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                             JOHN WICK: CHAPTER FOUR

                                   Written by

                                   Shay Hatten

                              Current Revisions by

                                  Michael Finch

                Based on characters created by Derek Kolstad

Locked white draft:    May 30, 2021
Blue Revisions:        June 23, 2021
Pink Revisions:        July 2, 2021
Yellow Revisions:      July 14, 2021
Green Revisions:       August 10, 2021
Goldenrod Revisions:   October 2, 2021
Buff Revisions:        October 22, 2021
Salmon Revisions:      January 28, 2022

1    EXT. NEW YORK CITY - DAWN                                     1

     Establishing: An aerial view of New York City's iconic
     skyline as the sun crests the horizon.


     Titles begin:

     BANG! The sound of bone impacting wood echoes.

1A   EXT. NYC / STREET - DAWN                                  1A

     A low rent part of town, gritty and industrial. A symbol is
     spray painted on a wall: an "X" with an "0" on each side and
     a jagged "line" above. This is HOBO SYMBOL and in the
     language of the street it means: "a safe place."


     A long, dark tunnel illuminated by a lantern. Walls covered
     in HOBO SYMBOLS. Footsteps echo. Two long shadows stretch
     out. A familiar voice, loud in the confined space, washes
     over us:

                         THE BOWERY KING (V.O.)
               "I am the way into the city of woe,
               I am the way into eternal pain,
               I am the way to go among the lost."


     BANG! A shadow shrouded room illuminated faintly by shafts of
     blue light angling down from above through an old grate.

     EXTREMELY CLOSE ON a thick wooden Makiwara board as a FIST
     slams into it. When the fist pulls back, it leaves a smear of


     ANGLE ON a large metal door. An old fashioned SKELETON KEY,
     set on a large ring of keys, slides into the lock.

                         THE BOWERY KING (V.O.)
               "Justice caused my high architect
               to move,
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       2.

                        THE BOWERY KING (V.O.)
              Divine omnipotence created me,
              The highest wisdom, and the primal

    The key turns and the lock disengages with a sharp clang. A
    hand pulls the door open to reveal stairs dropping down.


    BANG! WIDER ON the Makiwara board as the fist SLAMS into it.
    Violent, brutal. Each punch speckling the wood with blood. We
    now see that the fist is MISSING ITS RING FINGER.

    The fist of JOHN WICK.


    Man and dog approach a heavy duty grate secured by chains and
    padlocks. As the man unlocks the locks, we see his face, and
    that of his companion: the BOWERY KING and John's dog. Slung
    over the Bowery King's shoulder is a black suit in a plastic
    dry cleaning bag.

                        THE BOWERY KING
              "Before me there were no created
              But those that last forever as do

    The King slides the grate over and he and the dog step onto a
    freight elevator. He pulls a lever. The elevator descends...


    BANG! SLIGHTLY WIDER NOW, as we view John's fist punching the
    board in SILHOUETTE. Kettle bells to one side, a work bench
    that's home to a disassembled Glock and bullet press, on the
    other. |Light glistening off a knife blade resting on a
    millstone. Behind it, a worn and duct taped heavy bag.


    The Bowery King and the dog move down a long corridor,
    passing by a stone face carved into a supporting beam: JANUS,
    the Roman god of beginnings, transitions, duality, endings,
    and perhaps most importantly, war and peace.

    As the Bowery King passes Janus's face, we see, on the back
    of the supporting beam, an identical face.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       3.

      At the end of the corridor is a metal door. Etched above it
      is another HOBO SYMBOL: a circle set next to a square, both
      with dots in the center. The Bowery King inserts a key. BANG!

                          THE BOWERY KING
                "Abandon all hope you who enter..."
                    (to dog, with a sly smile)
                ...because you are now in the
                presence of the motherfucking King.

      He turns the key and pushes the door open.


      BANG! As the door opens, a band of light illuminates the room
      and we finally see John in full: SHIRTLESS, tattoos
      glistening with sweat, muscles RIPPLING.

                          THE BOWERY KING
                You ready, John?

      Finally, John looks over his shoulder at The Bowery King who
      presents the suit to him. Months have passed. His body is
      honed by exercise, and his wounds, save that bloody finger,
      healed by time. The physical ones at least.

      It's a long beat as he breathes heavily in and out.
      Impossible to read his expression.


      As the final titles roll, we focus on the board, pockmarked
      with John's blood. The blood forms tendrils which in turn
      form the words:

                           JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 4

10    OMITTED                                                      10

10A   EXT. THE DESERT - DAWN                                      10A

      WIDE. The sun -- blood orange, massive -- slowly rises,
      illuminating the wide and featureless desert flats.

      Three Arabians thunder by. The RIDERS, in Bedouin robes,
      pushing their steeds to the edge of exhaustion.

      BOOM! A gunshot reverberates and Rider #1 slumps over his
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       3A.

REVERSE TO A FIGURE on an Arabian, black against the orb of
the rising sun, features distorted by the heat shimmer.

BANG! The Rider #2 is knocked off his horse.

RIDER #3 spurs his mount forward--

BANG! Rider #3 catches a bullet in the shoulder. He spins,
losing his saddle, hits the sand as his horse canters away.

As Rider #3 pulls himself to his feet, a long shadow washes
over him.

Slowly, he turns and though we don't recognize his face, we
know him to be THE ELDER; the One Who Sits Above the Table.

the fine sand.

PAN UP, over the Arabian's black legs, to black shoes, black
suit, left hand, ring-finger severed at the joint, refusing
to heal to John Wick, framed by the rising sun. JW dismounts
and shoots the 2 bodyguards left standing.

                    THE ELDER
          Mr. Wick. To what do I owe the

           My ring, my freedom.

JW takes a knee .....

                    THE ELDER
          Then I'm afraid you've come a very
          long way for nothing.                                *

                   THE ELDER
          Your ring is gone , like the Elder
          before me and if you came here
          thinking you could end this by
          killing me , you are mistaken....

          My death will not change the
          outcome any more than you can
          change your nature...None of us can
          escape who we are and no one
          escapes The Table.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       3B.

                    THE ELDER (CONT'D)
          As I replaced my predecessor , so
          too shall I be replaced , and the
          only way John Wick will ever know
          freedom or peace is in death...You
          are under The Table , and you have
          been judged.

          I know.

                    THE ELDER
          ...Then why are you here?

          For you to help me change their

                    THE ELDER
          As I said , no on escapes who they
          are...Im afraid you've come a long
          way for nothing....

The Elder stands....

JW stands and slowly raises his gun....


BOOM! The shot rings out, echoing across the desert and far

The Elder drops, blood pooling from the back of his head,
forming a pattern on the sand.

ANGLE ON Rider #2. The man, on the ground, looks up, squints
into the sun that frames John's face. John grabs the back of
the man's head and pulls him close.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          Tell them. Tell them all. I'm going
          to kill them. I'm going to kill
          them all.

John releases the man and mounts his Arabian. A skin of water
thuds to the sand next to Rider #2. He watches as John rides
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   3C.

11   OMITTED                                            11

12   EXT. MANHATTAN / THE CONTINENTAL - DAY             12

     Establishing: An aerial view of the hotel.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       4.


     BELLBOYS with luggage, GUESTS checking in, and the true
     fixture of this establishment, CHARON, at his rightful place
     at the front desk.

     A DOORMAN opens the front door. On a dime, the mood changes.
     Conversations turn to whispers as all eyes turn toward a
     behemoth of a man in a tweed suit: THE HARBINGER.

     The Harbinger cuts an imposing path as he walks towards the
     front desk -- people part to move out of his way. He reaches
     the desk and looks at Charon for a long beat... then removes
     a LARGE HOURGLASS FULL OF BLACK SAND from his valise and sets
     it upright on the counter.

                         THE HARBINGER
               The Manager.

     Charon studies him warily...lifts his phone as patrons head
     for the exit.

               A Harbinger is here to see you,


     WINSTON sits behind his desk, reading glasses perched on his
     nose, scanning an official looking DOCUMENT -- something
     written with quill and ink and sealed with wax. He lowers it.

               There must be a mistake.

                          THE HARBINGER
               There is no mistake. By order of
               The Marquis, Vincent Bisset de
               Gramont, this hotel has been

     The Harbinger turns the hourglass over and the black sand
     beings to run through it.

                           THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
               One hour.

     The Harbinger turns to walk out, pausing by Charon who stands
     by the door. He turns back to Winston.

                         THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
               He's expecting you.
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       5-9.

     Winston... nods. The Harbinger departs and Winston's gaze
     shifts to the hourglass.

               Can he do this, sir?

               The decree is signed by all twelve
               members of The Table bestowing upon
               him powers autem imperator. He is
               our judge, jury, and now...
               executioner. Evacuate the hotel.

15   EXT. MANHATTAN / OFFICE TOWER - DAY                          15

     Winston and Charon exit a towncar and head for the lobby.

16   OMITTED                                                      16


     DING! Elevator doors slide open to reveal Winston and Charon.
     The two step out into a whole new corner of the world of the
     High Table.

     Sterile, minimalist, the INSIGNIA OF THE HIGH TABLE looming
     over a desk where several SECRETARIES -- all in white, all
     with FLEUR DE LIS tattoos or jewelry -- sit. The Marquis'
     elite guard: THE MYRMIDONS line the walls.

     CHIDI -- lean, hard, condescending, serious and lethal --
     waits by massive doors at the opposite end of the space by
     large doors.

     As Winston and Charon walk towards him:

               Tradition has it that a condemned
               man being led to the gallows was
               permitted a final speech. This
               public penitence was an affirmation
               of the necessity of observing
               divine law.

               You have done nothing to warrant
               the gallows.
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         5-9A.

                   (a wry smile)
               Ned Kelly's final words as the
               hangman put the noose around his
               neck were: "Such is life". Such is
               life! Can you imagine? The
               defiance! The acceptance!

               Today is not the day you will die.
               Of that I am sure.

     They stop in front of Chidi.

               You have the unshakable faith of
               David, and you are a true friend,
               but you should not be here. This
               won't be pleasant.

               Such is life, sir.

     Winston studies his friend for a moment and gives a nod of
     genuine gratitude.

               Thank you.

     Doors open and they step into:


     Doors fully open and Winston, Charon and Chidi enter the
     gargantuan chamber lined with Myrmidons. Scores of high white
     columns frame a round reflecting pool of still water set in
     the chamber's center, their capitals, incandescent with
     diffuse white light, a stark contrast to the pool's dark

     At the far end of the space, standing by the floor to ceiling
     windows, his back to Winston and Charon, one hand holding a
     cup of coffee, the other stirring it methodically, is a man
     in a finely tailored suit.

     of the High Table. He is the undisputed law of this world.

     Resting on the Marquis's glass desk is an identical hourglass
     to the one delivered to the hotel. The black sand -- now 90%
     expended -- runs through it at the same rate.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       5-9B.

Winston and Charon walk to the center of the room and stop on
one side of the pool.

If the Marquis notices his guests, he doesn't show it. He
merely stands there, his back to Winston and Charon. The only
motion is that slow and steady stirring. It's a long and
uncomfortable moment as Winston eyes the sand flowing through
the hourglass. The room is so quiet the only sound is The
Marquis stirring his coffee. After a long moment:

                    THE MARQUIS
          My father used to say: "How you do
          anything is how you do everything."
          Called it the first and the last
          rule of life. Do you believe in
          rules, Mr. Manager?

          I do.

                    THE MARQUIS
          And what of consequences?

          That depends on the transgression.

                    THE MARQUIS
          You believe in measured responses,

          And in second chances.

                    THE MARQUIS
          That's where we differ, you and I.

The Marquis turns, taking in Winston and Chidi. He sips his
coffee. The black sand is 94% expended.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Second chances are the refuge of
          men who fail.

Winston waits for The Marquis to continue. He does not. He
doesn't have to. He has all the time in the world.

The silence sits there; heavy, like a weight on a man's
chest, every second adding more and more pressure. 95%.
Finally, The Marquis turns.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          There are those on The Table who
          blame this... atrocity on New York.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       5-9C.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          They believe it's this city - with
          all of its decadence and temptation
          - that is the cause of this. I take
          a different view. When a child acts
          out, I believe the fault lies with
          the parent. The Table has indulged
          this place for too long and look
          where that's gotten us.

          I shot him.

                    THE MARQUIS
          And yet he lives... polluting
          everything he touches.

The sand is 97% drained.

          Marquis. Respectfully. My hotel--

                    THE MARQUIS
          Your hotel?

          If I might, sir?

The Marquis eyes Charon, as though noticing him for the first

                    THE MARQUIS
          By all means.

          The Continentals, and their
          management are a reminder to all
          who sit beneath The Table that none
          of us are above the rules.

                    THE MARQUIS
          You believe your hotel provides

          No, sir. Only The Table can assure
          order. But our hotel, by virtue of
          the fact that it is a place of
          sanctuary, ensures that The Table
          does not have to.

The sand drains, spiraling in the top cylinder: 98%
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         5-9D.

                      THE MARQUIS
          And yet here we are.
          And how is that working out for

          Mr. Wick--

                     THE MARQUIS
          We are not here because of John
              (shifting his attention to
          He is simply the face of your
          failure, Mr. Manager. That you
          failed us is why we are here. The
          sand in that glass is merely an
          echo of my remaining patience...

A long pause as The Marquis surveys Winston who holds the
Frenchman's gaze.

The last grain drops through the glass. A FLASH in the
distance. Then a low RUMBLE. The glass shakes ever so
slightly. A cloud of debris rises over Manhattan. As it falls
away, a column of black smoke rises.

Winston can only watch as The Continental dies.

And with it, a part of Winston dies too. That building was
his identity. And now it is gone.

Winston's pain is reflected in Charon. He wants to put a hand
on his friend's shoulder, but somehow that would be improper.

The Marquis, who never took his eyes off of Winston, never
looked at the hotel, begins the walk towards Winston and
Charon. He draws his weapon. Lines it on Winston as he

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          You were New York. Now, you are
          nothing. You are excommunicado.

          Such is life.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Thus you will no longer require the
          services of a concierge.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       5-9E.

Winston stares. A grim and horrifying realization dawns as
The Marquis swings the weapon on Charon and pulls the

BOOM! Charon stumbles backward, blood seeping through his
white shirt and spreading across his chest.

Winston, his shirt spattered with blood specks, catches him,
cushioning his fall, kneeling with him, holding him.

The Marquis walks out, Chidi falling in behind him.

Charon extends his hand and Winston clasps it. There is an
absolute calmness to this man; a commitment to exhibit the
same dignity and duty in death as he did in life.

          It has been an honor.

          Rest now, friend.

These two old friends share one final moment before Charon
slips away.

Winston, on his knees, cradling Charon's head, slowly looks
up, eyes locked on the receding Marquis. Shock and anger are
slowly morphing to something else: something dangerous.

ANGLE ON The Marquis, Winston and Charon behind him.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Amène-moi Caine.

A soft, lyrical musical piece washes over us, growing in
pitch and intensity...
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       10.

19   EXT. PARIS - AFTERNOON                                    19

     Establishing: Paris, the city of lights, vibrant and alive on
     a summer's afternoon.

                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       11.


     MIA (20), Chinese, violin to her ear, stands on the steps,
     playing the piece.

     People have stopped to watch and to listen. Her body sways as
     the pitch builds. She is profoundly connected to this music,
     almost as though it has meaning outside of the notes.

     ANGLE ON CAINE, (40s) Chinese, sharp suit, walking cane
     stands some dozen yards away. Though he is apart from Mia --
     his back is to her and his eyes are closed -- in this moment
     he is very much with her.

     As the music builds, we note the locket resting in his right
     palm. Old and worn by the constant rubbing of his thumb, it
     has meaning to this man beyond the material. For him, it is
     beauty and serenity.

     The piece reaches its crescendo and stops, bringing Caine
     back to reality.

     People applaud. Mia stares, almost like she's surprised
     anyone was there. A WOMAN puts a few Euros in her open violin
     case, a "ENMP" (Ecole Normale de Musique Paris) sticker

     As Mia packs her violin, Caine stands. As he turns into the
     camera and his face comes into the light, we see his milky
     white eyes. Caine is blind.

     He takes a tentative step towards her... stops... pulls a
     flask from his jacket, and drinks before turning away.

21   OMITTED                                                      21
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     12.

22   INT. PARIS / GAMBLING PARLOR - NIGHT                         22

     CLOSE ON a heavy metal CUP. With a FLASH - two dice are
     snatched off the GREEN FELT TABLE into the up. We pull back
     to see the weathered hand that shakes it. Inside the CUP, the
     dice rattle - a feverish crescendo building. With a flick of
     the wrist, the dice skitter across the felt, bounce off the
     runners, settle. A FOUR and a THREE.

     The DEALER -- French -- razor slash across his face, bad
     tattoos creeping over his neckline slides ides cash across
     the table to Caine who just rolled. In front of him is a pile
     of cash and a shot glass.

               Eight in a row.

     Caine's fingers run over the dice, slides them into the cup.


     Dice rattle. He rolls. Wins again.


     As Caine collects the dice and cash.

               There's no such thing as luck.

     Caine rolls again and wins again. The Dealer stares at the

                         CAINE (CONT'D)
               Would you look at that.

     Caine's fingers find the shot glass. He grasps it...

                           CAINE (CONT'D)
               Lucky me.

     Caine downs the shot.

                           CAINE (CONT'D)

               ...You should leave now.

     Caine... slides his pile of cash forward.
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    12A.

                         DEALER (CONT'D)
               Maybe you didn't hear me.


     The Dealer's eyes flick to two Thugs moonlighting as casino

23   EXT. PARIS / ALLEY - NIGHT                                   23

     Caine makes his way down the alley, his cane swinging in
     front of him as the rain pours. Caine finds a dry spot under
     the eaves, leans against the wall and lights a cigarette.

     The lighter flares, briefly illuminating three forms -- The
     Dealer and the two Thugs from the parlor -- emerging from the

               ...Guess I'm not that lucky.

