68   CONTINUED:                                                                      68
                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  This is why we're special. To
                  conceal our powers is not merely an
                  affront to ourselves. It's sinful.

     Grindelwald places the Qilin at the side of the pool, where
     it stays standing. Credence studies the newly reborn Qilin,
     bewitched. Gratified by Credence's reaction, Grindelwald
     looks back to the Qilin... then stops, his smile faltering. A
     PALE SHADOW, identical to the Qilin in his hands, appears
     briefly within the currents of the water. His eyes harden.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  Was there another?


                  That night. Was there another

     In the shadows, Vogel turns, looks back to the pool.
     Grindelwald's eyes are pinched with fury. Credence, his face
     pale and slick, looks suddenly uneasy.

                  I don't think so-

     With frightening speed, Grindelwald throws Credence back from
     the pool with a powerful burst of water and pins him to the
     wall. Grindelwald Apparates from the water, his fingers laced
     about Credence's throat and face. His eyes glitter with

                  That's twice you've failed me! Do
                  you not understand the danger
                  you've put me in?!

     Credence remains frozen like a terrified child under
     Grindelwald's grip.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  One last chance. Understood? Find

69   INT. HOG'S HEAD - MORNING                                                        69
     Newt is inside his case.

     Theseus is holding the Qilin, like a baby.


69   CONTINUED:                                                                      69
     Theseus hands the Qilin to Newt, the pair like two doting
     parents. Theseus and Bunty look on as Newt gently lowers the
     Qilin into his case.

70   EXT. HOGWARTS - SAME TIME - MORNING                                              70

     Mist hangs over the grounds. Bridge and castle glow softly in
     the morning light.

71   INT. 7TH FLOOR CORRIDOR - HOGWARTS - SAME TIME - MORNING                         71

     We follow Lally, Newt, Theseus, and Jacob toward an ornate
     door emerging from the wall at the far end of the corridor.

72   INT. ROOM OF REQUIREMENT - MOMENTS LATER - MORNING                               72

     Newt, Theseus, Lally, and Jacob suddenly appear in a sparsely
     appointed room.

     Jacob, looking utterly confused, follows Newt's gaze to the
     far end of the room, where FIVE CASES - identical to Newt's -
     stand in a circle in front of a huge, ornate BHUTANESE PRAYER
     WHEEL. Bunty stands by the cases.

                  Hey, Newt, what is this place?

                  The room we require.

     Dumbledore strides into view.

                  I trust all of you have the tickets
                  that Bunty gave you?

     Nods all around. Jacob dutifully holds his up for all to see.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  You'll need them to gain access to
                  the ceremony.

     Dumbledore's eyes shift, clock Newt staring at the circle of

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  What do you think, Newt? Can you
                  tell which one is yours?

     Newt looks another moment, then shakes his head.


72   CONTINUED:                                                                      72

                  Good. I'd be worried if you could.

                  I assume the Qilin's in one of
                  these cases?


                  Well, which one is it?

                  Which one indeed.

                  Oh, it's like a three-card monte
                       (as the others eye him)
                  Like a shell game thing. Like a
                  short con.
                       (giving up)
                  Never mind, it's a Muggle thing.

                  Grindelwald will do anything within
                  his power to get his hands on our
                  rare friend. Therefore it's
                  essential we keep whoever he
                  dispatches on his behalf guessing
                  so the Qilin gets to the ceremony
                  safely. If by teatime, the Qilin -
                  not to mention all of us - are
                  still alive, we should consider our
                  efforts a success.

     Dumbledore puts his hat on and wraps a scarf around his neck.

                  For the record, no one ever died
                  playing three-card monte.

                  An important distinction. All
                  right, everyone choose a case and
                  we'll be on our way. Mr. Kowalski,
                  you and I will proceed together


72   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  72
                  Me? Okay...

     Jacob steps forward, selects a case, then stops as Dumbledore
     clears his throat and almost imperceptibly shakes his head.
     Jacob selects another and points. Dumbledore nods and turns

     Jacob picks up the case. Nods. Glances around. Frowns. No

     The Bhutanese prayer wheel glitters in front of Dumbledore.
     He reaches out, touches it, and a beautiful glow fills the

                  I'm looking forward to you
                  educating me a little further on
                  the finer points of three-card

     He looks over to Jacob, reaches out his hand to him.

                  My pleasure.

     Jacob takes Dumbledore's hand, and together they disappear
     into the wheel as it rapidly spins.

     As they vanish, the others consider the remaining cases.

                  Well, good luck, everybody.

     Newt walks forward and picks up a case.

                  Good luck.