     A fist hits him in the gut. He doubles over. A blow to the
     head sends him reeling against the wall. A leg sweep sends
     him to the pavement.

     Caine makes not effort to defend himself. He smiles through
     the pain as blows rain down him.

     The Dealer grabs him by the hair.

                         THE DEALER
               You have something that belongs to

     Caine... LAUGHS. The Dealer... hits him with the gun. The
     Thugs join in, beating and kicking Caine who's on his knees.
     Caine holds up a hand. He's done.


     He reaches into his jacket and pulls out a brick of bills.

                           CAINE (CONT'D)
               Take it.

     A Thug takes the cash and hands it to The Dealer who runs a
     thumb over it. The Dealer... nods and a Thug kicks Caine. The
     second joins in. The Dealer hits him!

     A blow sends Caine reeling, the force of the impact knocks
     the LOCKET from Caine's pocket.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      12B.

He hears it clattering across wet pavement; lunges for it,
hands trying to find it.

Caine's fingers brush against the chain and he draws the
locket towards him.

The Thug's alligator skin cowboy boot grinds down on Caine's
hand, pressing it against the locket and the pavement.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)

The Thug hesitates, glancing at The Dealer who... nods. The
Thug reaches for the locket. As his fingers brush against the
worn nickel, Caine shifts his weight, freeing his hand.

Fingers wrap around The Thug's ankle. CRACK! Bone snaps and
The Thug falls, howling as Caine pulls the man's boot off.

The Second Thug produces a straight razor and lunges for
Caine who uses the boot as weapon, breaking the man's elbow
and jaw. He falls.

The Dealer draws a cheap .38. Caine focuses on the sound. The
.38 arcs and Caine uses the boot as a tomahawk, wrapping the
man's wrist up with it, then driving the heel into the man's
mouth. He falls to his knees, spitting teeth.

The Dealer, on his knees, stares up at Caine who now holds
the .38 against the man's forehead with his right hand and
holds his left hand out, palm up.

A frozen moment and Caine... snaps the cylinder open. Bullets
clatter to the pavement.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)

A beat and The Dealer gets up and runs.

Caine stands there, defeated in victory; deflated.

          You should have killed them.

Caine ignores Chidi... turns, feet sliding over the pavement.
He finds the locket, retrieves it. Starts to walk away.

                    CHIDI (CONT'D)
          You've been summoned.

Caine stops. This is specific word and it means something
more to Caine.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       13.


     Massive. Gilded. Imposing. Puts Versailles to shame.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       14.


     ANGLE ON Caine -- damp, face caked in blood, standing in the
     majestic space. His body sways slightly. Chidi stands
     directly behind him.

     The Marquis sits alone at the head of a very long formal
     dining table some distance away. The silence hangs there.

                         THE MARQUIS

     Caine teeters and retches. Bile spatters the marble floor.
     Chidi steps back reflexively. Caine wipes spittle from his

               ...Tea, please.

     The Marquis nods. Servants enter. Cups are poured. Caine
     accepts his tea with a nod. Both men wait for the other to
     speak. Finally:

                         THE MARQUIS
               I have a name for you.

     Caine tenses as A VALET approaches with an IVORY TRAY; holds
     it out to Caine. On the tray is a BLACK ENVELOPE. Caine does
     not take it.

               ...Respectfully, I am retired.

                         THE MARQUIS
               I disagree.

               I am no longer of use to you or The

                         THE MARQUIS
               I am amused that you think that is
               for you to decide.

     A long moment. This is a battle of wills.

               ...You should find someone else.

     Caine nods respect. Carefully places the cup on the saucer
     that rests on the tray. Turns to go.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       14A.

                    THE MARQUIS
          You got close today.

Suddenly Caine if very still.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Too close. You put her in danger.

              (flat and hard)
          I know the deal I made.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Do you?

An painfully long moment of silence... This is a battle of
wills and Caine knows he's already lost. He reaches for the
Valet's tray.

Fingers find the envelope. He takes a deep breath and breaks
the wax seal; removes a heavy gold trimmed black card marked
with brail. His fingers run over the letters... stop at the

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          A former associate, I believe.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       15.

                ...He was... a friend.

      The Marquis surveys Caine for a beat almost as though he
      understands that he is engaged in a silent battle of wills
      with a man who doesn't know how to bend.

                          THE MARQUIS
                Your agreement with The Table is as
                it has been: we give you a name,
                you give us a life, or we take one.

      The threat hangs there.

                          THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
                Tell me you understand.

      Caine... drops to one knee.

                ...I have served. I will be of

                          THE MARQUIS
                Excellent. I assume you have a
                notion of where he might be.

                ...John Wick has few friends
                remaining in this world. And even
                fewer he trusts with his life.

      A slight smile forms on The Marquis' lips.

25A   EXT. PARIS / STREET - NIGHT                                 25A

      An old and run down movie theatre, it's billboard proudly
      presenting Buster Keaton's The General. Laughter washes over

25B   INT. PARIS / MOVIE THEATRE - NIGHT                          25B

      A fuzzy reel on a big screen. Keaton pulling off an
      impossible stunt. A dozen FILM BUFFS scattered around the
      theater. A few laugh.

      Caine, who is making his way across the back of the theatre,
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       15A.


      Film runs through the old fashioned projector. A rectangular
      beam of light emanates from the lens. THE PROJECTIONIST -- an
      old and wizened Frenchman with a cigarette, thick glasses,
      and a black beret, looks up as Caine enters.

      ANGLE ON a shelf of film canisters. The Projectionist pulls a
      canister down, lays it on the table and walks out.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       16.

      A beat and Caine opens it to reveal a folded tailored suit, a
      titanium alloy cane with an ornately sculpted handle, a row
      of gold coins, a Glock G44 22 LR, with tactical shoulder
      holster rig and magazines, flashbang grenades, and a half
      dozen small motion sensors...

      Caine's fingers run over the box's contents. They find   the
      cane. He lifts it... pulls on the handle, half drawing   the
      razor sharp sword. Laughter echoes from the cinema and   Caine
      roars in rage and frustration, slamming the sword back   in its

      He stands there for a moment... pulls a flask from his
      jacket, unscrews the cap, brings it to his lips... and pours
      the liquid out onto the floor.

25D   EXT. OSAKA - NIGHT                                          25D

      Establishing: An aerial view of Osaka's downtown with its
      bright strobe lights and giant billboards; a miasma of color
      and cacophonous sound.


26    EXT. OSAKA / DOWNTOWN - NIGHT                                26

      Bright strobe lights flash on a giant billboard. An
      advertisement. Japanese text. PAN DOWN. More billboards. More
      advertisements. More colors. Sounds now. Discordant; the kind
      you hear in a crowded city. At street level now, people
      walking by billboards. Spray painted on a billboard, and
      partially lost in the pattern, is a HOBO SYMBOL.

      REVERSE TO a BELGIAN MALINOIS sitting on the sidewalk, dark
      eyes locked on the symbol.

      PULL BACK to reveal a MAN (30), standing next to the dog,
      taking in the symbol. He... smiles.

                           THE TRACKER

      There's a little twinkle in his eye that suggests he's
      laughing at a joke; which is just lovely until you figure out
      the joke's on you.

      This is THE TRACKER and the dog is THE TRACKER'S TRACKING
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       16A.

27   EXT. OSAKA / OSAKA STREET - NIGHT                         27

     Down a street, the dog's ears are back now, confident, like
     he's got a scent, off the curb and into traffic... ignoring
     honking cars... The dog stops, eyes locked on massive ONYX
     DOORS flanked by two Japanese DOORMEN.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       17.

     Above them, rising twenty stories into the night sky, is the
     Osaka Continental.



     Floor to ceiling windows offer 360 degree views of Osaka from
     on high. The Tracker, the Malinois next to him, stands in the
     middle of the elegant lobby as guests and Geishas and servers
     with champagne and hors d'oeuvres pass by.

     His phone -- old school flip phone -- buzzes. He checks it.
     We catch a glimpse of a large number: $18 million... that
     snaps to $20 million.

     He whistles under his breath and glances at the dog who's
     looking at him with interest.

                         THE TRACKER
                   (under his breath)
               Getting there.

     He pulls a well-worn NOTEBOOK from his pocket and, with the
     stub of a pencil, makes a notation. The pages are filled with
     hand-written notes, symbols (HOBO SYMBOLS are prominent),
     sketches (John Wick), flowcharts and Venn diagrams
     (family/relationship trees with lines leading to Winston, The
     Ruska Roma, Osaka, etc.)

                         AKIRA (O.S.)
               I'm afraid this facility doesn't
               allow animals.

     ANGLE ON AKIRA -- sleek suit, leather folder under her arm,
     perhaps a touch young for her position as concierge --
     standing behind The Tracker, her form reflected in a glass

                         THE TRACKER
               You should tell her that.

     Akira glances to the side. A WOMAN wearing a massive fur coat
     and hat, trailed by two laden-down bellboys, passes by.

               Meaning your pet, sir.

     The Tracker, intrigued by the scrolls set behind glass
     doesn't look back.

                         THE TRACKER
               Emotional support animal.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       18.

               She's your support animal?

                         THE TRACKER
               Other way around: I'm her's.

               ...Does she bite?

                         THE TRACKER
               Only when she's hungry.

     Akira eyes The Tracker... A SERVER passes by with small and
     delicate appetizers. She takes one and offers it to the dog
     whose ears drop and muscles tense. It's about to lunge when
     the Tracker's hand GRABS her wrist, fast. She looks at him,
     hard and he looks right back at her. This was a test and The
     Tracker and his dog failed.

                         THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
               She's always hungry.

     The Tracker releases her wrist and lays a gold coin in her
     palm. Akira eyes it.

     Motion catches her eye: A Japanese man we'll come to know by
     the name of SHIMAZU (50s) strolling through the lobby. A
     slight hitch in his step speaks to battles fought, a scar,
     just visible on his neck, to mistakes made, and the deference
     granted by all around him, to the respect he's earned.

               She stays in your room.

                            THE TRACKER
               Of course.

     The Tracker watches her as she moves to intercept Shimazu.

                         THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
               Can't take you anywhere.

     With that, The Tracker puts the food between his teeth and
     offers it to the dog who rises on her hind legs and gently
     takes it.

29   INT. OSAKA / OSAKA CONTINENTAL / LOBBY - NIGHT               29

     Akira paces up to walk beside Shimazu. As they move across
     the lobby, passing the bar and the Exhibition hall, by staff
     and patrons, their tone, volume and even language shifts.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       19.

          There's a dog in my lobby.

          Emotional support animal.

          Of course it is.

She hands him the folder. He flips it open, scanning it as
they walk.

          Tomorrow's schedule: Mr. Suzuki at
          Eleven, the Tarasov's are
          requesting an audience at Two--

          What's this at Eight?

          Dinner with your daughter. She's
          concerned that you've been working
          too hard.

Shimazu hands her back the folder as he and Akira head up a
flight of stairs.

          What must I have done to deserve
          such a considerate child?

          Good karma, I suppose.

          Indeed. And how are our guests?

          Some of our "gold" club members are

The two emerge on the EXHIBITION HALL level.

          It's always something.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       20.


     A large and open space cut up by a series of glass partitions
     housing an assortment of museum grade weapons and armor --
     mostly Japanese, some from surrounding regions, including
     nunchaku -- as well as scrolls -- pressed between panels. As
     they continue to walk:

               Today it's New York.

     Shimazu exchanges a small bow with a guest admiring the glass
     encased art.

               And my concierge?


               Perhaps we should get you an
               emotional support animal.

     He shakes his head as he smiles at a European guest.

               ...Should we be worried?

               We've done nothing to offend The

               The Table seems to decide that for

               Work must be light for you to be so
               focused on events a world away.

               Your past relationship with Mr.
               Wick is no secret. The Table will

               And will be met with our grace.

               Everything he touches dies.

     Shimazu stops, turns his gaze on her
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         21.

               Don't presume to tell me about a
               man I've known longer than you've
               been alive.

     Akira holds his gaze for a moment... bows.

               Forgive me... Father.

     And now we realize that Akira is Shimazu's daughter.
     Shimazu... nods and angles for a side door. She turns to go.

               Akira. Please tell my daughter that
               I look forward to our dinner.

     Akira smiles a small smile.


     Shimazu moves through the bustling hotel kitchen: cooks,
     servers... and two SUMO sized men standing guard. They nod
     respect as he passes between them.

     A score of hard looking Japanese men in gray suits, white
     shirts, open collars, irezumi tattoos visible at necks and
     cuff lines are scattered around this part of the kitchen --
     watching TV, playing cards, etc. Call them Shimazu's

     As Shimazu passes an older, Senior Retainer stationed at the
     bottom of a flight of stairs:

               I'm not to be disturbed.

     The man inclines his head as Shimazu heads up the stairs.


     Doors open and Shimazu steps onto the rooftop's manicured
     garden: a stone path, a water feature, Japanese cherry trees,
     all framed by Osaka's neon glow.

     As Shimazu rounds a bend, a lone figure, in silhouette,
     gazing out over Osaka, comes into view.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       22.

              (Japanese; sarcastic)
          So, you must finally have found
          your peace...

A worn and weary John Wick turns, taking in Shimazu.

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          ...Apparently not. Killing the
          Elder was a mistake, my friend.

Shimazu motions John towards a small and elegant tea table --
tea set, kettle, burner, two chairs -- set on the garden
beneath a cherry tree.

This is an invitation to sit and a gesture of respect.
John... accepts and moves to the table, bowing slightly
before he sits - also a gesture of respect. There is a
closeness between these two that transcends time and place;
the kind that's hard earned and life long. Shimazu sits, then
pours the water into the tea pot...

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          Their response was the destruction
          of the New York Continental.

John takes Shimazu in as he pours two cups, offering one to

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          My daughter fears we are next.

Shimazu raises his cup. John does the same. They drink.
Carefully place the cups down.


          Alive. But they executed his
          concierge. To prove a point.

This hits John hard.

                     SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          Have you given any thought to where
          this ends?

John simply looks at Shimazu, unwilling or unable to answer.

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          The Table will never stop. You know
          this. It only takes life. And only
          gives death.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       23.

               My apologies for having troubled

               The only thing that would trouble
               me is your leaving before you
               finish your tea.

     John eyes Shimazu. Shimazu, for his part, takes John in --
     the fatigue, the wounds...

                         SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
               When was the last time you slept?

     John's look tells him that it's been a while.

                         SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
               ...I will have a room prepared.

     John takes Shimazu in and Shimazu knows what he's thinking.

                         SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
               Friendship means little when its
               convenient. If they come, they
                   (motions John to sit)
               Until then...

33   EXT. OSAKA / OSAKA CONTINENTAL - NIGHT                       33

     Caine -- clean shaven, fresh haircut, tailored suit -- stands
     in front of the hotel, blind eyes locked on the obsidian
     doors. Chidi steps into frame. Arrayed around him are a group
     of SIX MYRMIDONS, each wearing the Marquis' Fleur de Lis pin.

               It would be best if I went alone.

               For who -- the blind drunk or the

               For you.

     Chidi looks at Caine with contempt and heads up the hotel
     stairs, Myrmidons in tow as, behind them, a black tactical
     bus rolls by, turning into the hotel's underground parking
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       23A.

A beat and Caine pulls the locket from his pocket, runs his
thumb over.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       24.

34   INT. OSAKA / OSAKA CONTINENTAL / LOBBY - NIGHT               34

     Akira is at the front desk when the elevator doors open and
     Chidi and the Myrmidons enter. A half dozen Myrmidons spread
     out -- like any other guest -- some making their way to the
     bar, others meandering through the lobby.

     The Tracker, enjoying a steak at the bar... smiles as Chidi,
     alone, approaches Akira who is at her desk.

               The Manager.

     Akira looks up. The professional smile freezes on her face
     when she sees the small Fleur de Lis pin on his jacket.

     Then quickly and professionally, she makes the Myrmidons
     spread out in the lobby and bar.

               ...Of course. Please make yourself

     She heads out. The Tracker raises a finger, beckoning the

                         THE TRACKER

     Then he cuts his steak in half and offers the half to his dog
     who wolfs it down.


               I want you to find your peace,
               John, but the only path this leads
               to is death.

               We all die.

               Is that what you want?... Certainly
               killing the spiritual head of The
               High Table is a unique way of going
               about it.

               I'm going to kill them all.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       25.

          I believe you'll try. But no one,
          not even you, can kill everyone.

He reaches for an elegant cabinet, opens it, pulls out a
bottle of Yamazaki 25 and pours to glasses. Offers one to

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          You can't outrun time and bullets.
          All you can hope for is that when
          it's your time, you've done more
          good than harm. You want to die? So
          be it. That's your choice. But a
          good death only comes after a good

          You and I left a good life behind a
          long time ago.

John raises his glass. Shimazu studies John for a beat. He's
not wrong. He raises his. They're about to drink when Akira
rounds the path.

          The Table. They're here--

She stops mid sentence when she sees John. Before she can
react, Shimazu's glare freezes her. Her gaze flits between
the men.

                    AKIRA (CONT'D)
          What is he doing here--

              (standing to leave)
          Mr. Wick is our guest.

Everything he needs to say to her is encapsulated in that one
word: "guest." She knows not to question it.

John stands.

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          No. They don't know you're here. So
          long as that's the case, they won't
          move against us. I will talk to
              (to Akira)
          Stay with Mr. Wick.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       26.

      Shimazu strides out. Akira glares hate at John. She doesn't
      know him but she knows the consequence of his being here.

35A   OMITTED                                                    35A

36    INT. OSAKA / OSAKA CONTINENTAL / LOBBY - NIGHT              36

      Shimazu appears from a door behind the front counter and
      heads for Chidi. As he approaches:

                Welcome to the Osaka Continental,
                gentlemen. How may I be of service?

                The Table has reason to believe
                that this facility is providing
                services ut qui excommunicantur.

                That is a grave accusation.

                We will require full access.