     Newt vanishes.

                  And you too, Bunty girl.

     Lally walks forward, picks up another case, and vanishes.

                  See you, Bunty.

     Theseus walks forward and picks up another case before
     disappearing into the wheel too.


72   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                  72
     Bunty takes a deep breath, then picks up the last case. She
     walks toward the prayer wheel and vanishes.

73   EXT. BASE OF EYRIE - BHUTAN - DAY                                                73

     Green mountains rise in the distance, and at the very top,
     almost settled into the very sky, we glimpse the Eyrie.

     A crowd gathers at the base of an enormous set of steps that
     climb toward the sky, on top of which sits the magnificent
     Eyrie. A figure stands in front of a gilded cage set beneath
     the steps.

                  It is not lost on those of us in
                  leadership that we are currently a
                  world divided. Each day brings talk
                  of another conspiracy.

     Vogel's speech is seen projected into Magical Ministries
     around the world.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Each hour another dark whisper.
                  These whispers have only increased
                  in recent days with the addition of
                  a third candidate. There is only
                  one way to leave absolutely no
                  doubt that a worthy candidate
                  exists amongst the three who have
                  been presented.

     Vogel enters the golden cage and emerges with something
     cradled in his arms. As he resumes his place and slowly
     reveals what he holds, there is a palpable GASP.

     A Qilin.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  As every schoolboy and girl knows:
                  The Qilin is the purest of
                  creatures in our wonderful, magical
                  world. It cannot be deceived.
                       (holding it before him)
                  Let the Qilin unite us!

74   EXT. ROOFTOPS - BHUTAN - DAY                                                     74
     We drop through layers of cloud to a village and a series of
     terraced rooftops, where dark-clad figures appear.


74   CONTINUED:                                                                      74
     Rosier stands at the head of one group, Helmut the other.
     They scan the streets below, at the massing crowds, eyes

75   EXT. STREET - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                           75

     Bobbing along with a group of Santos supporters, case in
     hand, is Jacob and next to him, keeping point, Dumbledore.
     Just ahead of them, a vast BANNER bearing Santos's image
     twists on the poles carrying it as the supporters march
     toward the mountains beyond the city.

     Just then, Dumbledore's gaze lands on a group of Dark Aurors
     trailing close behind and he pulls Jacob ducking and swerving
     into an alley. They Apparate out of a doorway behind their
     pursuers and give them the slip.


                  Where to next?

                  Oh. This is where I leave you.

                  I'm sorry, you're what? You're
                  leaving me?

     Dumbledore takes off his scarf.

                  I have to meet someone else, Mr.
                  Kowalski. Not to worry. You'll be
                  perfectly safe.

     Dumbledore casts off his scarf. As it flutters through the
     air, the scarf morphs into a curtain. Dumbledore turns back
     to Jacob.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  You don't have the Qilin. Feel free
                  to drop the case at the first hint
                  of trouble.
                  One other thing, if you don't mind
                  me saying. You should stop doubting
                  yourself. You have something most
                  men go their entire lives without.
                  Do you know what that is?


75   CONTINUED:                                                                      75
     Jacob shakes his head.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  A heart that is full. Only a truly
                  brave man could open himself up so
                  honestly and completely. As you do.

     With that, Dumbledore tips his hat and is gone.

76   EXT. STREET - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                           76

     Newt moves quickly, trying his best to remain inconspicuous.
     Sensing something, he stops. Turns.

     No one.

77   EXT. NARROW STREET - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                    77

     Theseus moves warily forward, case held tightly.

78   EXT. NARROW STREET - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                    78
     Newt proceeds through the village. A GREEN-ROBED FIGURE comes
     into frame.

79   EXT. STREET - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                           79

     We follow a case, Lally, moving quickly. Glimpsing ahead, she
     sees Aurors. She turns into an alley and disappears from

80   EXT. STREET--BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                            80

     Theseus moves warily through a narrow passage. We see figures
     shifting on the rooftops above him. Ahead, he spots two
     Aurors and draws his wand.

81   EXT. BACK STREETS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                     81

     Lally moves quickly, glancing over her shoulder when...

82   EXT. JUNCTION - BACK STREETS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                          82
     ...she comes together with Theseus at the junction of their
     respective streets. Both whirl, raise their wands...


82   CONTINUED:                                                                     82
     then recognize each other. Then, as one, their gazes shift.
     Around them, everywhere, are DARK AURORS.

     Lally and Theseus deflect, parry, and duel the Dark Aurors
     from all sides, retreating up the steps as they fire a flurry
     of counter spells and charms.

     Lally Stuns three Dark Aurors, Theseus Stuns half a dozen
     more. Lally levitates a dozen crystal balls and sends them
     cascading toward the Aurors as Theseus Stuns a Dark Auror on
     a balcony above them. Turning, Lally incapacitates another by
     wrapping him in fabric before sending an Auror shooting into
     a wall and imprisoning him there as if stuck in a portrait.

     Aurors are left sprawled all over the street before them.
     Their victory is short-lived, though, as two wands appear,
     drawn at the backs of their necks...

                  Cases, please.

     Helmut stands behind them, flanked by two Dark Aurors.

83   EXT. ALLEYS/STONE STEPS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                              83

     Newt rounds a corner, and in the distance he sees two Aurors
     emerge ahead.

     Just beyond, he spots someone else.

                  Hey, fellas...

     The Aurors turn, and THWACK, Jacob sends both spinning with a
     swing of his case before darting out of sight. The Aurors
     recover and give chase.

84   EXT. NARROW ALLEY, LEADING UPWARD - SAME TIME - DAY                             84

     Jacob stumbles around a corner and races up some steep,
     narrow steps. Moments later, his pursuers come into view,
     stop, and stare upward.


     Except for Jacob's case.


85   EXT. BACK STREETS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                    85

     Helmut and his men take Lally's and Theseus's cases and set
     them down. A Dark Auror takes aim. Helmut raises his hand.

                  Wait. Open them. Make sure it's in
                  there. Idiot.

     The Auror trapped in the wall bangs with his fists to be let
     out. With a sigh, Helmut raises his wand and releases him,
     sending him sprawling to the ground with a thud.

     Lally and Theseus glance at the cases.

86   EXT. BACK STREETS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                    86

     One of Jacob's pursuers tentatively approaches the abandoned

     As Lally and Theseus look on, two of Helmut's Dark Aurors
     kneel beside the cases.

     POP! Jacob's case flips open to REVEAL... POLISH PASTRIES.

     Lally's and Theseus's cases are opened, revealing BOOKS and

     The Dark Auror hovering over Jacob's case grabs a paczki and
     inspects it.

     As the Golden Snitch BUZZES upward, Helmut watches it rise
     past the surrounding rooftops when:


     The books erupt out of Lally's case and engulf the Dark
     Aurors, mummifying them in a windstorm of paper.

     Jacob's case erupts with thousands of pastries cascading in a
     wave that sweeps the Dark Aurors down the steep steps and

     The Monster Book of Monsters attacks as Bludgers fly out of
     Theseus's case and catapult into the Dark Aurors in the alley
     and atop the rooftops high above.

     Helmut furiously strips a piece of paper from his face only
     to discover, in the chaos, Lally and Theseus have escaped.


87   EXT. STREETS/ALLEYS - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                   87

     Dumbledore moves swiftly, glancing             to a nearby rooftop as
     Bludgers rain down upon the Aurors             and send them tumbling. A
     Snitch buzzes down toward him, and             he catches it midair and
     pockets it. Suddenly, in lockstep,             from an alleyway, a figure
     joins him.

     Never breaking stride, Aberforth.

                  How long does he have?


88   EXT. STREET - BHUTAN - DAY                                                       88

     ...skating over the mass of people streaming far below.


     Credence, looking ever more pale, bumps along amidst the
     jubilant throng of Liu supporters. Weakened and in pain, he
     pauses, leaning against a pillar before steeling himself once
     more and moving on.

89   EXT. NARROW ALLEY LEADING UPWARD - BHUTAN - DAY                                  89

     Jacob, case-less now, walks down a narrow alley. He feeds
     onto a street. He passes a GREEN-ROBED FIGURE when another
     figure sweeps in and grabs him firmly by the hand...

     ...pulling him into a side street and away from the main

                  You're in danger, all right. You
                  need to leave.


     As he starts to speak, she puts a finger over his lips.

                  I can't. I can't come home. It's
                  too late for me. Some mistakes are
                  just too big.

     Jacob takes her hand away.


89   CONTINUED:                                                                     89
                  Can you listen to me-

                  There's no time! I was followed. I
                  gave them the slip, but it won't be
                  long before they find me. They're
                  going to find...
                       (voice breaking)

                  I don't care. All I got is us. I
                  make no sense without us.

                  Jacob, come on! I don't love you
                  anymore. Just get out of here.

                  You're the worst liar in the world,
                  Queenie Goldstein.

     Just then, CHURCH BELLS peal softly.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  You hear that? That's a sign.

     She stops, glaring at him. He stares at her.