                Of course.

      Chidi eyes Shimazu, then takes a step--

                          SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
                But as you are well aware, no
                business -- not even your kind of
                business -- may be conducted on
                Continental grounds. So I'm going
                to have to ask you to surrender
                your firearms.

                We speak for The Marquis.

                And I speak for Osaka. Your guns,

                Don't repeat the mistake that fool
                in New York made.
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     27.

          Fools talk, cowards are silent, but
          wise men--

                      CAINE (O.S.)

Shimazu, recognizing the voice, turns to face Caine who has
silently entered the lobby and is focused on Chidi:

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          Which one will you be today? Hello
          old friend,

Caine nods respect to Shimazu.

          So good of you to visit after all
          these years. If I'd known, I would
          have better prepared.

          Unfortunately, the result would be
          the same.

          You're with them now.


          ...Your daughter, Mia?

Caine... nods and Shimazu understands that Caine is not here
of his own volition.

                    SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
          How is she?

          Alive. And your daughter, Akira?


          I'm glad.

The two old friends share a moment. Neither wants to be here,
and neither wants to fight the other.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       27A.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          This doesn't have to end with

              (to Chidi)
          Then leave.

          No one defies The Table. I remember
          a time when you understood that.

          And I remember a time when you
          understood the meaning of

This bites Caine. This is a man trapped between what he knows
is right and what he must do.

          I haven't forgotten. But we all
          serve The Table...

Shimazu's eyes move to one of the BELLBOYS -- one with an
earbud visible in his ear. The man makes a subtle sign with
one hand: a code... Shimazu knows the High Table Soldiers are
already in his building.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          Tell us where Mr. Wick is and
          perhaps you can save a life.

          You think coming into my home and
          threatening my daughter makes me
          more willing to comply?

          I'm not threatening her; I'm trying
          to save her.

In that moment, we understand that both these men are
fighting for the same thing in different ways.
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      28.

          Enough! By order of the Marquis de
          Gramont, this hotel has been
          deconsecrated. Step aside.

Shimazu turns his icy and unflinching gaze on Chidi, then
glances at the Bellboy who utters a command.

A score of Shimazu's Retainers armed with bows and arrows
appear from behind the mezzanine railings even as Bellboys
and Doormen hit and kick pieces of furniture and counters.
Hidden compartments snap open revealing bladed weapons.
Within seconds, all are armed.

              (to Shimazu)
          Don't do this.

Shimazu eyes Caine... then turns his gaze on Chidi.

          I won't ask again: leave now.

Caine hears it all and knows what this means. He shakes his
head ever so slightly--

          I'm sorry.

Caine turns and walks away.

              (to Myrmidons)
          ...Remove Mr. Shimazu.

Two Myrmidons step forward. As the first's hand touches
Shimazu's wrist, Shimazu breaks it. Then, eyes on Chidi, he
utters a single word:


Archers lose their arrows. Most stick in the Myrmidon's
Kevlar lined suits: one in Chidi's shoulder, three in the
chest of particularly large Myrmidon, etc. One arrow slides
over a Myrmidon's collar and through his throat. He goes
down, gurgling blood.

Chidi eyes the dying Myrmidon without emotion. He breaks the
arrow stuck in his arm off. The big Myrmidon shatters three
shafts with a sweep of his arm. Others pull the arrows out.

          ...Tuez-les tous.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          29.

      The Myrmidons go to guns and blades as Shimazu and his men
      engage; Shimazu catching a thrown sword even as Chidi draws
      his cut down lever action .45.

      Shimazu's faster! The blade's coming down on Chidi's hand
      when Caine's sword, drawn from the cane, blocks it!

      Bullets and shafts cut through the lobby as men fight in ones
      and twos.

      Men and projectiles cut between Shimazu and Caine, separating
      them. Shimazu cuts a Myrmidon down, lops off the hand of
      another as two of Shimazu's men attack Caine! His sword is a
      blur slicing one man's throat and gutting the second as Chidi
      shoots two more.

      As men drop, Shimazu pulls away, exiting the way he came.

      Chidi pans, searching for him... turns to a Myrmidon:

                          CHIDI (CONT'D)
                Seal the hotel. Find John Wick.

37    OMITTED                                                      37


      The High Table Soldiers move up the stairwells...

38    OMITTED                                                      38


      John looks out over the city. Akira is a dozen feet away,
      looking in a different direction.

                You have no right to be here.

      John turns his head, taking her in.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       30.

                          AKIRA (CONT'D)
                If they find you here, The Table
                will kill my father. Me. Everyone.
                Because you broke the rules. You
                shouldn't have come.

      A beat and John focuses on two approaching Retainers. They
      stop at Akira. One whispers in her ear. She turns to John:

                          AKIRA (CONT'D)
                Do you have a weapon?

      John looks at her, then past her into the darkness. A shadow
      moves within a shadow.

      THWACK! THWACK! Flash suppressed rounds slam into the two
      Retainers as John draws his gun fires!

      Akira bangs her fist against the tea table. A drawer slides
      open to reveal a bow and arrows. In one smooth motion, she
      grabs the bow and four shafts and looses arrows. Two find
      their mark as she and John, weapons lined, close the distance
      on a High Table Tactical team as cherry blossoms rain down on
      them, surreal in the city's neon glow.

      When it's done, seven High Table Soldiers are dead.

                            AKIRA (CONT'D)
                This way.

      She angles for a side door in the rooftop's circular
      structure, pushes it open to reveal a circular staircase.


      John and Akira head down as a Tactical Team comes up.
      Contact. Shots exchanged. High Table Soldiers are dropped.

      Two levels down, Akira pushes through another door. She and
      John step into the Mezzanine level.


      Motion ahead. Akira raises her bow. John puts a hand on it as
      Shimazu, with three of his men, appear from a corner. The two
      groups meet and move together towards the escalators. As they

                They'll be covering the front and
                back. Get out the way you came.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        31.

                         SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
               From there it's a half mile to
               Umeda station.

               I'll stay.

               Do not insult my gift to you.

     John... nods. The escalators loom ahead. Then motion. High
     Table Soldiers.

                         SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
               And John. Do me a small courtesy:
               kill as many as you can.


     And contact as High Table Soldiers come at the group from
     multiple angles. John cuts a half dozen down, Akira and
     Shimazu the rest.

     Then they split, Shimazu and Akira, with his remaining men
     down the hall, and John angling towards the exhibition hall.


     Gunfire rocks the kitchen. Plates and glasses shatter,
     containers of rice spill out as High Table soldiers and
     Shimazu's men fire on each other. Arrows push the soldiers

     ANGLE ON Chidi, his back to the wall in the hall just outside
     the kitchen as more arrows slam into the wall. Caine is next
     to him, along with a half dozen Myrmidons and Solders.

     Chidi nods to a solider who opens an electrical panel and
     turns off the breaker. Lights turn off, casting the kitchen
     in to semi-darkness, the only illumination coming from
     abandoned gas burners, flames throwing long shadows on the

               Earn your keep, blind man.

     Caine inclines his head, tracking for sound: a Retainers foot
     sliding across spilled rice, another pulling a bowstring
     taught, a bead of sweat falling from another's chin... and he
     moves, gun firing and sword a blur.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       32.

     Cuts down the closest retainers and slides laterally down an
     aisle, pulling small motion sensors (some magnetized some
     with an adhesive backing)from his jacket and clamping them
     onto surfaces.

     As Retainers move to attack him, they break the infrared
     beams and the sensors ding. Caine keys on that sound and
     moves. In this enclosed environment, with its low light,
     Caine can effectively see behind him and around corners.

     As he gets between Retainers, he affixes a motion sensor to
     one's back. As the man moves, the sensor dings on his fellow
     Retainers and Caine strikes!

     Retainers fall. Caine's blade stops a half inch from a COOK
     who's holding a cleaver up... Caine moves on.

     In moments all that remain are the Sumos. One of the Sumos
     roars and charges Caine who drops to one knee and slices the
     Sumo's left leg. The man tumbles, arteries spewing blood.

     The second Sumo roars and attacks. Caine's sword is a blur,
     punching into the front of his neck and out the back. The big
     man falls. Silence. Then the lights snap back on and Chidi
     strides in.

     As he passes by Caine, Caine blocks his path with a bloody
     sword. His contempt for Chidi is evident in every syllable.

               These men didn't need to die.

     Chidi eyes the sword and the blood stain on his suit. Pushes
     the sword away. To his men:

               Find him!

     He pulls away, sliding a bucket in front of Caine as he


     John moves through the Exhibition Hall -- weapons displays,
     art, light, etc. Figures appear up ahead, flittering through
     exhibits. High Table Soldiers.

     He drops one, two, three, four! Out. Reloads and repeats--
     never pausing, always moving -- drops five, six! Clicks
     empty. Is reloading when a Myrmidon hits him bodily, driving
     him through a series of display cases.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       32A.

Glass shatters and weapons clatter to the floor. John's hands
find cruelly curved long knives as the Myrmidon closes.
They're a blur as they cut the man to pieces. He drops.
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        33.

More appear. John throws one knife, another, a spear. Grabs a
bow and fires! Breaks the bow on an attackers face.

Rolls away as another fires on him, grabbing a pair of
nunchaku as he regains his feet and lays into the Soldier,
breaking his arm first, then his neck. Shattering another's
helmet. Braining another. Breaking the nunchaku on yet
another's ballistic breast plate, and driving the shattered
handle into another's eye.

As the man falls, John grabs a wakizashi and guts the last
two Soldiers.

Bodies thump to the glass littered floor. John picks up one
of the men's weapons, checks the load, holsters it, is
turning when he freezes!

The soft sound of the song from Caine's locket echoes.



A beat and Caine steps out of the shadow of an exhibit about
ten yards from John, blocking his exit.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          ...They gave you my name.

          I'm afraid so.

          I'm sorry.

          ...Me too.

And both draw and fire! Caine moving laterally, John diving
for cover as more exhibits shatter.

John ends up with his   back to a large rectangular glass case.
Looks for Caine who's   lost in shadow. John does a quick
tactical check of his   magazine. He's light. He's looking for
an exit when he hears   glass sliding. Hazards a look.

Caine approaches, gun in his right hand, drawn sword in his
left, wrists crossed for stability and gun control. The
sword's tip touches the glass case, scrapes against it as he

Which is when John sees Caine's blind eyes. He didn't know.
     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   33A.

You took a deal.

Same as you.


                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       34.

John tries to move away. Glass shifts under his feet. He
ducks down as Caine's blade comes around the corner. Caine
passes by John who stands. Crunch! Caine's sword shifts,
cutting in front of him, freezing John who can't get his gun
lined. A frozen moment, then:

                     CAINE (CONT'D)
           You should have stayed out... For
           all our sakes.

           ...I tried.

           Did you?

Caine swings the sword and pivots, firing, even as John
rotates, firing. Both miss but John's off balance. A blow
sends him reeling. A kick propels him through an exhibit,
shattering it.

John rolls as Caine's sword slams down where his head had
been. He grabs a katana from the floor as he regains his
feet, turning in time to block Caine's attack. Weapons are a
blur as the two men dance over broken glass, the impacts bone
jarring and teeth rattling. Caine pivots, swinging the cane
low and sweeping John's legs out from under him.

Caine closes, sliding around John's attack, cutting John
across the shoulder! More blows exchanged, fast. Caine's
sword grazes John's neck and a line of blood paints the
floor.   Caine is dismantling John. John lunges for Caine,
trying to get inside, which is a mistake. Caine wraps John's
arm up, drawing him in even as he draws his Glock and presses
it against John's heart,

Caine pulls the trigger--


Caine's magazine falls to the ground even as John pushes on
the Glock's slide, releasing the chambered round.

A frozen moment as the two, heads close, "look" at one
another. Caine shifts his weight, sending John reeling. On
his back, John grabs a wakizashi. Caine cuts it in half.

Caine is closing on John when--

BANG! A shot rings out, hitting a glass tower. It sheers and
shattered glass tumbles through the hall!

Caine, disoriented, moves for cover as John looks for the
source of the incoming fire.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         35.

      HIS POV: The outline of a dog and a man on the balcony on the
      opposite side of the hall.

      John gets up and runs.

      Caine hears it, moves to intercept but bullets rain down,
      forcing him back.


      The Tracker pulls back and runs, the dog at his heels.


      Shimazu and Akira moving down the exterior hallway. A door
      looms ahead.


      A door opens and John pushes out of a doorway into the bamboo

      Motion all around as he enters the bamboo, angling for the
      back gate.

      CRANE UP: John seen from above. High Table Soldiers and
      Myrmidons all around, searching.

      ANGLE ON John, as he comes around a stand of bamboo, kills
      one High Table Soldier. Another. Clicks empty. Kills another
      with his bare hands. He's reaching for the dead man's gun
      when he sees the Fleur de Lis pin on his vest. John tears it
      off, regards it as--

      --behind him, High Table Soldiers emerge from the shadows.
      One has a bead on John. Another.

      A pile of bamboo leaves shifts! Before John can process what,
      the Malinois springs forth in a blur of motion and leaps,
      hitting the closest Soldier, jaws closing on the man's throat
      as they go down. Heads and guns turn to the dog--


      Three High Table Soldiers drop instantly.

      John swings around, stops. The Tracker is there, rifle slung
      over his back, tied down Colt 45 at his hip.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       35A.

John thinks about raising his weapon and the Tracker draws!
This man isn't fast, he's lightning fast.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        36.

                         THE TRACKER
               God damn, Mr. Wick, this is quite
               the mess you've made.

               I don't know you.

                         THE TRACKER
               But I know you.

     John focuses on a tattoo just visible on The Tracker's
     forearm: the amalgam of a skull and a paw, with bones and "K-
     9" beneath; the mark of a Special Forces dog handler. Above
     it is another tattoo, this of the Special Forces Combat
     Tracking and Coutertracking Group.

                   (off The Tracker's smile)
               ...How much?

     The Tracker pulls the flip phone from its belt clip, checks
     it. The number is... going up.

                         THE TRACKER
               Not enough... but getting there.

     Footfalls crunch over dried brush. High Table Soldiers.

     The Tracker fires right over both of John's shoulders!

     The Soldiers drop, holes in their heads. More are coming.

                         THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
               Please take better care of
               yourself, John. We're in this
               together now...

     John's eyes follows The Tracker as he disappears into shadow,
     the dog padding after him.

     John heads for the back gate -- a heavy duty gate with an old
     fashioned lock. John slides the lock to the side to reveal a
     keypad. He punches in a code. The locking mechanism
     disengages and he pushes the door open and steps into Osaka.


     Simple and elegant -- altar, urns, gravel, hanging chimes, a
     bridge spanning a tranquil pool that glows with reflected
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          37.

A Myrmidon's body crashes into frame, an arrow through his

PULL BACK to Akira as she fires arrow after arrow, driving
shafts through helmets and body armor, pinning attackers to
columns and walls.

Arrows spent, she runs at an attacker, swinging the bow. The
impact shatters the man's face and the bow. She draws two
knives and rolls as a Myrmidon fires, regains her feet and
slashes the man's throat. A second is turning on her when she
slams a knife into his temple.

Another gets a bead on her. She throws a knife right into his
throat, runs, pulling it out as he falls, rolling between a
big Myrmidon's legs and slicing his crotch!

Simultaneously, Shimazu weaves between columns as a Myrmidon
tries to shoot him. Suddenly, he is UP CLOSE on the Myrmidon.
Now we see what this man can do with his bare hands.

In the close quarters of this combat, the Myrmidon's
advantage is lost. Shimazu unleashes two strikes -- solar
plexus and throat -- and the man crumples to the ground.

He turns in time to see a Myrmidon grappling with Akira. The
big man's choking the life out of her when Shimazu cuts his

He helps his daughter up. They turn to cross the bride...

Caine stands at the far end, blocking their path.

Akira, cut and bleeding, moves before Shimazu can stop her,
sprinting at Caine. She goes airborne, knife held high. Last
second, Caine shifts his weight. She misses him, lands, rolls
to her feet, leans forward to attack--


She freezes. Caine focuses on Shimazu who approaches.

          Tell me where he is.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         38.

Shimazu doesn't bother responding. He simply draws his
katana, discards the scabbard and raises the sword over his
head. Caine, completely still, nods sadly as though he
expected this answer. He shifts his weight, senses locked on

And they move, blades flashes TWICE, so quick the movement is
nearly imperceptible. A beat--

--and Shimazu FALLS TO HIS KNEES. BLOOD dripping from a
wounds and puddling on the platform.


              (to Akira)

This freezes Akira. Shimazu struggles to his feet.

          Stay down.

          You know I can't.

Caine shakes his head at the futility of it all   as Shimazu
rises... attacks. Blades flash. Shimazu's sword   clatters away
and he drops to one knee as blood blossoms from   a shoulder
wound. He's reaching for his sword when Caine's   foot clamps
down on Shimazu's right wrist.

Caine's blade drops, severing Shimazu's right thumb from his
hand. Blood flows from the stump.

Akira tenses. A look from Shimazu freezes her.

Shimazu reaches for his sword with his left hand now. Face
pale and glistening with sweat, he rises once again.

          Koji. Please. Think of your

          ...I am.

Caine nods understanding. These men, like John Wick, are born
from the same furnace, molded by the same tools and tempered
with the same training. Both men know full well how this
ends. Shimazu raises his sword.
     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   38A.

          SHIMAZU (CONT'D)
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      39.


      Shimazu swings. Caine's sword is a blur. Shimazu's head
      separates from his body and Shimazu falls!

      Akira stares--


      She lunges forward. Caine's sword tip moves to her throat,
      stopping her. His hand quivers ever so slightly and we
      realize the pain Shimazu's death caused and will continue to
      cause him. Though he could kill Akira, he won't.

                Don't die. Live to remember your

      Akira stares at Caine for a long moment... tears herself
      away, backs away... disappearing into the night.

      We stay with Caine for a beat as he kneels by his old friend,
      finding the katana, placing it over Shimazu's chest. He
      closes his eyes and mutters a prayer for a dead friend.