     Jacob enfolds Queenie's hand in his and pulls her close.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Come here. Close your eyes. Please
                  close your eyes. You know what
                  Dumbledore said to me? He said that
                  I got a full heart... He's wrong,
                  I'm always going to have room in
                  there for you.


                  Look at me. Queenie Goldstein...

     As a tear trickles down her cheek, they both look up to see
     FIGURES surrounding them.


90   EXT. BRIDGE - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                           90

     Newt watches as Santos supporters cross a BRIDGE that rises
     into the sky; they disappear through a portal partway across.
     He grips his case tighter and moves forward, mingling with
     the crowd.

     From this vantage, the mountain looms mightily, its peak
     draped in thick clouds.

     Newt makes his way onto the bridge, toward the portal.
     Stepping through it, he disappears with a whoosh.

91   EXT. BASE OF EYRIE - BHUTAN - DAY                                                91

     At the base of the Eyrie we see vast steps rising up to the
     clouds and the Eyrie above. We drop down to reveal Newt,
     striding purposefully, in the direction of the steps.

     Directly ahead, a solitary figure, Fischer, stands unmoving.
     She turns, eyes focused on Newt. There is something ominous
     in her posture.

     Newt, debating a detour, but there is only one way up when...

                  Mr. Scamander. We've never been
                  properly introduced. Henrietta

     Herr Vogel's attaché.

                  Ah, yes - Hello-

     She nods to the clouds overhead.

                  I can take you up. There's a
                  private entrance for members of the
                  High Council. If you just follow

     Newt doesn't move, eyeing her skeptically.

                  I'm sorry, why would you do that?
                  Take me up?

                  Isn't it obvious?


91   CONTINUED:                                                                      91
                  No, frankly, it's not.

                  Dumbledore's sent me.
                       (the case)
                  I know what you have in the case,
                  Mr. Scamander.

     As Fischer's eyes narrow, a throng of exuberant Santos, Liu,
     and Grindelwald supporters spill into view. Quick as a snake,
     Fischer's hand snatches Newt's where he grips the handle.
     They lock eyes, and Newt makes to wrest the case free while
     the crowd converges. They continue to wrestle over control of
     the case as they are borne down the middle of the square,
     surrounded by happy faces and cheering voices.

     FLASH! - a bolt of fire strikes Newt behind his ear. He
     falls. Zabini appears, standing within the crowd, looking
     down at him, wand SMOKING. Fischer smiles before turning
     away, carrying the case with her.

92   EXT. BRIDGE - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                           92

     Theseus paces nervously as Lally stands by. The bridge is
     nearly deserted now. A HORN, like a CLARION CALL, rises over
     the city.

                  He should be here any minute.

     Just ahead, Kama and a group of Dark Aurors appear, heading
     toward them. The Dark Aurors raise their wands. Kama moves
     through the Aurors.

     Kama suddenly drops, driving his wand into the earth,
     releasing a pulse of magic that stuns the Aurors, concussing
     them instantly.

                  What kept you?

     Theseus, Lally, and Kama head onto the bridge and disappear.

93   EXT. BASE OF EYRIE - BHUTAN - DAY                                                93

     Coming to, Newt glances about frantically, buffeted by the

     He sees Fischer making her way up the stairs ahead.


93   CONTINUED:                                                                      93
     Towering above supporters and voters are massive freestanding
     BANNERS, which act as SCREENS to reflect the ceremony above.
     As Newt stares at the banner - in reflection - Vogel appears.

                  I thank the candidates for their

94   EXT. EYRIE - BHUTAN - CONTINUOUS - DAY                                           94

     Liu, Santos, and Grindelwald stand side by side.

                  Each represents a distinct vision
                  of how we will shape not only our
                  world, but the non-magical world as
                  well. Which brings us to the most
                  important part of our ceremony. The
                  walk of the Qilin.

     A Qilin is brought forth.

     We CUT TO:

95   EXT. EYRIE - BHUTAN - SAME TIME - DAY                                            95

     Newt reaches the great steps that stretch up to the Eyrie,
     seeing a tiny figure up ahead with his case - Fischer.

     As he pounds up the steps, he looks across to the banners and
     sees the Qilin being put before Grindelwald, Liu, and Santos.

     MINISTRIES, in EUROPE and elsewhere, watch the ceremony.

     On the screen the Qilin moves tentatively forward - toward
     the candidates. As the Qilin moves toward Grindelwald, Liu
     and Santos exchange a glance.

     Newt charges toward Fischer, who simply turns to look at
     Newt, making no effort to move.

     The Qilin stands in front of Grindelwald and gazes up at him.