44A   OMITTED                                                    44A    *


      John makes his way through the all by deserted platform           *
      towards a waiting train.                                          *

46    INT. OSAKA / TRAIN - NIGHT                                   46

      John steps into the train car. Looks left. Empty. Then right.     *

      Akira has just entered from the opposite side of the car. She     *
      says nothing and in that moment John knows Shimazu is dead.       *

      A beat and John makes his way to a seat. Sits.                    *

      Doors close and the train glides away from the platform as        *
      she approaches John.                                              *

                ...Who is he?

      John doesn't answer. She lines a gun on his head. He doesn't
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       39A.

                       AKIRA (CONT'D)
          WHO IS HE?

John looks right down the barrel of the gun.

          ...He was a friend.

          My father is dead because of you! I
          want a name!                                 *
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       40.


A beat and she lowers the gun, sits heavily in the seat         *
opposite John on the other side of the aisle. She's mourning    *
and defeated and angry.                                         *

                    AKIRA                                       *
          He was here for you. Because of                       *
          what you did.                                         *

John takes her in. Doesn't answer. She's right and he knows     *
it. He turns his head away and looks out the window.            *

                       JOHN                                     *
          Let it go.                                            *

She raises her head, tear streaked eyes burning into John who   *
is now looking directly at her.                                 *

                    JOHN (CONT'D)                               *
          What you're thinking right now, let                   *
          it go.                                                *

The train's intercom chimes. The train slows as the automated   *
voice indicates the next stop.                                  *

                    AKIRA                                       *
          ...I can't.                                           *

John deflates just a bit. Akira rises, walks to the doors.      *
They hiss open.                                                 *

                    AKIRA (CONT'D)
          Either you kill him or I will.

          ...I understand.

She eyes him for a beat, then:                                  *

                    AKIRA                                       *
          Goodbye, Mr. Wick.

She steps out, leaving John alone with his demons.              *

Doors close.                                                    *

A beat and John opens his hand. Resting in his palm is the      *
FLEUR DE LIS PIN he took from a dead Myrmidon; The Marquis's    *
coat of arms.                                                   *

Hold on that pin as the sound of the train builds...            *
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       40A.

46A   EXT. PARIS / EIFFEL TOWER - MORNING                         46A

      Establishing: The Eiffel Tower rises above the waking city.


      A telex spits out a page. A tattooed hand tears it. The hand
      belongs to a French SUICIDE GIRL.

      She walks to a counter and places the telex in a bin by
      SUICIDE GIRL #2 who picks it up and scans it, then lifts an
      old rotary phone, dials.

                          SUICIDE GIRL #2
                John Wick. Open contract increased
                to twenty-four million, U.S.

      PULL BACK TO reveal a line of European SUICIDE GIRLS on

      PULL BACK SOME MORE to reveal the large and open multi-level
      space populated by SUICIDE GIRLS at typewriters, telex
      machines and old IBM computers. High Table iconography on
      walls and equipment.

      ANGLE ON a glowing green screen. Cell numbers with global
      prefixes scroll by. DISSOLVE to--
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       41.

48   OMITTED                                                      48


     The Malinois sniffs John's cup.

     PULL BACK TO INCLUDE The Tracker looking out at the city,
     almost like he's waiting.

     His PAGER buzzes. There is just a number: $24. He smiles.

     Behind The Tracker, a shadow within a shadow moves. Caine
     seemingly materializes right next to The Tracker.

     The suddenness and the silence of it scares the shit out of
     The Tracker and the dog. Both flinch!

     The Tracker eyes Caine who doesn't pay the slightest bit of
     attention to him or the dog. The Tracker then glances at the
     Malinois. `Really?' If a dog could shrug, it would.

     Both The Tracker and the dog watch as Caine moves around the
     space. There is an undeniable intensity to Caine. He's just
     killed a man he once called a friend...

               You're not with him.

                         THE TRACKER
               I'm not with anybody.

               We're all with somebody. .45 long?

                         THE TRACKER
               You have a good ear.

               Two actually... Why did you save

                         THE TRACKER
               Who says I did?

               Your rifle...

     Caine pulls the tin of chocolates from his pocket, takes a
     chocolate. As he does:

                         CAINE (CONT'D)
               You're raising his bounty.
     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       41A.

          THE TRACKER
Well, money talks and bullshit runs
a marathon.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       42.

          You're not with him, but you are
          like him.

                    THE TRACKER
          That's where you're wrong... Ten
          fingers, two eyes. Seems to me
          you're the one who's more like him.

          Maybe. Then again, neither John nor
          I need a dog to guide us.

Caine takes a biscuit from the table and holds it out for the
dog. It tenses, ears dropping back and teeth appearing.

The Tracker smiles just a bit, enjoying the anticipation of
the inevitable mauling to come--

And the dog gently takes the treat from Caine.

And that is an object lesson in dominance. The Tracker's
smile fades just a bit. When Caine speaks, any veneer of
civility is gone, replaced flinty intensity.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          You interfered with The Table's

                    THE TRACKER
          I think I can handle your Marquis.

              (turning into The Tracker)
          And you interfered with mine.

The Tracker tenses, slightly, his hand shifting closer to his
holstered weapon. Both Caine and the dog sense it.

                    THE TRACKER
          ...Your move, blind man--

The tension is broken as Chidi appears. Without saying a
word, he lines his gun on The Tracker's head.

          Who are you?

                    THE TRACKER
              (eyes on Caine)
          I'm... Nobody.

Chidi pulls the hammer back.
                   SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        43-45.

                         THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
               That would be a mistake.

               Why's that?

                         THE TRACKER
               Two reasons. One, I can find John

               And the second?

                         THE TRACKER


                         THE TRACKER
               I said: nuts.

     And then Chidi feels something no one wants to feel: a
     Malinois snout on his crotch, slowly raising its head and his
     testicles with it. Chidi is... unimpressed.

               Come with me. You too, blind man.

50   OMITTED                                                      50

51   EXT. MANHATTAN / NY CONTINENTAL - DAY                        51

     Sheets of rain spatter the still smoking remains of the once
     proud hotel.

     Winston, his back to us, head naked to the rain, stands on
     the sidewalk, watching.

     Winston takes a FLASK out of his coat pocket. Perhaps it's
     half-empty after the day he's had. He offers up the flask as
     a toast to his former home, now just rubble and a hole.

               "It is a far, far better thing that
               I do, than I have ever done; it is
               a far, far better rest I go to than
               I have ever known..."

                         THE BOWERY KING (V.O)
               Well, this sure as shit looks like
               the worst of times...
              SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       43-45A.

A figure in a tattered overcoat, worn umbrella, shuffles up.
Stops next to the dog. The Bowery King.

The King looks out onto the rubble. Winston offers him the
flask. The King takes it and takes a long pull.

                    THE BOWERY KING (CONT'D)
          She was glorious, wasn't she?
              SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          46-50.

          Thank you for agreeing to meet.

                    THE BOWERY KING
          Well, we homeless folk have to
          stick together now, don't we?

This bites. A beat.

          I know you've been supporting him
          in his... travels.

                    THE BOWERY KING
          Who's that?

          I need to see him.

The King LAUGHS. Big, booming. Winston waits.

                    THE BOWERY KING
          If memory serves, the last time you
          saw him, you shot him. Off a
          goddamn roof.

          I had no choice. The Table held all
          the cards.

                    THE BOWERY KING
          But who held the gun?

          Enough! I have to see Jonathan. He
          needs to know the breadth of what
          is coming for him. This Marquis
          isn't constrained -- The Table has
          let him off his leash.

                    THE BOWERY KING
          Ah, your benevolence is touching.
          I'm sure this has nothing to do
          with this pile of rocks. Or the
          gravestone of your former

The Bowery King eyes Winston. Dead serious now.

                    THE BOWERY KING (CONT'D)
          Tell me something and tell it true:
          why did that Frenchman let you
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        46-50A.

      Winston considers this a second. He has no choice.

                To make a point. A dead man can be
                made a martyr. But you let him live
                and you tell the world that he is
                either a turncoat, a coward, or a

                          THE BOWERY KING
                So which are you?


      The Bowery King... smiles. Perhaps for the first time he sees
      in Winston a man laid completely bare. He extends his hand.
      In it is a card. Winston takes it. It is blank save a single

                          THE BOWERY KING
                ...You have a plan?

                    (taps the card to his
                I have John Wick.

51A   EXT. PARIS / STABLE - DAY                                 51A

      Establishing: An elegant stable.

52    INT. PARIS / EQUESTRIAN RING - DAY                         52

      The Marquis stands in the center of the ring as a half dozen
      riders canter around on their Lippizaners to music. The
      Harbinger is next to him.

                          THE HARBINGER
                The Table is concerned that your
                recent efforts are becoming
                quite... public.

                          THE MARQUIS
                The Table needs to let me do what
                they elevated me to do.

                          THE HARBINGER
                We fail to see how laying waste to
                Continentals is getting you closer
                to killing John Wick.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        46-50B.

                           THE MARQUIS
                 Which is exactly why we are in this
                 position. This campaign is not
                 alone to kill John Wick; it is to
                 kill the idea of John Wick. That is
                 the true threat we face. To do
                 that, I must destroy everything
                 that idea touches.

                            THE HARBINGER
                 The bloodshed in Osaka was not

                           THE MARQUIS
                     (shaking his head)
                 The bloodshed was the point.

       The Harbinger eyes The Marquis for a beat, then strides away.


       ANGLE ON the Malinois, eyes tight on something she very
       likely wants to kill, fuck, or eat.

       The objects of her malicious intent, lust or appetite are two
       IRISH WOLFHOUNDS -- large, powerful, aloof and superior.

       If these dogs could look down on other dogs they would, which
       makes the Malinois want to kill, fuck or eat them even more,
       possibly in that order.

                           CAINE (V.O.)
                 He'll make it your choice.

       ANGLE ON The Tracker, leaning against a post, head down, one
       knee bent in a classic western pose. He raises his head, eyes
       Caine sidelong.

       Chidi and Myrmidons are arrayed around the three.

                 ...Think twice before accepting.

       Doors swing open and Chidi motions the Tracker in. The
       Tracker pulls himself off the wall and follows Chidi in.

52A    INT. PARIS / EQUESTRIAN RING - DAY                         52A

       The Tracker, Chidi behind him enters. The Marquis waits.
              SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        46-50C.

                    THE MARQUIS
              (to The Tracker)
          And you are?

                    THE TRACKER

Chidi kicks The Tracker in the back of his knees, driving him
to his knees. The dog growls. A look from The Tracker
silences him but it remains locked on Chidi, muscles tensing.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Coyness, Mr. Nobody, is a pathetic
          trait -- a miscalculation in which,
          by trying to conceal our ego, we
          let it appear stark naked. I'll ask
          only once: why were you in Osaka?

                    THE TRACKER
          The bounty on Wick.

                    THE MARQUIS
          The stone beneath my shoe. How were
          you able to locate him?

                    THE TRACKER
          Pay and find out.

Chidi draws his gun and shoves it against the back of The
Tracker's head.

                    THE MARQUIS
          And what would such a service be

                    THE TRACKER
          Twenty-five million. Plus the value
          of the contract when he's dead.

                    THE MARQUIS
          By your hand?

                    THE TRACKER
          No. I'm a Tracker. I track.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Killing pays better.

                    THE TRACKER
          When you try to kill a man, he
          generally tries to kill you back.
          Can't very well spend your money if
          I'm dead, can I?
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     46-50D.

The Marquis is almost amused by this sentiment...

                    THE MARQUIS
          We'll never know. We found him
          once; we will find him again.

                    THE TRACKER
          Before or after he puts you in the

The Marquis studies The Tracker for a long moment.

                    THE MARQUIS
          I like you.

He motions Chidi to release The Tracker who pulls himself up.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Twenty million.

                    THE TRACKER
          Like me more. Twenty-three.

The Marquis holds The Tracker's gaze for a beat,   as though he
is committing the man's face to his memory. Then   he
approaches The Tracker. Extends his hand. A beat   as The
Tracker reaches for the hand with his own. Hands   clasp.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          We have a deal.

                       THE MARQUIS
          Not yet...

The Marquis slams The Tracker's hand onto a nearby wooden
saddle horse and -- THUNK! -- drives a stiletto through The
Tracker's hand, pinning it to the wood!

The Malinois' hackles go up, teeth bare, and muscles tense
for an attack. Chidi swings its gun to the dog!

                       THE TRACKER

The dog doesn't attack, nor does it relax. It remains stock
still, locked on The Marquis, muscles quivering.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          No. No. No. Look at me.
              (the dog does)
          Easy... I'm okay.

The dog... steps back, relaxing just a little bit.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     46-50E.

The Tracker eyes the Marquis who's looking at the dog. He's
found the Tracker's soft underbelly and both men know it.

A beat and The Tracker eats the pain as his other hand grasps
the knife's pommel. The Marquis places his hands on The
Tracker's, stopping him from pulling it out.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          What the hell is this?

                    THE MARQUIS
          A choice. You can pull the knife
          out or you can pull your hand out.
          One shows me a man committed only
          to himself; the other, a man
          committed to the cause. One of
          those men will be privileged to

The Tracker eyes The Marquis as the Frenchman removes his
hands... which is when he realizes that all of the Myrmidons,
and The Marquis, bear some scar or mark. The choice is now
The Tracker's.

Eyes locked on The Marquis, The Tracker slowly PULLS his hand
towards him - the knife RIPPING through bone and sinew as it
makes its way from the center of his hand to the joint
between his middle and ring fingers. It takes everything he
has not to scream.

ANGLE on the dog, suffering The Tracker's distress.

The Tracker pulls his torn hand free from the saddle horse...
and extends it towards The Marquis who... reaches out and
shakes the bloody hand.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Bonne chasse.

The Tracker... pulls away. Walks out, dog padding beside him.
Valet's open the doors to reveal Caine. The Tracker walks by
him without a word.

Caine enters.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          I misjudged you. I thought you to
          be a man of conviction.

          I was interfered with.

The Marquis focuses on Caine.
              SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        46-50F.

                    THE MARQUIS
          I GAVE YOU A NAME!.. We had an
          understanding: a life for a life;
          Wick's life or your daughter's...
          The choice is yours.

The Marquis strides by Caine. As he passes, Caine's cane
snaps up, blocking his path. Chidi and Myrmidons tense. The
Marquis studies Caine.

          I choose her.

                    THE MARQUIS
          ...I thought so.

The Marquis pushes by. As he exits.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          When Wick is dead, kill that Nobody
          and his dog.

Chidi and The Myrmidons melt away, leaving Caine alone. A
beat and he opens his LOCKET. That music pours out.
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       51.

53   EXT. ROOSEVELT ISLAND / MAUSOLEUM - DAY                     53    *

     Establishing:   the two mile long 800 foot wide island            *
     bisecting the   East River stretches out before us. To the west   *
     is Manhattan,   FDR Drive and the UN Building prominent, to the   *
     east, Queens.   Spanning the island is the Queensboro Bridge.     *

     We PUSH IN ON the island, passing over manicured lawns to         *
     white marble walls. Over them to an exterior mausoleum            *
     courtyard.                                                        *


     Simple. Elegant. Geometric. Winston stands in front of a          *
     large stone plaque, "CHARON" carved into the living stone. No     *
     epitaph. He lights a candle, placing it on a small ledge set      *
     under the plaque.                                                 *

                           JOHN (O.S.)                                 *
               Winston.                                                *

     ANOTHER ANGLE TO INCLUDE John standing behind Winston who         *
     doesn't turn.                                                     *

                         WINSTON                                       *
               ...Jonathan.                                            *

                         JOHN                                          *
               My condolences... He was a good                         *
               man.                                                    *

                           WINSTON                                     *
               Yes.                                                    *
                   (turns to face John)                                *
               And taken for our sins.                                 *

     The line hangs there like the indictment that it is. The          *
     implication is clear: John Wick (and Winston) is responsible      *
     for Charon's death.                                               *

     John extends his hand. Inside is the FLEUR DE LIS PIN.            *

     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      52.



Who is he?                                 *

The Marquis de Gramont. Elevated
solely on his guarantee of killing
you. Every resource The Table
commands is at his disposal.               *
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      53.

          Where do I find him?                                  *


John turns to go.                                               *

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)                            *
          Where does this end, Jonathan?                        *

                    JOHN                                        *
          With him dead.                                        *

                      WINSTON                                   *
          And then?                                             *

John hesitates and doesn't answer. Perhaps he doesn't have an   *
answer. Winston takes in John with tired eyes. Shakes his       *
head at the futility of it all.                                 *

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)                            *
          Have you learned nothing? Simply                      *
          putting a bullet in the man's head                    *
          won't change a thing. Another will                    *
          be appointed before his body is                       *
          cold. Hercules had his Hydra, you                     *
          have The Table. You'll run out of                     *
          bullets before they run out of                        *
          heads and you will succeed only in                    *
          continuing to bring pain and death                    *
          to all those you touch... If you're                   *
          going to kill him, do it the smart                    *
          way. Make him give you your freedom                   *
          and end this madness once and for                     *
          all.                                                  *

                      JOHN                                      *

          By using his rules and consequences                   *
          against him. Challenge him to                         *
          single combat: a High Table Duel.                     *

          A High Table Duels aren't real.                       *
          They're myth.                                         *

          You're wrong. The Baba Yaga is a                      *
          myth.                                                 *
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    53A.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          A High Table Duel is a cold, hard
          law that goes back to the
          foundation of the Table itself,
          created to keep its more
          combustible members from all-out                      *
          war. Win or lose, it gives you what                   *
          you want, Jonathan: a way out.                        *

John considers.                                                 *

                    JOHN                                        *
          ...I don't sit at The Table,                          *
          Winston.                                              *

                    WINSTON                                     *
          Your family does. They can issue                      *
          the challenge and nominate you as                     *
          their proxy.                                          *

                    JOHN                                        *
          I don't have a family. The Ruska                      *
          Roma tore my ticket.                                  *

                    WINSTON                                     *
          Then go back and fucking beg them                     *
          to mend it... or pick out a plot.                     *

John takes in the wall of the mausoleum... shifts his gaze to   *
Winston who holds out the HOBO CARD The Bowery King gave him.   *

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)                            *
          Paris. Three days.                                    *

                    JOHN                                        *
          ...What do you get out of this?                       *

                    WINSTON                                     *
          What you are so very good at...                       *
          revenge.                                              *

John eyes Winston for a long moment... and takes the card.      *
PULL BACK as Winston turns back to Charon's plaque and John     *
walks away from a good man's grave.                             *
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          54.