     Fischer holds out the case. Newt studies her, perplexed by
     her demeanor, then reaches out. As his fingers make contact,
     the case turns to dust. In a panic, he watches the particles
     drift into the air. He looks back to Fischer, who continues
     to smile.


95   CONTINUED:                                                                      95
     As the dust drifts up, the banners reveal Grindelwald and the

     The Qilin, in front of Grindelwald, bows. For a moment, there
     is a long beat of silence.

                  The Qilin has seen. Seen goodness,
                  strength, qualities essential to
                  lead, and to guide us. Who do you

     The assembled witches and wizards thrust their wands into the
     air. SPELLS explode. The THREE COLORS of Liu, Santos, and
     Grindelwald stream into the sky and then turn to one,
     Grindelwald's green.

     Newt stands stunned.

     Grindelwald savors the adulation.

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Gellert Grindelwald is the new
                  leader of the magical world by

     As the crowd ROARS, Acolytes on either side of Newt shove him
     up the steps. Grindelwald nods to Rosier and she brings forth
     Queenie and Jacob.

     Newt tries to push his way toward Queenie and Jacob, but the
     two Acolytes restrain him.

     Rosier brings Jacob farther up the steps and hands his
     snakewood wand to Grindelwald.

     Grindelwald surveys the crowd, who waits, eyes fixed on him,
     then gestures to Jacob.

                  This is the man who tried to take
                  my life. This man who has no magic,
                  who would marry a witch and pollute
                  our blood. This forbidden union
                  will make us less, make us weak,
                  like his kind. He is not alone, my
                  friends. There are thousands who
                  seek to do the same. There can only
                  be one response to such vermin.
     Grindelwald tosses away Jacob's wand and raises his own.


95   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  95
     As Jacob turns to face him, Grindelwald hits him with a spell
     that throws him down the steps and sends him sprawling onto
     his back at Queenie's feet.

                                 GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)

     A lightning spell sends Jacob writhing in pain at Queenie's


                  Make him stop!

                  Our war with the Muggles begins

     Grindelwald's SUPPORTERS CHEER wildly.

     Lally, Theseus, and Kama can be seen moving through the
     crowd, looking shocked.
     Jacob remains writhing in pain on the ground until Santos
     raises her wand and lifts the Cruciatus Curse afflicting him.
     Relieved, Jacob lies back in Queenie's arms.

     Grindelwald turns his face to the sky, basking in his glory.

     He stays like this, reveling in the moment when...

     ...he spies the Phoenix circling overhead. A solitary feather
     of ASH seesaws from the sky and attaches itself to his cheek.
     He wipes it away, looking troubled.

     Grindelwald turns, squinting, as a FIGURE emerges from the


     Grindelwald studies him with interest as he approaches,
     looking weak but defiant. As he stops in front of
     Grindelwald, he reaches out, as if he were going to cradle
     Grindelwald's face, then takes his fingers and smears the ash
     on his cheek. Aberforth and Dumbledore emerge at the back of
     the crowd as Credence turns, addressing the dignitaries.
                  He's lying to you. That creature is

      Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore     FINAL Shooting Script    03/21/2022
95   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                    95
     Newt regards the bewitched Qilin sadly.

     Nearing the end of his strength, Credence falls to his knees.

     Aberforth moves to help him, but is held back gently by

                  Not now. Wait.

     Newt pulls free of his captors.

                  He did it to trick you. He killed
                  it and bewitched it so that you
                  might think him worthy to lead. But
                  he doesn't want to lead you, he
                  just wants you to follow.

                  Words. Words designed to deceive.
                  To make you doubt what you've seen
                  with your own two eyes.

     There were two Qilins born                              GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                                                    Because... ? Because you have
     that night. A twin. And I
                                                    no proof. Because there was
     know that, I know that--
                                                    no second Qilin. Am I not
                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Its mother had been killed.

                  Then where is it now, Mr.

     Grindelwald looks at Newt, triumphant, when his gaze falls to
     a green-robed dignitary...

     She steps forward, into the light, a CASE in hand, and gives
     it to Newt, who stares at it, dumbfounded.

     The robed figure looks up to reveal... Bunty.

                  No one can know everything, Newt.
     She glances around, abruptly - and uncomfortably - aware of
     the dignified persons present, then moves away as Newt opens
     the lid of the case.


95   CONTINUED: (4)                                                                  95
     A small head emerges, looks about.

     The Qilin.

     Vogel stares incredulously, nervously eyeing Grindelwald, who
     looks unsettled as well. Theseus and Lally exchange stunned
     glances. Tina watches on from the AMERICAN MINISTRY. Newt,
     more stunned than anyone, smiles - looking relieved,

     As everyone watches, the Qilin crawls out of the case and
     stands upright, blinking in confusion, trying to get its
     bearings. Then, sensing something, it turns and sees:

     The bewitched Qilin, standing by Grindelwald's side.