55   EXT. BERLIN - NIGHT                                        55    *

     Berlin's iconic Brandenburg Gate. Even at this hour, there
     are tourists and street performers. A long shadow crosses the
     center arch. Then a figure emerges from the west: John Wick,
     a man alone and apart.


     As he passes by, a JUGGLER tracks him... lets the balls fall,
     and makes a phone call...

     Across the street, watching both Wick and The Juggler is   The
     Tracker and the dog.

56   EXT. BERLIN / MONTBIAOU BRIDGE - NIGHT                     56

     John walks down the empty sidewalk. Across the street, a
     cigarette butt glows bright to reveal another FREELANCER. The
     man stubs out his cigarette and follows John. A third
     FREELANCER joins him.

     As they move away, The Tracker and the dog appear...


     John approaches a HOMELESS MAN sitting by a burning barrel.
     He drops a gold coin into the man's cup.

               Long live the King.

     The Homeless Man looks up at John...

                         JOHN (CONT'D)
               I need a gun.

     The Homeless man offers up a card with a HOBO SYMBOL: a
     triangle with "hands." He looks east. John follows his gaze.
     In the distance, illuminated by a streetlight, is that same
     HOBO SIGN scrawled on a covered bus stop.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        55.

     John takes the card with a nod and starts to walk even as a
     Freelancer rounds the corner, tracking John.

     Neither John nor the Freelancer notices The Tracker and his
     dog step out of shadow behind them.

58   EXT. BERLIN / HACKESACHER MARKT - NIGHT                      58

     The streets are dark and quiet as John passes by that same
     HOBO triangle with "hands" etched into a brick wall.

     He turns a corner. Across the street is the SYMBOL carved
     over the door of a TAXIDERMY SHOP. He crosses, bangs on the

     A long moment and the door opens a crack to reveal a WOMAN
     (70s) -- pale skin, blue eyes, bifocals, shock of white hair,
     dressed all in black. FRAU GOETZ.

                         FRAU GOETZ
               We are closed.

     John holds the card with the HOBO SYMBOL out. A beat and she
     opens the door.

     It closes. PULL BACK to Freelancers appear, panning for John.
     PULL BACK some more to The Tracker and his dog watching them.

59   INT. BERLIN / TAXIDERMY SHOP - NIGHT                         59

     Frau leads John through the musty shop filled with dusty,
     TAXIDERMIZED ANIMALS: dogs, sheep... a WOLF. Down a hallway
     to a door. She fumbles through a ring of keys... finally
     finds the key she's looking for, unlocks the door and pushes
     it open.

60   INT. BERLIN / TAXIDERMY SHOP / GUN ROOM - NIGHT              60

     Racks of high-end rifles, pistols, knives and tactical gear
     line the walls. The very best of the best.

               Glock 34. 9 millimeter. 125 grain.

     Frau Goetz slowly and meticulously reaches into the cabinet
     and places the weapon and ammo on a velvet mat. Then, with a
     speed and surety that defies her age, she expertly breaks the
     weapon down, reassembles it and slides it to John who is...
     impressed. He takes the gun, checks balance and action.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       56.

                          FRAU GOETZ
                A fine weapon... for an Austrian.
                Perhaps I could interest you in a
                German platform.

      She motions to a H&K-VP9.

                No, thank you.

                          FRAU GOETZ
                Very well. Method of payment?

      John reaches into his pocket and comes up... empty.

                ...Do you take credit?

      Frau Goetz puts a hand on the Glock, pulling it back towards
      her and indicates a sign over the counter: "NO CREDIT" in
      half a dozen languages, including English.

                          FRAU GOETZ
                To contract new debts is not the
                way to pay old ones.

60A   EXT. BERLIN / TAXIDERMY SHOP - NIGHT                       60A

      Four Freelancers have converged on the front door. One picks
      the lock. It snaps open. The door swings open. The LEAD
      Freelancer signals his men to spread out. Three head for an
      adjacent alley as he enters

60B   INT. BERLIN / TAXIDERMY SHOP - NIGHT                       60B

      John... takes his WATCH off, places it next to the gun. Frau
      Goetz eyes the watch -- dented, face cracked -- then John...
      A beat and she opens a drawer and tosses his watch on a pile

                          FRAU GOETZ
                I believe I have something more...
                suitable to your... situation.

      She reaches down and pulls a box from under the counter.

      John examines the contents: a dozen old revolvers.

                           FRAU GOETZ (CONT'D)
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       56A.

John takes one of the revolvers -- a .38 Webley, cracks the
breach. Dust puffs out of the barrel. He glances at the old
woman skeptically.

                    FRAU GOETZ (CONT'D)
          Every gun in my shop shoots
          straight or it would not be in my

Footfalls are audible above. Dust falls from cracks in the


Frau steps slowly to a dusty box of loose rounds, pulls
out... ONE round.

John gives her a look. She reluctantly pulls out another... a
third... a reluctant fourth bullet. So FOUR bullets all
together. This is all his watch buys him here.

John's about to say something when a shadow crosses the
doorway above.

In one motion, John loads one round, lines and fires!

The Freelancer takes the round in the forehead and falls down
the stairs!

                       FRAU GOETZ
          As I said.

John glances at her... heads for the stairs... turns and
comes back, snatches the two remaining bullets off the

          Thank you.

Then he's moving up the stairs even as he loads the rounds.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       57.

61   OMITTED                                                   61

62   OMITTED                                                   62

63   OMITTED                                                   63

64   EXT. BERLIN / TAXIDERMY SHOP - NIGHT                      64

     He's heading for the street when -- KERCHUNK -- he hears the
     distinctive sound of a shotgun being pumped. He stops mid-
     step. Goddamnit.

     Three Freelancers -- ARNO, sawed-off shot gun, KARL and
     GUNTER, automatics -- come out of the gloom, facing off
     against John.

                   (German accented English)
               You're a wanted man, Mr. Wick.

               Careful, Arno, he's fast.

               Is that so?. Are you fast? Should I
               be careful?... Gun. Left hand. Two
               fingers. Slow.

     John... raises the revolver. The Freelancers tense.
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        58.

                      ARNO (CONT'D)

...Slowly, with two fingers, John draws the gun.

                      ARNO (CONT'D)
            Turn around.

John turns, slowly.

                      ARNO (CONT'D)
            Give it to me. Butt first.

John... flips the revolver so that he's holing the barrel,
holds it out to Arno.

                      ARNO (CONT'D)
            The Baba Yaga... Not so dangerous
            now, are you?

            ...You can still walk away.

            But a man's got to make a living,

                      THE TRACKER (O.S.)
            Dying's not much of a living.

Eyes shift to the Tracker as he emerges from shadow, gun
still strapped.

The three   Freelancers glance at each other and go to guns--

--John flips the revolver, catches it and fires. The round
hits Arno in the forehead, blowing out the back of his head--

--as The Tracker quick draws and fires, putting a round into

--and both John and The Tracker shoot Gunter, blowing him

John pivots, gun lined on The Tracker who has his .45 lined
on John. Neither fires.

                      THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
                (re the Webley)
            Nice gun.
     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   58A.

                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      59.

                    THE TRACKER
          No. Classic. Webley Mark VI.

John notes The Tracker's heavily bandaged hand.

          You took a deal.

                    THE TRACKER
          I made a deal.

          You think you can buy your way out?

                    THE TRACKER
          Everybody's got a price.

          No. But everything has a cost. You
          sure you're willing to pay it?

A long moment... then his answer:

                      THE TRACKER


                    THE TRACKER
          I said nuts.

Only John's eyes move as, a few feet from him at crotch
level, white teeth appear out of inky shadow that resolves
into the dog.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          Catch you later, Mr. Wick

The Tracker turns and walks into darkness. A beat and the dog
growls, then pulls back into shadow...
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       60.


     An old Eastern Orthodox church set in the heart of Berlin's
     Russian expat community.


     An elderly Russian WOMAN behind a counter in a small alcove
     on the side of the Narthex slides a basket to a BABUCHKA who
     retrieves a .410 Jury handgun and slides it into her bag.

     John's next. He holds out the Webley. The breach drops open
     of its own volition. The Woman behind the counter eyes the


     She... points to the basket and we see the Ruska Roma tattoos
     on her hands and fingers. He puts the gun in and gets a
     ticket, then walks into the Church's nave.


     Old school. Candles. Stained glass. An alter. A half dozen
     PARISHIONERS: pensioners, a babushka, etc. John pauses to dip
     his fingers into Holy Water, crosses himself and moves down
     the aisle towards the altar where an old PRIEST in collar and
     robe prepares for a service.


               Yes, my son?

               I need to speak to Uncle--

     BOOM! A round SLAMS into John knocking back a good ten feet.

     He stares up at the old Priest who's holding a sawed off 12

               Nice suit.

     Men grab John's arms.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      61.

68   INT. BERLIN / CHURCH / TRIAL ROOM - NIGHT                    68

     John's eyes squint as he tries to focus but the light is
     bright and the peripheries of the room dim.

     His wrists are tied behind his back, his feet are bound by
     CHAINS that are connected to an eyebolt set in the floor and
     a cable hooked to a HYDRAULIC LIFT is looped around his neck.

                         KATIA (O.S.)
               The prodigal son returns...

     KATIA, late 20s, dark hair and eyes, steps into the light.

                         KATIA (CONT'D)
               But this isn't your home anymore,
               is it...
                   (spitting the English out)
               Jonathan Wick?

               You grew up, Katia.

               And you got old. Then again, it's
               been a while.

     As John's eyes acclimate, the large room comes into focus.
     Thirty-six RUSKA ROMA -- dark hair and eyes, tattoos,
     tailored suits similar to John's -- stand on a series of
     steps in front of John. Between him and the Ruska Roma is a
     large and ornately carved baroque chair: THE THRONE.

               I need to talk to him.



               Business? You're forgetting, we're
               still under The Table...

     Katia circles John...

                         KATIA (CONT'D)
               ...and last I checked...
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          62.

...and pulls up his shirt, revealing the brand over the
tattoo on his back.

                    KATIA (CONT'D)
're excommunicado and your
          ticket was torn. You have no
          business with us.

She nods. A Ruska Roma pushes a button on the winch control
panel. Motors whirr and the winch rolls in cable, lifting
John up off the floor. He strains against the tension,

          That's for Petr to decide.

          Petr's dead.

John stares, anger cutting the pain.

                    KATIA (CONT'D)
          After you put a bullet in the
          Elder's head, The Marquis had one
          put in Petr's. And in fine Russian
          tradition, he sent us the bill...
          Because of you, I had to kneel in
          front of the man who murdered my
          father and give him our businesses,
          our accounts, our access... and our

          ...Then we have a common enemy...

Katia just watches John die. This is how it ends.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          We can help each other!

          You can't even help yourself. How
          the hell are you going help us?

          By killing this Marquis!

          They'd just appoint another. His
          death changes nothing.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       63.

              (with what little breath
               he has left)
          It does if I kill him in a duel!

...Katia's eyes flick to the old Priest who stares at John...
then shifts his gaze to her. A beat and he approaches,
whispers in her ear. They speak in hushed tones...

                    THE PRIEST
          ...The Old Ways are clear on the
          matter. But for a duel to be
          sanctioned by The Table, he'd need
          to be a member of a family... and
          he'd have to have a Crest.

She returns her focus to the dying John Wick... considers him
for a long moment as his life drains.

          ...How many did you kill to get

          Too many.

          ...You'll only have to kill one to
          get back in: the bastard who
          murdered my father.

          ...Give me the name.

          Killa Harkan. You'll find him at
          Himmel und Hölle. When he's dead,
          I'll mend your ticket.

          ...And the Crest?

          Harkan first. Then we talk. Bring
          proof of death.

Finally, she motions to the winch operator. Tension's
released and John falls, collapsing to the chair.

Katia approaches, looming over John.

          I'll need a way in.
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    63A.

     Katia eyes John... nods.

               I know a way. Klaus will take you.

     KLAUS -- big, powerful, face, beard and body studded with
     metal and marked with tattoos, steps forward.

               I am Klaus.


     And Klaus hits John full in the face. John eyes him. WTF?

               I am Klaus.

     And Klaus hits him again!

69   OMITTED                                                     69
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       64.


     The Tracker eyes his phone. The bounty has gone up yet again.
     A beat and he dials...

                         THE TRACKER
               He's in Berlin. With the Ruska
               Roma. You can transfer that
               finder's fee now.

71   INT. PARIS / OPERA HOUSE / STAIRS - NIGHT                 71

     The Marquis walks up a wide staircase toward the auditorium,
     phone to his ear, phone cable trailing behind as opera plays
     in the background.

                            THE MARQUIS

                            THE TRACKER (V.O.)
               Excuse me?

                         THE MARQUIS
               Kill John Wick and you'll get your
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       65.


      The Tracker's tone changes. That veneer of invincibility he's
      so carefully cultivated cracks just a bit.

                          THE TRACKER
                I told you: that's not what I do.

                             THE MARQUIS (V.O)
                It is now.

                          THE TRACKER
                And that wasn't our deal.

71B   INT. PARIS / OPERA HOUSE / STAIRS - NIGHT                   71B

      The Marquis feels The Tracker's distress as he crests the
      stairs into the Auditorium.

                          THE MARQUIS
                The deal was for your service. And
                that is the only deal being offered
                today. A life for a life, Mr.
                Nobody; yours or his. When it's
                done, kill the blind man.

72    EXT. BERLIN / CHARLOTTENGRAD / CHURCH - NIGHT                72

      The Tracker's about to respond when the line goes dead.

                          THE TRACKER

      He rubs his head with his hands. Shakes his head. Curses
      under his breath. The dog looks up at him with sympathetic

73    EXT. BERLIN / THE CLUB - NIGHT                               73

      A massive structure rising up over the river with a long neon
      lit archway leading to the entrance. The muffled sound of
      techno throbs.

74    OMITTED                                                      74
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         66.


     CLOSE ON a felt gambling table. Cards with elaborate High
     Table iconography. Stacks of gold coins. A gold plated ivory
     handled diamond encrusted .357 Magnum.

     Cards are flipped. Winning hand is by the .357. A fleshy hand
     covered in gold rings and diamonds lifts the Magnum. BOOM!

     ANGLE ON black patent leather shoes as blood spatters them,
     accompanied by the sound of a body thudding to the floor.

     PAN UP -- black pants, white shirt, suit and vest, black tie,
     to John Wick.

     His hands are bound in front of him. On either side are big
     German-Turkish GANGSTERS, and towering over him, is Klaus.

     They are just inside the illuminated area set within a
     massive space with concrete walls and high ceilings, both of
     which are beyond vision. An overhead fan casts long shadows
     over the players and light plays off the Persian rugs
     adorning the floor.

     REVERSE TO KILLA HARKAN -- big, powerful but long since gone
     to seed, his six pack abs replaced by a tractor tire
     concealed by a fine linen suit and Turkish inspired vest --
     seated the gaming table with two men. He owns the club and
     the gun.

     A beat and he turns his gaze to John... then to Klaus who is
     holding out a an onyx and ivory card out.

     Killa nods to one of the Gangsters who takes it, opens it and
     hands it to Killa who scans it... smiles. Light glints off a
     big gold tooth. When he speaks, the accent, as well as the
     words, is a mix of German and Turkish, the tone nasally and
     high pitched.

                   (to Klaus)
               Please tell your mistress that I am
               honored by this gesture of
               friendship and that I look forward
               to our continuing partnership.

               I am Klaus.

     With that, Klaus turns and walks away. When he's gone, Killa
     then turns to John. Claps his hands.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       67.

          Must be Christmas... But where are
          my manners?

Killa motions to John and one of his crew cuts John's bonds,
freeing his hands.

                       KILLA (CONT'D)

John's eyes move to a bottle of Blanton's Special Reserve and
three glasses.

          ...You were expecting me.

Killa holds Katia's letter over an open flame. It ignites. As
he watches it burn with a disturbing fascination:

          Not me. Him.

John's eyes shift as Caine steps out of shadow. A moment of
tension as John thinks about killing Caine.

          You knew I'd come.

          I suspected.


Caine nods. Killa, releasing the ash, snorts.

          That "family" sold you out first
          chance they got. They gave you up,
          Mr. Wick, in the vain hope of
          saving themselves. That's why I
          never trust a Cossack. They're a
          dirty people.

Killa's eyes are on John who hasn't taken his off of Caine's.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          You two know each other?

          Mr. Wick blames me for the death of
          a mutual friend.
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     67A.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          But I didn't kill Koji, John. You

          I sense tension. This discord
          between old... friends saddens me.
          Let me help.

Killa grabs the .357 and lines it on John. Pulls the hammer
back. This gets Caine's attention.

          We have a deal.

                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       68.

          The Marquis--

          Will never know who killed him. And
          if he does, I doubt he'll care if
          it's bullets, blades, or a blind

Caine shifts his weight. Conversations stop. Men rise,
weapons visible.

Caine... inclines his head, tracking the movement in the
space, keying on small details... breath, the creak of

The doors swing open. Two GANGSTERS enter. The Tracker is
between them and the dog pads after him. A third trails,
carrying The Tracker's backpack.

They stop in front of Killa. The Gangster carrying the pack
dumps it on the table.

          We found him outside with this.

Killa... lowers the .357 and leans in to the pack, looking at
the contents. Whatever's in there is impressive.