     Instantly, the Qilin SOFTLY KEENS, calling out, the sound
     heartbreaking in its naked emotion, but its twin's expression
     remains unchanged, its eyes blank.

     Newt kneels down beside the confused Qilin.

                  She can't hear you, little one. Not
                  here. But perhaps somewhere she's
                  listening in...

                  This is the true Qilin!

     Vogel snatches up the bewitched Qilin and turns to all those

                            VOGEL (CONT'D)
                  Look at it! You can see it with
                  your own eyes... This is the true--

     He falters as the Qilin in his hands slumps to the side, its
     eyes dark and empty.

     The British Witch we last saw in Berlin steps forward.

                            BRITISH WITCH
                  This can't be allowed to stand! The
                  vote must be taken again. Come on,
                  Anton. Do something!

     Vogel looks confused, frightened.
     The living Qilin is slowly making its way toward Dumbledore.


95   CONTINUED: (5)                                                                  95
                  No. No. No. Please.

     The Qilin eyes him carefully, its probing eyes silencing
     Dumbledore. The Qilin begins to glow and then slowly bows.

     Newt looks on curiously, compassionately.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  I'm honored.
                       (a troubled beat)
                  Just as two of you were born that
                  night, there is another here.
                  Equally worthy. I'm certain of it.

     Dumbledore gently strokes the Qilin.

                                 DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Thank you.

     The Qilin eyes Dumbledore curiously before making its way
     toward Santos to bow, as Grindelwald watches on with disgust.

     Grindelwald looks at Dumbledore, consumed by the moment - and
     raises his wand toward the Qilin. Credence, seeing
     Grindelwald taking aim at the Qilin, summons what strength he
     has and stands before him.

     Lightning fast, Grindelwald turns and casts a spell toward

     ...a BRIGHT, BLINDING SHIELD OF LIGHT materializes in front
     of Credence, courtesy of...

     ...Dumbledore and Aberforth, who - reflexively -
     independently - have cast protective spells.

     As Grindelwald's spell strikes the SHIMMERING SHIELD OF
     LIGHT, we follow his gaze up the path of the spell and

     ...his and Dumbledore's spells have knotted together.

     As one, their gazes meet, each stunned to find themselves
     shackled to the other. For a moment, they remain like this,
     connected, each draining the power of the other, the world in
     suspension. Then:

     The troth's CHAIN SHATTERS, sending the CRYSTAL slowly
     spinning to the ground. Grindelwald and Dumbledore watch as
     the light from the troth begins to FLICKER, and with a FLASH,
     everything goes suddenly silent... The world goes slowly
     STILL, as if the rotation of the earth itself were slowing.


95   CONTINUED: (6)                                                                  95
     The troth continues to spin slowly through the air, its
     center cracking.

     Their spells evaporate. Grindelwald's and Dumbledore's eyes
     meet, both realizing in the same moment that they have been

     Instantly, their wands rise, FLASHING again and again--fire
     and parry, fire and parry--in a dizzying--and cathartic--display
     of power. As they continue to battle, they draw closer and
     closer, neither able to get the best of the other, neither
     willing to concede, until finally, nearly face-to- face,
     their arms cross and they...

     Stop. Chests heaving. Eyes locked on each other. Dumbledore
     reaches out, delicately puts his hand on Grindelwald's heart.
     Grindelwald does the same, hand on Dumbledore's.

     Dumbledore, head bowed, peers up into Grindelwald's eyes.

     Just then, a THIN THREAD of YELLOW LIGHT stitches its way up
     into the sky from the crowd below. Moments later, another
     THREAD of YELLOW LIGHT joins it. Then another.

     Grindelwald watches, his face betraying an impending dread.

     Dumbledore watches more threads of light knit their way into
     the sky and, looking strangely moved, turns away, making to
     rejoin the frozen world behind him.

     Grindelwald stands stricken.

                  Who will love you now, Dumbledore?

     The blood troth strikes the floor.


     It breaks in two, and smoke rises from its center... The
     world begins to rotate on its axis once more, the figures
     surrounding Grindelwald and Dumbledore coming back to life.

     Dumbledore doesn't turn, leaving Grindelwald behind, to stand

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  You're all alone.
     Instantly, a THOUSAND YELLOW THREADS LACE THE SKY and all are
     bathed in a soft yellow light.