          These for me, Mr...?

                    THE TRACKER
          Nobody. And no, they're for--
              (glancing at John)

          ...A blind man, a guy with a dog,
          and John Wick walk into a bar...
          That sounds either like the
          beginning of a stupendous joke or a
          most profitable opportunity.
              (to John)
          I don't know if you noticed, but
          you are a very popular man. I mean,
          God damned, is there anyone who
          doesn't want you dead?

          Let me have him and I'll let you
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       69.

                    THE TRACKER
          What he said.

Killa eyes Caine and The Tracker.

              (to Caine)
          So you want to kill him--
              (to The Tracker)
          --you want to kill him, I want to
          kill him, and you, Mr. Wick...

          Am going to kill you.

          For Petr. Of course... Well, it
          sounds like we have ourselves a
          genuine conundrum. A quandary if
          you will. A real life dilemma...
              (to John)
          Fortunately, unlike your at lanet
          Cossack brethren, Jardani, we are a
          civilized people and as such we
          settle our differences in civilized
          fashion. So... let's play a game.
          One hand. Winner decides who lives
          and who... doesn't.

Killa flicks a finger and the other players rise, giving up
their seats.

                    THE TRACKER
          What's the buy in?

          More than you can afford.

                    THE TRACKER
          I'm one bullet away from being a
          very rich man.

          Or a dead one.

                    THE TRACKER
          Either way, I'm free.

John glances at The Tracker -- beginning to understand him
now. The Tracker sits.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          I'm thirsty. You thirsty?
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   69A.

          I'm not drinking.

Caine sits.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          70.

                    THE TRACKER
          And that is exactly the problem.
          You're no fun when you're sober.

          Mr. Wick?

A beat and John sits.

ANGLE ON the dog, eyes tight on John's crotch. A beat and
John... crosses his legs.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          ...Five card draw.

Killa takes a deck of cards, spreads them out, flips and fans
and waterfalls them with surprising dexterity before dealing
five cards to each.

John eyes his cards. The Tracker pulls only the top edge
back. Caine doesn't bother to check.

The Tracker discards one card.

               (to Caine)
          ...What did the Marquis promise

John slides two cards to Killa who deals him two.

          He didn't promise anything. He lets
          my daughter live.

This surprises John. He didn't know.

          Mr. Wick?

John... slides two cards to Killa who deals him two.

          ...A life for a life.

Caine... nods. Passes his hand over his cards. He'll hold.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          And you think he keeps that

          The sun rises and she lives another
          day. That's all that matters.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    70A.

          ...I understand.

John lays his cards down. Aces and eights.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       71.

          A dead man's hand, Mr. Wick.

Caine lays his cards down. Four nines.

          I know.

          Four of a kind, jack high for my
          blind friend. Very nice.

The Tracker lays down a Royal flush.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          Royal flush. Impressive for a

Killa surveys the very impressive hands. Takes a long pull
from his inhaler.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          ...A blind man, a guy with a dog,
          and John Wick walk into a bar and
          take a seat at The Table.

Killa flips a 2 over.

                     KILLA (CONT'D)
               (to Caine)
          One thinks he can serve his way

Killa flips a second 2 over. A large GANGSTER steps into the
light behind Caine.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
              (to The Tracker)
          One thinks he can buy his way out.

Killa flips a third 2 over and a few more large Gangsters
appear from shadow...

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
              (to John)
          And one thinks he can kill his way

Killa flips a fourth 2 over. A few more Gangsters materialize
behind John.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          Each thinks they have a winning
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       71A.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          What they all fail to realize is
          that the moment they sat down at
          The Table...

Killa flips a fifth 2 over.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          ...they'd already lost.

A long pause. Killa eyes John...

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          Just so you know, Petr wasn't

He leans forward, and flashes John a big toothy smile
showcasing a big gold tooth.

                    KILLA (CONT'D)
          Maybe a little bit.

And things happen very fast:

John snatches up cards and throws them. They cut into two of
Killa's men, slicing their faces. Same motion, John rolls a
card and jams it into Killa's right eye, then slices the big
man's throat with it. Blood spurts and Killa gurgles!

Caine's cane flashes, cutting down three Turks in as many

The Tracker falls back on his chair, evading a straight razor
as the dog leaps over him, tearing the attacker's throat out!

The dog lands on the man as he falls, then latches on to The
Tracker's pack and flips it to him. The Tracker catches it,
reaches in, pulling out a gun and fires!
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         72.

Then the three, plus the dog, are in motion -- Caine with his
sword and gun, The Tracker with his pack and the guns and
blades in it, fighting dirty when possible, John with
anything he can get his hands on -- fighting on the same side
as the entire room goes to guns and knives.

Killa's on John. The two go at it.     Killa is fast for a big
man, and strong. A blow sends John     reeling. Then he's up,
attacking Killa who pauses to take     a breath, sliding behind
him as one of Killa's men tries to     shoot John. The bullet
hits Killa in the shoulder.

                      KILLA (CONT'D)
            Orospu çocuu!

Killa throws John at the man and heads for the exit, getting
out as the last of his men hit the ground, dead. John tries
to follow Killa but Caine and The Tracker are blocking his
way. The Tracker... shakes his head. John... nods.

The three face off for a beat... and then they try to kill
each other.

Caine's sword arcs out as John arches his back, the blade
missing his carotid by a hair. He rolls, picking up one of
the dead men's guns and firing as The Tracker does the same
and Caine quick draws his Glock. Nothing static about this
gun fight. It is an exercise in perpetual motion with all
three men constantly moving as slugs tear through the space
slamming into walls.

They click empty and engage. Brutal blows. Fast. A series of
combinations. A blow sends John reeling. Caine re-roads his
Glock. John anticipates, grabbing Caine's wrist. The Tracker
shoots John in the chest even as John shoots him. Both go

John's getting up as the dog leaps at Caine who spins,
evading it, and driving his sword into John's shoulder! The
tip pierces his suit!

Caine pushes as John tries to angle the barrel of the gun
against Caine's abdomen with one hand even as he grasps the
sword's blade with the other. Blood wells.

John...   shifts aim and SHOOTS Caine's sword. The metal sheers
and the   sword's tip breaks off in John's shoulder. Both men
stumble   back, Caine's broken sword arcing, forcing John to
release   the Glock.

Before either Caine or the Tracker can recover, John's
running for the exit!
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         73.

76   INT. BERLIN / THE CLUB / HALLWAY - NIGHT                     76

     John moves down the hall. The music gets louder. A door up
     ahead. John pushes it open and he and we are assaulted by
     light and sound.

77   INT. BERLIN / THE CLUB / WATER LEVEL - NIGHT                 77

     Music pulses and lasers flash, refracting off the massive
     industrial space fitted as a night club. A DJ spins tunes.
     Gogo Dancers gyrate on pedestals. Patrons party.

     ON John, moving, searching for Killa. Suddenly, an
     illuminated "wall" materializes, blocking our view of John.
     Then it dematerializes.

     The wall is made of water. All around, THIN CURTAINS OF WATER
     shoot down out of the ceiling to the beat of the music,
     impossibly fast, creating an intricate MAZE OF ILLUMINATED
     WATER WALLS inside the club as a MASSIVE MECHANICAL SUN
     glides overhead.

     John spots Killa moving through walls of water, heads after

     WITH KILLA as two of his GANGSTERS approach him.

               KILL WICK!

     One keys an earbud.

     WITH JOHN, moving through the water maze... Motion to the
     left. Three of Killa's men, approaching, drawing weapons.
     John steps inside, leveraging one's gun into the other's
     chest, pulling the trigger, killing the man, then twisting
     the first's arm up and blowing his brains out and shooting
     the third. John, with the gun now, angles for Killa as behind
     him, The Tracker and dog emerge from the VIP Gaming room.

     WITH KILLA, flanked by two of his men, moving though the maze
     of ever shifting water walls, huffing and puffing. BOOM! One
     of his escorts drops. BOOM! BOOM! The other. Killa redoubles
     his efforts. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The bullets hit Killa squarely
     in the ass. He stops. Turns as John approaches, gun lined.

                         KILLA (CONT'D)
               Du hast mir in den Arsch

     CLICK! John's out. Killa... smiles/grimaces. Raises his fists
     and stalks towards John who drops the gun.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       73A.

Killa vs. John #2:

Both men SWING and CONNECT. The result is akin to John
hitting a wall and being hit by a bus. His head rocks to the
side. He spits out a spray of blood and stumbles back.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       74.

And Killa's on him moving with shocking speed, fists and feet
tearing toward John with unbelievable velocity. John blocks a
blow -- throws back one of his own. Both of them are landing
punches now -- spitting blood. Killa grabs John and throws
him into a wall.

Killa strides towards John -- WHEEZES -- stops, fumbles for
his inhaler, holding up a finger like he wants a time out.

John stalks towards Killa, kicks him, knocking him to his
ass, then grabs his head and drives it into a large water
filled drainage trough. He big man kicks and spits and fights
as John drowns him!

              (through gritted teeth)
          Die already!

The dog sails through a wall of water, hitting John bodily.
The two roll away as Killa sits up, sucking wind.

John shoves the dog. It tries to get purchase on the slick
floor and fails, sliding away.

John's focusing on Killa when rounds SLAM into John, knocking
him back. He lifts his lapel up and it takes some of the
damage as The Tracker appears, firing suppressed rounds. The
force of the bullets knock John to the floor.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          I guess that number's high enough

                       THE TRACKER
          `Fraid so.

The Tracker pulls the trigger and clicks empty! He reloads as
John who dives through a wall of water.

John vs. The Tracker:

The Tracker pans, tying to locate John in the ever moving
maze of water... Swings around. John catches his gun. The two
exchange blows. The Tracker slams his fist into the shard
sticking out of John's chest. Again! The force and pain drive
John back a step. The Tracker lines his weapon. He's about to
fire when a blade cuts the rifle in half! The Tracker and
John focus on Caine.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)

          He's mine.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       74A.

                    THE TRACKER
          The hell he is!

Caine's blade arcs, angling for John's neck. A killing blow.
The Tracker quick draws and Caine pivots, cutting the
Tracker's side arm in two as The Tracker pulls the trigger.
Pieces of gun fall away. The Tracker draws a long knife and
tries to cut Caine, who parries the blow. Blades spark!

John vs. Caine vs. The Tracker:
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     75.

Then both turn on John. For a moment, the three go toe to
toe, allegiances constantly shifting each trying to kill the
other, and both trying to kill John. What is plain is that
both Caine and The Tracker need John dead.

In the midst of it all, John spots Killa moving away as both
Caine and The Tracker get an advantage! They're going to kill
him when a dozen of Killa's men appear.

                      THE TRACKER (CONT'D)

John, Caine, The Tracker vs. Killa's crew:

Caine releases, pivoting towards the attackers, getting
inside them, redirecting fire and breaking joints and bones

...The Tracker gets between two shooters as they dump rounds
into each other, grabbing a gun from one and killing another.

A shooter gets a bead on The Tracker. He's pulling the
trigger when The Malinois comes out of nowhere, taking the
man's legs out. He goes airborne and the dog reverses,
leaping, teeth sinking into his throat.

John kills one of Killa's men, a second. A third gets a bead
on John. He's about to shoot him when Caine hears the click
and throws his sword. It pins the man.

John turns back to Caine who's being pressed by one of
Killa's crew as he loses the man in the noise of the water
and the music.

John hesitates, pulls Caine's sword out of the dead man and
guts Caine's attacker with it.

Caine swings around, locked on John who presses Caine's own,
broken sword against Caine's throat...

          We're even.

John drops the sword and pulls away, looking for Killa. Spots
him, running.

WITH KILLA, running. John comes out of a wall of water,
slamming into the big man who doesn't seem to feel the
impact. But John certainly does -- it's like hitting a wall.
Then Killa's on him! Picking John up and slamming him against
a railing some twenty odd feet above the lower level. Ham
sized fists rain down on John even as he punches and kicks
the big man.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         75A.

The Tracker whistles and the dog attacks, latching onto
Killa's leg. The big man grabs the dog and hurls it away,
through a wall of water.

John, Caine, The Tracker and the dog vs. Killa:
                        SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     76.

      Then The Tracker's there, firing rounds into Killa -- to no
      discernable effect -- clicking empty. Killa releases John and
      backhands The Tracker. The blow sends him reeling. Then
      Caine's there, stabbing the monster of a man who catches the
      sword and grabs Caine by the neck, squeezing. Then the dog's
      back, latching onto Killa's leg.

      Behind him, John regains his feet, grabs Killa who discards
      Caine and swings around, right into John's fist which slams
      into the bridge of his nose -- the same strike as he was
      practicing on the Makiwara board. Killa stares at John... and
      falls, collapsing through the railing and falling some
      fifteen yards to the level below!.

      John, Caine, The Tracker and the dog all stare at each other
      for a beat. Then move! The Tracker, reloads as Caine closes
      on John, broken sword in hand!

      The Tracker fires and Caine's sword flashes as John topples
      over the edge, falling to the level below, the impact
      mitigated by Killa's mass.

      The Tracker runs to the railing, sees John pulling Killa's
      gold tooth out. He's about to fire when John pulls away, out
      of his line of sight.

      The Tracker turns back into the club, looking for a way down.

                             THE TRACKER


      John runs / limps towards the exit, pushing through a mass of
      club patrons.

      ANGLE ON The Tracker appearing some twenty yards behind John.
      He pulls the lever action shotgun from his pack, snaps on the
      barrel, locks the stock, levers a round into the chamber, ad
      lines the weapon on John's back, trying to get a bead through
      the throngs of moving club patrons... locks on John. He's
      about to pull the trigger when--

      --the tip of Caine's sword presses against his throat,
      freezing him.

                He's mine.

      A beat as The Tracker eyes Caine who stands there, one hand
      holding his sword, the other on his wide eyed and petrified
      "guide." He looks back at John who is disappearing into the
      crowd... A beat and The Tracker lowers the weapon.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        76A.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          I told you not to take the deal.

Caine lowers his sword and starts moving away.

                    THE TRACKER
          Guess yours didn't work out either.

Caine keeps walking.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          Helluva a thing for them to take
          your eyes, though.

          They didn't take them. I gave them.

Tracker can only watch Caine melts into the crowd.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       77.

78   INT. BERLIN / CHURCH / TRIAL ROOM - NIGHT                   78

     Candles light reflects off of walls, casting long shadows
     over Katia who prays at a pew.

     A shadow washes over her: John -- bloody, beat up, shot, with
     a piece of steel in his chest. He holds out his hand to
     reveal Killa's gold tooth. Katia... nods.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          78.

79   INT. BERLIN / CHURCH / TRIAL ROOM - LATER                   79

     A red hot furnace roars under the altar, it's light
     illuminating John and Katia who face each other.

     The Priest -- worn leather apron over a bare chest -- places
     a gold bar, it's surface acid etched with Ruska Roma symbols,
     into a red hot cauldron set on white hot coals.

     The heat is such that the metal starts to warp and bubble
     until is has become liquified.

     Katia and John are to the side. Using a pair of pliers, she
     pulls the shard of Caine's sword -- four inches of folded
     steel -- out of John's shoulder and places gauze over the

               It's time.

     John and Katia move to the Priest.

     The Priest tips the cauldron over. Liquified gold pours into
     an intricately carved steel urn. In moments, the mold glows,
     radiating heat, tears of gold weeping from pinprick holes.

     Katia and John each roll up their right sleeves. The two eye
     each other over the glow.

     Then, together, they place their respective forearms over the
     urn. Flesh burns as liquified gold bonds with skin.

     Each holds the other's eyes and neither flinches.

               ...You are a child of the Belarus,
               an orphan of our tribe. You are
               bound to us as we are to you in
               this life and the next. Your blood
               is my blood...

               ...your pain is my pain...

               ...your life is my life.

     They release, pulling their arms back. The brand is already
     forming: A wolf, the word  prominent.

                         KATIA (CONT'D)
               ...Welcome back, Jardani.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       79.

     John... nods. She takes a bottle of vodka, pour two shots,
     offers him one. They drink.

                         KATIA (CONT'D)
               The Ruska Roma will issue the
               challenge. Who will be your Second?


80   EXT. PARIS / LOUVRE - MORNING                                80

     A beautiful morning in Paris, light reflecting off the Seine
     River as it flows by the Louvre.

81   INT. PARIS / LOUVRE - MORNING                                81

     Empty save The Marquis standing in front of `Liberty Leading
     the People' - a striking painting by Delacroix inspired by
     the Three Glorious Days of the July 1930 Revolution when the
     people of Paris rose up against King Charles X.

                         WINSTON (O.S.)
               A warning of the cost of tyranny.

                         THE MARQUIS
               A reminder of the price of
               complacency in the face of dissent.

     ANOTHER ANGLE to include Winston standing some dozen yards
     away, flanked by Chidi and Myrmidons.

                          THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
               You must intend to join your

               Not today.

                         THE MARQUIS
               You say that as though you have a

     Chidi draws his weapon and lines it on the back of Winston's

               Per the Old Ways and the old laws,
               John Wick calls you to a Duel - to
               settle your differences in single
               combat, as gentlemen should.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       79A.

Chidi hesitates, glances at The Marquis -- who has turned his
head to take in Winston -- looking for direction.
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      80.

                    THE MARQUIS
          You talk of the Old Ways as if you
          know them. A man of Mr. Wick's...
          comment dit-on... "station" cannot
          issue such a challenge.

          He has his family's Crest.

A flicker of something passes over The Marquis' face.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Ah, Berlin.

Winston produces a leather folio from his inside breast
pocket. Inside is a document, High Table stamps prominent.

          The Ruska Roma's challenge. Mr.
          Wick's acceptance back into the
          fold... It's all there. A matter of
          record now.

The Marquis eyes the folio but doesn't take it. He walks.
Winston falls in next to him. Chidi and Myrmidons pace them.

                    THE MARQUIS
          And why would I accept this from a
          second rate seat?

          Because there are rules, and
          without them--

                    THE MARQUIS
          We live with the animals?


                    THE MARQUIS
          That time is passed, Mr. Manager. A
          new day is dawning. New ideas. New
          rules. New management.

          Yet you will accept because we
          still all sit beneath The Table and
          even you are not immune to the
          consequences of failure.

The Marquis pauses in front of Gericault's Raft of the
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      80A.

                    THE MARQUIS
          And what exactly are Mr. Wick's

          Victoriae fiducia; The
          unconditional release from any and
          all obligations to The Table.

                    THE MARQUIS
              (to Chidi)
          ...Kill him.

Chidi is about to when--
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       81.

          "My name is Ozymandias, King of
          Kings!" and yet all that remained
          of him after he was gone was a
          shattered statue in the sand.

The Marquis raises a finger, freezing Chidi.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          History is littered with Marquis'
          who are remembered only by their
          servants... But you can be
          remembered as the man who brought
          John Wick, he who has proved
          himself to be a threat to The Table
          and all who sit at it, from the
          darkness where he resides and into
          the light; your light... Who could
          possibly predict how high that kind
          of glory could take a man?

The Marquis eyes Winston for a long moment, those cold eyes
burning into him.

                    THE MARQUIS
          ...Sunset, La Tour Eiffel, to
          discuss rules. You may go.

The Marquis turns back to the painting.

          When I'm done.

The Marquis eyes Winston.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          As his Second, upon his victory, my
          excommunicado is to be lifted, my
          title restored, and my hotel
          rebuilt and re-consecrated; at The
          Table's expense, of course.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Of course. Je suis impressionné...

          Well, how you do anything is how
          you do everything. Now, I'm done.

                    THE MARQUIS
          You've found renewed purpose.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       82.

               He who has a `why' to live for can
               bear almost any `how.'

                         THE MARQUIS
               I rather think I'll miss you when
               you're gone.

               I wish I could say the same.

     The Marquis starts to laugh.

                         THE MARQUIS
               ...You don't know, do you?

               What's that?

                         THE MARQUIS
               A man's Second, like his Sponsor,
               either walks out with his champion
               or is buried beside him... the Old

     Blood drains from Winston's face as The Marquis walks away.

82   INT. PARIS / PLACE DU TROCADÉRO - DAY                        82

     Bells echo across the city.

     Located just across the Seine, Trocadéro Square offers the
     most spectacular views of the Eiffel Tower.

     The tiled plaza is completely empty, save one TABLE, white
     tablecloth, a bottle of wine, two glasses, three chairs.

     The Marquis sits. The Harbinger stands to one side. Chidi
     stands behind the Marquis. Winston, by the empty chair
     opposite The Marquis.

     A dozen HIGH TABLE GUARDIANS, six male, six female, all about
     thirty, all sporting identical crewcuts and wearing matching
     suits with Mandarin collars, flank the square. Part Jesuit
     part Immortal, these men and women serve the interests of The
     Table with an unflinching, almost religious zeal. If The
     Table were a Church, The Harbinger would be a Cardinal, and
     The Guardians its warrior monks.

     John appears. Approaches. Stops six feet in front of the
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      83.

                    THE HARBINGER
              (to John)
          Your Crest.

John pulls his right jacket sleeve back, then rolls up the
shirt sleeve to reveal the Ruska Roma family Crest burned
into his arm. The Harbinger carefully inspects it... nods,
then motions John to sit. A beat and John... sits.

The Harbinger takes a seat between the two and removes a deck
of old, HIGH TABLE CARDS, each embossed with family crests
and symbols on their backs. He places the deck on the table.
John nods. Then the Marquis. The Harbinger deals five cards
down in front of each man.

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Under the old laws, only one can
          survive; do you both understand?

Both John and The Marquis nod.

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Very well. Rules.
              (motions to The Marquis)
          The Challenged chooses first. Time?

                     THE MARQUIS


Both flip the first card. John's is the lesser and he loses
the round.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Sunrise. Location?

                    THE MARQUIS
          You come here thinking there is a
          way out of this world for you, Mr.
              (flips a card)
          Le Centre Pompidu. There is not.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       84.

Light catches his eye: the sun's reflection off of Sacré
Coeur Basilica, perched on the summit of Montmartre, the
highest point in the city.

          Sacré Coeur.

They flip the second cards. John's is greater.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Sacré Coeur. Weapons?

                    THE MARQUIS
          If you win, The Table will honor
          its word. You will have your
          freedom, but you won't take it.


Cards are flipped. John's is greater.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Dueling pistols. Thirty paces. In
          the event that both parties
          survive, each will approach the
          other in increments of ten paces
          until only one remains. Rules of

          No quarter.

                     THE MARQUIS

          You won't take it as this is who
          you are, who you've always been. We
          allow you to think of yourself as
          some sort of Paladin or Samurai -
          serving nobly at the arm of your
          feudal Lord. Part of the comical
          artifice of this little world of
          ours. But the truth is that you are
          simply a killer. An orphan we
          plucked from the street and honed
          into a knife. And it is the killing
          that gives you purpose. And purpose
          gives men like you identity.
              (to the Harbinger)
          No quarter.

                    THE HARBINGER
          If there is nothing else--
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         85.

                    THE MARQUIS
          A nomination.

Winston tenses and John's eyes shift to The Harbinger.

                    THE HARBINGER
          ...It is his right.
              (to The Marquis)
          You have a name?

                      THE MARQUIS

Caine tenses. John's eyes burn into The Marquis.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Sunrise, Sacré Coeur, dueling
          pistols, no quarter. Mr. Wick
          elects to duel, The Marquis
          nominates Caine as his Champion.
          Should Mr. Wick be victorious, he
          will be free from any and all
          obligations to The Table and his
          Second reinstated as Manager of the
          rebuilt New York Continental.

John looks to Winston - what the fuck? Winston shrugs his

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Should The Marquis Vincent Bisset
          de Gramont be victorious--

                    THE MARQUIS
          John Wick will be dead, as will his

Winston looks back at John - see?

                    THE HARBINGER
          If there is nothing else,
          gentlemen, I will see you at
          sunrise. Failure to meet at the
          appointed hour will result in
          forfeiture and immediate execution.

The Harbinger rises. John and The Marquis remain seated, eyes
locked on each other.

Finally, John stands and walks away, Winston in tow. The
Marquis, still seated, still in control, doesn't rise. His
words give John pause:
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    85A.

                    THE MARQUIS
          I have seen many like you who claim
          to want out. But that is always a
          lie. There is no "John" out there.
          No happy husband with a normal
          life. There is only John Wick.

          And he is going to kill you.

John...resumes his walk as a silent Marquis stares hate after
him. Winston falls in next to John and we go with them.

next to him and we go with them.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          Your hotel?

          Oh, grow up, Jonathan. If I'd asked
          for nothing, he would have shot me
          where I stood.

          You always have an angle, don't

          Doesn't everyone?... He'll unleash
          the dogs now.


          We'd best go to safe harbor, then.

          There's something I need to do

Winston eyes John... pulls a card with a HOBO SYMBOL from his
jacket and offers it. John takes the card.

          Don't be too long.

ANGLE ON The Marquis, watching as John and Winston walk in
opposite directions.

                    CAINE (O.S.)
          I won't do it.

ANOTHER ANGLE to include Caine standing behind The Marquis.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       85B.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Of course you will.

          This is High Table. There are
          rules. Fight your own duel.

Caine turns to go--

                    THE MARQUIS
          You will because when John Wick is
          dead by your hand in that duel, you
          and your daughter will be free.

Hold on Caine for a beat. Then he starts walking.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Where are you going?

          It's personal.

PULL BACK as Caine moves away from the Marquis....
SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   86.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     87-88.

83   OMITTED                                                   83

84   EXT. PARIS / SAINT-EUSTACHE - DUSK                        84

     Saint-Eustache's flying buttresses rise up, catching the last
     rays of the setting sun. John enters, passing under the
     unflinching gaze of gargoyles carved in stone.

85   INT. PARIS / SAINT-EUSTACHE - DUSK                        85

     A Catholic PRIEST and a NUN stand at the back of the church
     on one side of the aisle. An Orthodox PRIEST and NUN stand on
     the other side. All have High Table tattoos visible on hands
     and necks.

     CLINK! John drops a gold coin in the collection plate and
     walks down the aisle, by a few scattered parishioners seated
     on collapsible wooden chairs laid out in the cavernous space.
     He makes his way to a small side altar featuring Julian the
     Hospitaller (patron saint of, among other things, murderers).
     Votive candles flicker over the altar. John takes a VOTIVE
     CANDLE. Lights it. Places it on the altar.

     The sound of a cane tap tapping on worn granite echoes. Over
     John's shoulder, we see Caine approaching. He stops a dozen
     feet from John.

               For your wife?


               You think she can hear you?


               Then why bother?

     John lights a candle. The wick flares, illuminating his
     features and throwing long shadows.

               Maybe I'm wrong.

               The dead are gone. Memories.

     Caine opens his LOCKET. That music softly plays.
              SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        87-88A.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          Only the living matter.

We finally see that inside is an picture of Caine with a
beautiful young wife holding an infant daughter, Mia.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          After my daughter was born, I tried
          to leave this life... So The Table
          reminded me--

          They do that.

              (nods knowingly)
          We're damned, you and I.

          On that we agree.

          But she's not.

Caine snaps the locket shut.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          I won't enjoy taking your life, but
          if it saves hers, you're going to

John turns to Caine for the first time.

          Maybe not.

          I've missed you, John.

Caine sits.

                    CAINE (CONT'D)
          It's good to sit with a friend...
          isn't it?

A beat and John sits on the opposite aisle, one row in front
of Caine.

PULL BACK. The two men in that great church, at once together
and apart, illuminated by the setting sun's stain glass
filtered rays.
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         87-88B.

85A   OMITTED                                                    85A

86    EXT. PARIS / BRIDGE - NIGHT                                    86

      John walks along the river Seine's bank towards the Bir-
      Hakeim Bridge. Two HOMELESS MEN lean on the wall by a metal
      service door. They straighten as John approaches.

      He holds up the card with the HOBO SYMBOL Winston gave him.
      One of the Homeless pushes the door open. Etched into the
      metal is that same HOBO SYMBOL.

87    INT. PARIS / ART ANNEX-CELLAR / NIGHT                          87

      A set of curving stairs open up to a   large space brimming
      with stored art. A score of HOMELESS   are arrayed about,
      sorting clothes and money and stolen   watches and purses as
      music plays from a circa 1940s Diora   Aga Rsz radio -- worn
      wood, analogue dials, tubes, etc.

                          THE BOWERY KING (O.S.)
                Bon jour, Monsieur Wick! And
                welcome to La Resistance.

      John turns, taking in The Bowery King, grinning at him with
      that half mad twinkle in his eye.

                A little far from home, aren't you?

                          THE BOWERY KING
                When you don't have a house, the
                world is your home. And your little
                act of uncivil disobedience has
                inspired me. I'm branching out.
                Spreading my wings. So, how goes
                the Grand Farewell Tour?


      The Bowery King examines John's shredded and shot up jacket.
      Peers at the wound on his shoulder. Winces.

                          THE BOWERY KING
                So it seems... 42 regular, wasn't

                It is.

      The King produces a brand new Kevlar infused ballistic suit.
   SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         87-88C.

Appropriate for all formal
occasions: weddings, funerals...
and High Table Duels. After all, a
man's got to look his best when its
time to get married... or buried.
SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   89.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   90.

88   INT / PARIS MAP ROOM - NIGHT                       88
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       91.

ANGLE ON a 3 x 3 meter relief map of Paris. PULL BACK to The
Marquis, standing over it.

A very tall female MYRMIDON stands to the side, waiting.
Different colored flags rest on a tray next to her. Behind
her is an old and very expensive 1935 Zenith Stratosphere

                     THE HARBINGER (O.S.)
          This is how you resolve this

ANOTHER ANGLE to include The Harbinger and Chidi. A half
dozen VALETS are arrayed around the indoor/outdoor space.

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          By giving John Wick a chance to go

                    THE MARQUIS
          It was the most... direct option.

                    THE HARBINGER
          For making you look like a fool.
          Failure will turn him into a saint.

                    THE MARQUIS
          My victory will do the opposite.

                    THE HARBINGER
          A man's ambition should never be
          greater than his worth. You'd be
          wise to remember that, sir.

The Harbinger walks away as church bells strike midnight.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Ask not for whom the bell tolls...

          Forgive me, sir, but this is

                     THE MARQUIS

          Trusting your fate to a blind man's
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          91A.

                          THE MARQUIS
               There are three kinds of men in
               this world: those who have
               something to live for, those who
               have something to die for, and
               those who have something to kill
               for. John Wick has none of these
               things. He is but a ghost in search
               of a graveyard. But that blind man?
               Well, he has all three. Besides, I
               have a sneaking suspicion that Mr.
               Wick is about to face considerable
               difficulty making it to the duel by

               ...Understood, sir...

     Chidi pulls a cellphone from his pocket and dials.

89   EXT. PARIS / EIFFEL TOWER - NIGHT                            89

     We're at the top of the tower. Antennas bristle. Just below
     them is a glass encased RADIO STUDIO. We PUSH INSIDE:


     1970's rock with a decidedly French twist plays as we pan
     over the old school radio studio: wood panels and analogue
     gauges. Racks of components. Vinyl records stacked. All of
     Paris stretches out. "On Air" sign glowing red under the
     station's name: WUXIA. A set of turn tables. A gold plated

     A hand -- ebony skin, long blood red fingernails decorated
     with diamonds -- pushes against a "transmit" button.
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      92.

      Full ruby red lips graze the microphone. The voice is rich
      and lyrical...

                            THE D.J.
                All   right now, for all you boppers
                out   there in the City of Lights,
                all   you street people with an ear
                for   the action...

91    INT. PARIS / ART ANNEX-CELLAR / NIGHT                        91

      John stands in front of a mirror straightening the suit. He
      looks good. Sharp. The D.J.'s rich and melodious voice rolls
      out of the old radio:

                          THE D.J. (V.O.)
                ...I've been asked to relay a
                special request...

91A   INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                               91A

      The Marquis stares at that map of Paris as the D.J.'s voice
      pours out of the radio.

                          THE D.J. (V.O.)
                ...from a secret admirer...

92    EXT. PARIS / BAR - NIGHT                                     92

      MILIEU CORSO-MARSEILLAIS (Corsican Mafiosos) drinking and
      smoking react to the voice on the radio.

                          THE D.J. (V.O.)
                ...and I know you know who I'm
                talking about...


      The oldest continuously run market in the world. MEN and
      WOMEN work the stalls. Several -- members of LE MAIN ROUGE
      (The Red Hand) -- listen to the D.J.

                           THE D.J. (V.O.)
                This golden oldie -- and I do mean

93    OMITTED                                                      93
SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   92A.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       93.

94   INT. PARIS / ART ANNEX-CELLAR / NIGHT                      94

                         THE D.J. (V.O.)
               -- hit goes out to you... Mr. Wick.

     At the mention of John's name, Winston, The Bowery King,
     others, eye John. "Renegade" by Styx comes on.

               So it begins.

               I'm going to need a gun.

     The Bowery King sets a STAINLESS STEEL GUN BOX on a table and
     slides it to John.

                         JOHN (CONT'D)
               With more than seven bullets this

     The Bowery King grins and opens the box to reveal a tactical
     gun belt, a knife, a half dozen magazines and...

                         JOHN (CONT'D)
               9mm Pit Viper.

     As The Bowery King talks, John expertly manipulates the

                         THE BOWERY KING
               Twenty-one round capacity magazine,
               built in compensator for virtually
               no muzzle flip, fiber optic static
               front sight, ambidextrous safety,
               flared magwell for faster reloads,
               two pound extreme trigger, match
               grade fully ramped Bull barrel
               capable of running the spiciest of
               ordinance and for those more, shall
               we say, intimate encounters...

     As John removes the slide to reveal pointed and gauge ready
     side rails--

                         THE BOWERY KING (CONT'D)
               ...this Viper has FEROCIOUS

     John reassembles the Pit Viper, slides it into the tactical
     gun belt, slots the magazines and knife in and snaps the belt
     around his waist. Behind him, a clock reads: 2:30 am.
                    SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       93A.

               How close can you get me to the

     The Bowery King... smiles.

95   OMITTED                                                   95

96   OMITTED                                                   96

97   OMITTED                                                   97

98   OMITTED                                                   98


     Two kilometers of stone arch enclosed river stretching out
     into darkness. Every fifty yards is a large grated oval that
     allows moon and city light to filer in. The Bowery King at
     the helm of the BOAT (7 Cuts) they are on. John and Winston
     are in back, taking in the ethereal space.

     Winston runs the tips of his fingers over the water.

               When I advised you not to dip a
               pinky back into this pond, I didn't
               realize that it would be me who'd
               be getting wet...

     John takes Winston in. This is perhaps the first truly honest
     thing Winston has ever said to him.

               It'll all be over after today.

               I suppose that's one way to look at
               it. I have to admit that when The
               Marquis pointed his gun at me my
               entire life came into sharp relief.
                   (to John)
               Does that happen every time?

     John considers it for a moment. Nods.

                         WINSTON (CONT'D)
               I couldn't help thinking: how would
               I be remembered?
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       93B.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          In burying Charon, I was tormented
          about what to put on his grave. A
          handful of words trying to sum up
          an entire life.

          What did you decide?

          ...`Friend.' That's what he was.
          Above all things. A friend. Made me
          wonder what they'll put on mine...

                    THE BOWERY KING
          "Long Live the King." Had mine
          carved years ago.


                       THE BOWERY KING

The Bowery King motions John to a quay. Recessed in the wall
is a door.

                    THE BOWERY KING (CONT'D)
          Your stop. I will see you when you
          are a free man... one way or the
          other. Au revoir, Monsieur Wick.

John... nods to The King.