95   CONTINUED: (7)                                                                  95
     MAGICAL MINISTRIES around the world, including Brazil and
     France, cheer for Santos, sending their own exploding yellow
     spells into the air. Grindelwald looks on, defeated.

     He gazes over at those who oppose him, unified now as they
     move toward him, led by Santos and the Qilin, pointing their
     wands in his direction.

     Apparating to the edge, Grindelwald stands backed to the
     precipice of a great cliff. He rapidly puts a shield around
     him as spells are cast from those who stand opposite.

     But there is only one person who interests him: Dumbledore.

                            GRINDELWALD (CONT'D)
                  I was never your enemy. Then or

     Almost as ONE, spells fly toward Grindelwald, when, with one
     final glance at Dumbledore... he falls backward and

     Theseus, Lally, and Kama, followed by others, race to the
     wall edge to see...
     He's gone.

     Dumbledore looks away, sees Aberforth cradling Credence.
     Credence is weak now, looking at Aberforth curiously, his
     face bathed in yellow light.

                  Did you ever think of me?

                  Always. Come home.

     Aberforth reaches his hand out and lifts his son up to his
     feet. As they begin to descend, Dumbledore watches as the
     Phoenix takes flight behind them and drifts slowly down the

     Newt looks out over the sea of yellow and the Kingdom of
     Bhutan beyond. He looks suddenly weary.

                  Here she is.

     Newt turns, sees Bunty standing with the Qilin.
                  Well done, Bunty.


95   CONTINUED: (8)                                                                  95
     Bunty shakes her head and smiles.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Come on, little one.

     Newt opens the case for the Qilin.

                  I'm sorry. I must have given you an
                  awful fright.

     Newt takes the Qilin. Shakes his head.

                  No, I think sometimes it takes
                  losing something to realize quite
                  how much it means.

     Bunty eyes Newt's case as he cradles the Qilin. She spots the
     picture of Tina and smiles gently.

                  And sometimes you just...
     She falters. Newt studies her.

                            BUNTY (CONT'D)
                  Sometimes you just know.

     She turns away, heading back toward the others.

                  In you pop.

     As Newt places the Qilin in the case, we CUT TO:

     Jacob, watching Dumbledore from a distance.

                  Mr. Kowalski, I owe you an apology.

     Jacob turns, sees Dumbledore.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  It was never my intent for you to
                  suffer the Cruciatus Curse.

                  Yeah, well, you know, we got
                  Queenie back, so we're square.
                       (a beat)
                  Hey, can I ask you a question?


95   CONTINUED: (9)                                                                 95
     Jacob glances around, then leans forward, WHISPERS.

                            JACOB (CONT'D)
                  Can I keep this? You know, for like
                  old times' sake?

     Dumbledore looks down, sees the snakewood wand in Jacob's
     hand, then looks up, studies him.

                  I can't think of anyone more

                  Thanks, Professor.

     Jacob grins happily and pockets it. Dumbledore watches him
     head toward Queenie before joining Newt.

     Inspecting the edge of the cliff, Dumbledore removes the
     broken blood troth from his pocket and shows Newt.

                  But how? I thought you couldn't
                  move against one another.

                  We didn't. He sought to kill. I
                  sought to protect. Our spells met.

     Dumbledore smiles ruefully.

                             DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  Let's call it fate. After all, how
                  else would we fulfill our

     Newt eyes him curiously when Theseus joins them.

                  Albus. Promise me. You'll find him.
                  And stop him.

     Dumbledore nods.

     The yellow sky toward the horizon begins to DISSOLVE, slowly
     fading to black...


96   EXT. LOWER EAST SIDE - NEW YORK - NIGHT                                          96

     ...onto a street on the Lower East Side, where the WINDOWS of
     KOWALSKI'S BAKERY glow warm with light.

97   INT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                      97

     PEOPLE flit in and out of view - both Muggle and magical.
     Jacob's wedding cake now stands proud with the bride and
     groom on top, reunited.

                  Albert! Don't forget the pierogies!

                  Yes, Mr. K.

     Jacob and Newt stand in matching MORNING SUITS, Jacob
     fighting a losing battle with his tie.

                  Albert! No more than eight minutes
                  on the kolaczkis.

                  Yes, Mr. K.

                       (to Newt)
                  He's a sweet kid. He doesn't know
                  the difference between paszteciki
                  and golabki.

     Just then, Queenie enters in a BEAUTIFUL LACE GOWN.

                  Hey, sweetheart.


                  Newt doesn't know what you're
                  talking about. I don't know what
                  you're talking about. And you are
                  not working today, remember?
                       (eyeing Newt)
                  Are you all right, honey?
                       (to Newt)
                  You're nervous about the speech.
                  Don't be nervous.


97   CONTINUED:                                                                      97
                            QUEENIE (CONT'D)
                       (to Jacob)
                  Tell him, honey-

                  Don't be nervous about the speech.

                  I'm not nervous.

                  What's that smell? Why is there
                  burning?! Albert!

     Jacob rushes off. Queenie rolls her eyes.

                  Maybe we're nervous about something
                  else, huh?

                  I can't imagine what you're talking

     Queenie smiles knowingly, moves off.

98   EXT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - MOMENTS LATER - NIGHT                                   98

     Newt steps out under the front awning and takes out a piece
     of PAPER. Unfolds it. Begins to MUTTER his speech.

                  The day that I first met Jacob...
                  the day that I first met Jacob we
                  were both sitting in the Steen
                  National Bank... Never would I--

     Newt frowns, looks up. Sees a FIGURE on the bus bench across
     the street, sitting in the falling snow.

     Just then, something tickles the periphery of Newt's vision
     and he turns - slowly - to see a WOMAN approaching through
     the snow. He doesn't need to look twice. He knows.


                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  The maid of honor, I presume?
                  The best man, I gather?


98   CONTINUED:                                                                      98
                  You've done something to your hair?

                  No. Oh... Well, yes, actually, just
                  for tonight.

                  Well, it suits you.

                  Thank you, Newt.

     They look at each other, no longer talking, when...

     ...Lally and Theseus appear.


                  Look who's here.

                  How are you?

                  You look wonderful, Lally.

                  Well, thank you, Newt. I appreciate
                  it. Good luck.
                       (to Tina)
                  Tina. Come on. You must tell me how
                  MACUSA's been.

     They slip inside the bakery.

     Newt goes to follow the others inside, then pauses, looking
     back in the direction of the street. A moment passes, then:

                  What about me? How do I look? You
                  all right?

                  You look fine.

                  You okay?

                  Yeah, I'm all right.


98   CONTINUED: (2)                                                                  98
                  You're not nervous, are you? Can't
                  be nervous about a speech after
                  saving the world.

     A look between them, and then Newt looks across and sees
     Dumbledore sitting on the bus bench opposite.

     Newt steps across the snowy street, pauses before the bench.

                  It's a historic day. Where once was
                  before, there will now be after.
                  Funny how historic days seem so
                  ordinary when you're living them.

                  Perhaps that's what happens when
                  the world gets things right.

                  It's jolly nice to know it happens

     Newt eyes him.

                  I didn't know if I'd see you here.

                  I wasn't sure you would either.

     Their eyes meet, then Dumbledore looks off. The door to the
     bakery opens and Queenie appears. Luminous.

                  Hey, Newt! Jacob seems to think
                  he's lost the ring. Please tell me
                  you've got it.

     Newt turns and Pickett pops out of his pocket, clutching a
     SIMPLE BAND with a SMALL, but lovely, CHIP of a DIAMOND.

                  No, it's all good.

     She smiles, then disappears inside. Newt looks at Pickett.

                            NEWT (CONT'D)
                  Good man, Pick.
                       (looking at Dumbledore)
                  I should probably--


98   CONTINUED: (3)                                                                 98
     Dumbledore says nothing, still staring off.

                  Thank you, Newt.

                  What for?

                  Pick your poison.

     Newt nods.

                            DUMBLEDORE (CONT'D)
                  I really couldn't have done it
                  without you.

     Newt smiles faintly. Dumbledore merely nods. Newt starts to
     go, then stops.

                  I'd do it again, by the way. Should
                  you ask.
     Newt eyes him curiously, then turns, walks back to the
     bakery, and disappears inside.

     As he closes the door, a YOUNG WOMAN wearing a DRESS
     PATTERNED IN RED ROSES comes rushing into view.

     Looking confused, she glances about in quiet alarm, then
     spies the bakery.


     Dumbledore watches her hurry inside.

     He sits another moment, looking around, then rises.

99   INT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                     99

     Queenie steps forward to join Jacob in front of a MAGICAL
     MINISTER. Queenie turns and looks at him, as behind, Newt and
     Tina, Lally, Theseus, Bunty, and Albert gather, watching with

                  Wow. You're so beautiful.


100   EXT. KOWALSKI'S BAKERY - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT                                   100

      Dumbledore looks through the window and smiles. He pulls the
      collar of his coat tight and begins to move off, striding
      alone through the snow - strewn street toward the wintry
      horizon in the distance.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Writers :   J.K. Rowling  Steve Kloves
Genres :   Fantasy  Adventure  Family

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