          Thank you.
              (regards Winston)


John... steps off the still moving launch.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          Sunrise is at 6:33. Try not to be
          late. For both our sakes.

As the launch pulls away:

          `Loving husband.'
              (Winston focuses on John)
          That's what I want on mine: `John -
          loving husband.'
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          93C.

       Winston nods to him - he understands. Then the launch is
       gone, subsumed by the darkness. John watches it for a long
       beat and then turns to go.

100    OMITTED                                                   100

101    OMITTED                                                   101

102    EXT. PARIS / LOUVRE - NIGHT                               102

       John emerges from a underground entrance. The Louvre looms
       behind and the city, glistening with light, stretches out
       before him.

       PULL BACK to a man sitting on park bench. He makes a call and
       John runs.

102A   EXT. PARIS / STREET - NIGHT                               102A

       John running. Headlights wash over him. He turns down a
       perpendicular street as vehicles accelerate after him. More
       ahead. Two slide to a stop. Men climb out, weapons lined.
       John, moving, fires on them. Bodies drop.

       A car hits John. He rolls onto the hood, firing on the driver
       as it accelerates, smashing into a dumpster.

       More killers close. John engages. A black 1971 Barracuda
       almost runs him down, slides to a stop. Driver gets out and
       gets a round in the head for his trouble.

       Then John's in the Barracuda, accelerating away.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   94.

103   OMITTED                                      103
SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   95.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       96.

103   OMITTED                                                  103

104   INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                            104

      The Marquis stares down at the map as the Myrmidon places a
      red flag -- JOHN WICK -- moving away from the Louvre and
      towards the Arc de Triumph.

105   OMITTED                                                  105

106   OMITTED                                                  106

107   OMITTED                                                  107
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022         97.


       Those ruby red lips brush the mic:

                           THE D.J. (V.O)
                 Seems our Corsican friends dropped
                 the ball...

109    INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                            109

                           THE D.J. (V.O)
                 Let's see who picks it up.

       A needle drops. Static. The Marquis surveys the map -- John,
       alive, moving. Others dead, their flags removed.

                           THE D.J. (V.O) (CONT'D)
                 Round and round she goes, where she
                 stops, nobody knows.

       The Marquis shoots Chidi a look. The big man strides out...

109A   INT. PARIS / GARAGE - NIGHT                              109A

       A row of black BMWs idle. Myrmidons stand at attention. Chidi
       enters the garage and heads for a sedan. Myrmidons climb in
       and the six sedans pull out.

110    OMITTED                                                  110

111    OMITTED                                                  111
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022   98.

112   OMITTED                                      112

113   OMITTED                                      113
                       SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       99.

114    OMITTED                                                   114


       The Barracuda slides into frame. The Arc de Triumph looms
       ahead. John heads for it, entering the circle as the black
       BMWs converge from the opposite direction. Within moments,
       we're in a demolition derby with the added fun of guns.

       Shots fired. John cranks the wheel and the Barracuda spins on
       its axis, then accelerates into oncoming traffic.

       John and Myrmidons trade paint and bullets.

       John pits one BMW.

       Power-slides around a second, shooting the driver.

       Is rammed by a third and fourth. The Barracuda rolls...
       coming to rest on its side.

       Chidi and Myrmidons roll out of the BMWs, weapons lined and
       firing as John climbs out of what's left of the Barracuda and
       returns the favor as the fight takes on another dimension:
       close quarter combat with guns in the street with cars moving
       at speed.

       A Utility Vehicle (ute) pulls up. The Tracker and the dog
       exit. The former places an old Walkman radio on the hood.
       Then, slowly and meticulously, he pulls his rifle from his
       pack and starts to assemble it even as John fights for his
       life, dodging cars and bullets. As The Tracker dials the
       rifle in, he presses his Bluetooth headphone and makes a

115A   INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                             115A

       The Marquis stares at the map. A VALET, carrying a corded
       gold and ivory rotary telephone on a silver tray, approaches.
       The Marquis takes the receiver.

                           THE MARQUIS
                 How did you get this number?
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022        99A.

115B   EXT. PARIS / UTE - NIGHT                                 115B

                           THE TRACKER
                 The question you should be asking
                 is: "How much?"

                           THE MARQUIS (V.O./PHONE)
                 I think we have the situation well
                 under control.

       ANGLE ON The Tracker, eye pressed against the scope of his

       He fires! A Myrmidon drops!

                           THE TRACKER
                 Way I see it, if Johnny makes it to
                 the church on time, this'll be your
                 last day as Marquis. What I'm
                 offering is a guarantee that he

115C   INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                            115C

                           THE MARQUIS
                 I seem to remember you had some
                 qualms about killing.

                           THE TRACKER (V.O./PHONE)
                 Killing pays better. And better is
                 now thirty million. Oh, and the
                 finder's fee you still owe me from

       The line goes dead. The Marquis is... unsure.

116    INT. PARIS / UTE - NIGHT                                 116

       The Tracker sights and fires again! Another Myrmidon drops.
       The dog whimpers. The Tracker looks at him.

                           THE TRACKER
                 ...Okay, okay... Have fun.

       The dog springs forward and hurtles towards the fight.

                           THE D.J. (V.O)
                 Word on the street is we have
                 ourselves a third party in the mix--
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       99B.

116A   INT. PARIS / BAR - NIGHT                                116A

       Caine sits alone at the bar, untouched drink in front of him,
       listening as the radio plays.

                           THE D.J. (V.O)
                 --if you catch my drift.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       100.

117   EXT. PARIS / ARC DE TRIUMPH - NIGHT                        117

      John drops a Myrmidon. Another. One gets behind John. He's
      about to shoot John when the dog hits him, taking the man
      down. John sees it--

      He dives as a BMW almost hits him. A second. Three Myrmidons
      step out of the first, firing. Chidi is amongst them.

      The second tries to run John down. The dog tracks the SUV --
      its windows are closed -- and leaps as a .45 long impacts the
      side window, sheering it a millisecond before the dog hits

      The dog is in, tearing at the occupants. Then the dog is out
      and the BMW drifts away.

      John, under fire, clotheslines an attacker on a MOTORCYLE.
      Gets on the bike and burns rubber, accelerating away.

      Chidi fires on him, then runs to a sedan, climbs in and
      follows John.

      The dog is ahead of Chidi. He spins the sedan. The back clips
      the dog, sending it flying.

118   INT. PARIS / UTE - NIGHT                                   118

      The Tracker sees his dog hit.

                          THE TRACKER
                You did not--

      He opens fire on the sedan! Slugs tear into it as it
      accelerates after John. Then the Tacker turns the ute's
      engine over and floors it!

      As he pulls away, the dog matches him and leaps into the
      moving vehicle.

                          THE D.J. (V.O)
                Here's an update for all you
                nightcrawlers, vampires, werewolves
                and things that go bump in the

119   OMITTED                                                    119
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       100A.

120   EXT. PARIS / STREETS - NIGHT                             120

      John drives hard as the first hints of the soon to be rising
      sun turn the black of night into the gray of pre-dawn.

                          THE D.J. (V.O)
                I'm hearing the boys in black
                couldn't get it done and the number
                just went up.

      A sedan cuts in front of John. He spins. Another behind him.
      Men step out of the sedans.
                      SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          101.

       These have military grade weapons and body armor: Le Main
       Rouge. John "rockets" the bike at one. The bike and the man
       are propelled through a door.

       John follows it as others fire on him.

                           THE D.J. (V.O) (CONT'D)
                 For my special friends Louis and

120A   INT. PARIS / BAR - NIGHT                                  120A

       Caine still at the bar, still listening to the radio.

                           THE D.J. (V.O)
                 ...Be there or be Square.

                     (to the female bar tender,
                      in French)
                 Could you call me a cab, please?

                           BAR TENDER
                 Where too, hon?

                 Square Louis Michel.

121    INT. PARIS / APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT                    121

       A Main Rouge is waiting for John, shotgun lined.   John shoots
       the man as he shoots John. Both go down and both   get up. But
       John's faster, dumping rounds into the attacker,   knocking him
       back, grabbing his shotgun, flipping it, shoving   it under his
       helmet and pulling the trigger.


       More Main Rouge enter the apartment.

121B   INT. PARIS / APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT                   121B

       John moves fast, firing at the door as the attackers pour in.

       Then he runs up the stairs. Takes cover behind a solid
       banister, re-loads. Fires. Runs some more. Puts rounds into a
       wall and punches through it. Turns up another flight of
       stairs and come face to face with--
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       101A.

      The Tracker who puts a few rounds into the wall by his head,
      forcing him back. He spins, fires as Main Rouge close.

      The dog releases, pounding down the stairs, attacking Main
      Rouge as they corner John.

122   INT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                            122

      The Marquis looks at the clock. 6:12 am. Then the map. John's
      flag is close to Sacre Coeur.

                          THE MARQUIS

      A Valet approaches with a phone and offers it to The Marquis.

123   INT. PARIS / APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT                  123

      The Tracker shoots a Main Rouge. Another. His phone rings. He
      taps the earbud. As the carnage continues -- John killing
      Main Rouge, the dog killing Main Rouge, and The Tracker
      killing Main Rouge, we intercut between the Tracker and The

                          THE MARQUIS
                You have a deal.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       102.

                          THE TRACKER
                Thirty-five, it is.

                          THE MARQUIS
                That wasn't our deal.

                          THE TRACKER
                Well, that is the only deal that is
                being offered today. A life for a
                life, Mr. Marquis; yours or his.

      The Tracker hangs up.

124   EXT. PARIS / MAP ROOM - NIGHT                            124

      The line goes dead. The Marquis... throws the phone. It
      bounces off of polished marble, shedding pieces. He paces.
      Stops. Looks at the clock: 6:14, then back at the map...

                          THE MARQUIS
                    (to a Valet)

      A Valet scurries forward with another phone.

125   INT. PARIS / APARTMENT BUILDING - NIGHT                  125

      John backs into an apartment, killing men, moves through it,
      out another door into the hall, killing more as the dog takes
      others down and The Tracker snipes yet others.

      The Tracker keys his earbud as his phone rings. He and the
      Marquis continue to negotiate as he kills Main Rouge:

                          THE MARQUIS

                          THE TRACKER
                What we've got here is a failure to

      Chidi and a crew of Myrmidons appear, moving up the stairs.
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    103.

                       THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          Hold on...

Tracker shifts his aim, fires on them, killing two. Chidi and
the others return fire. The Tracker's response is bullets and
a middle finger. As he pulls back to reload.

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          Some men you just can't reach.
          Where were we?

                    THE MARQUIS
          Now you listen to me, you--

                       THE TRACKER

The Marquis eats a petite sandwich de merde.

                    THE MARQUIS
          D'accord. But only if the bullet is

Tracker whistles. The dog, tearing at a Main Rouge, keys on

                       THE TRACKER

The dog locks on John who's now killing Main Rouge on the
third floor of the other side of the square apartment's
interior courtyard and bounds towards him. The Tracker

WITH JOHN, killing men, clicking empty, throwing the shotgun,
drawing his side arm, killing more.

Then the dog hits him. Both go down. The Tracker enters, gun
lined. He and John exchange a look. The Tracker shrugs. He's
about to pull the trigger when Chide enters, firing. Rounds
slam into the Tracker's pack, knocking him out of the way.
Chidi's lining his gun on John when the dog leaps, attacking
Chidi who swings his own gun around to shoot the dog.

The Tracker fires on Chidi! The man's suit takes the damage
and The Tracker clicks empty.

Chidi shakes the dog lose and KICKS it. He brings weapon to
bear. He's going to kill the dog.

The Tracker stares. John's lining his gun on The Tracker...
and swings it around, putting rounds into Chidi who stumbles
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       104.

      Myrmidons and Main Rouge appear.

      John and The Tracker share a look... and John runs for the
      window and leaps through it, falling.

                          THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
                    (to himself)
                Son of a bitch.


      John hits the alley hard. The steps leading to Sacre Coeur
      are a half block away and he runs for them.

127   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR - PRE-DAWN                      127

      A white Bentley pulls up. Doors open. The Marquis steps out
      as Winston appears from a side street and approaches.

      The Harbinger waits in the courtyard in front of the Church
      flanked by the dozen High Table Guardians. In front of them
      is a gravel strip with markers laid out at 30, 20, and 10
      yard intervals.

128   EXT. PARIS / BASE OF STAIRS - PRE-DAWN                   128

      John -- bruised, shot, bleeding -- gets to the bottom of the
      steps. At the top of the hill is Sacré-Coeur. Between him and
      the church is a narrow and steep stairway consisting of 300
      steps framed by cafes, shops, and apartments.

      He glances at a clock: 6:20 am. 13 minutes until sunrise as
      he starts to limp up those stairs.

      As he moves, his eyes pan the doors and windows and rooflines
      -- a shadow on the roofline, the flutter of a window drape,
      the tip of combat boot in a doorway. Then the punishment
      really starts.

      Myrmidons step out of doorways and arches, weapons lined and
      firing. Others lean out of windows. Still others off
      rooftops. It's an opera of insanity.

      John moves, fast, firing and reloading as he climbs the steps
      -- shooting a Myrmidon who comes from a doorway, another in a
      window above, two more at the top of the stairs. Slugs hit
      him. He kills the sniper... then two more...
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       105.

129   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR - PRE-DAWN                        129

      John crests the top of the stairs with six minutes to spare.
      The church rises up, beckoning. The Marquis and Winston are
      there, waiting, as is the Harbinger. John made it.

      Then three Myrmidons rush John. He kills one, a second.
      Clicks empty as the third -- a mountain of a man -- fires.
      Slugs SLAM into John as the Myrmidon closes. He clicks empty.
      A sword flashes in his hand. The two engage -- John with
      knife, Myrmidon with sword.

      An elbow to the head knocks John back a step. A kick sends
      him reeling. The Myrmidon looms over him, sword raised.

      As it's dropping, John pivots, rotating his body and driving
      a knife into the big man's chest and through it.

      The Myrmidon stands there, staring hate at John and... wraps
      his arms around John and pushes.

130   EXT. PARIS / STAIRS - PRE-DAWN                             130

      The weight of the man forces them back to the edge of the top
      stair. They teeter for a moment and--

      FALL, tumbling... ass over heels... down... by bodies... more
      bodies... down some more... for exactly 300 steps...

      John pushes the Myrmidon's body off him and looks back up
      those 300 steps... the sun's cresting the horizon now... You
      have to be fucking kidding me.

      Shadows loom. John focuses. Three more Myrmidons are
      approaching, weapons lined. John is dead in 3, 2--

      The three Myrmidons fall to reveal Caine, sword in hand.

      John stares at Caine. He has no idea where this will end...

131   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR - PRE-DAWN                        131

      A pissed off Chidi, with a Myrmidon team in tow, marches by
      The Marquis and Winston without a word. The Tracker and his
      dog approach from the other direction. Chidi and the dog
      exchange an unpleasant look.

132   EXT. PARIS / STAIRS - PRE-DAWN                             132

      Caine... extends his hand. John... takes it and Caine helps
      him to his feet.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       106.

                How long until sunrise?

      John glances at his watch and then the skyline. The crown of
      the sun is just visible on the horizon.

                Two, maybe three minutes.

                I need you to make it to the top of
                those stairs, John. So... are you

      John clenches his fist. A drop of blood drips from his
      severed, spattering against the stone steps.


      John reloads and he and Caine, guns firing, start up those
      stairs --killing Myrmidons with gun and blade. More approach,
      laying down a barrage. Every time a Myrmidon exposes himself
      he eats a bullet or a blade. If John's run to the stairs was
      force of will, this is art and these two are masters of their

      As they near the top, the sun crests the horizon. Bells start
      to toll. One bell.

133   OMITTED                                                    133

134   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR - DAWN                            134

      The Marquis and Winston eye one another. The second bell

                          THE MARQUIS
                It appears Mr. Wick won't be
                joining us.

      The Harbinger steps up behind Winston, draws a very large
      handgun and lines it on the back on Winston's head. The third
      bell tolls. The Harbinger cocks the gun.

135   EXT. PARIS / STAIRS - DAWN                                 135

      John takes a bullet to the chest. Caine catches him,
      supporting him as he drops the shooter.
                   SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       107-109.

      The fourth bell tolls. John is not half a dozen steps from
      the top when he sees The Tracker, rifle lined on him, dog at
      his side, standing there.

      Then Chidi appears, gun lined. John is a dead man twice over
      now. The dog whimpers. The Tracker eyes him.

                ...Goddmamnit. Fine... Nuts!

      Chidi's pulling the trigger when the dog's jaws latch onto
      his balls. The force knocks Chidi back. He goes down,
      screaming as the dog tears into his privates.

      A shadow looms. Chidi manages to look up at The Tracker
      stands over him.

                          THE TRACKER
                You shouldn't have kicked my dog.

      The Tracker SHOOTS Chidi in the head even as Caine pushes
      John to the top of the stairs as the fifth and final bell
      tolls and the full sun crests the horizon. He made it.

136   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR - DAWN                             136
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       110.

Winston lets out a breath as the Harbinger lowers his weapon.

          You owe me one.

John pulls himself to his feet.


A blade flashes in Caine's hand and stabs through John's
right hand! Caine pulls the blade out and blood wells on the
wound even as John grabs it, trying to staunch the flow.
Grimaces at Caine.

                    JOHN (CONT'D)
          ...We even now?

Caine takes a silk kerchief from his breast pocket and wraps
John's hand with it.

          It's not personal, John.

John eyes Caine...

          Shall we?

Caine nods. Together, the two duelists make their way to The
Harbinger who is now standing in the center of a gravel
runway directly in front of the church, Winston and The
Marquis standing on either side of him.

As the duelists approach, feet crunching over the gravel,
The Harbinger accepts a gold embroidered stole adorned with
High Table symbols from a High Table Guardian.

The Harbinger takes the stole, kisses it, and places it
around his neck. This duel is as much ritual as it is combat,
and every move, save the outcome, is considered and

Behind the duelists, The Tracker makes his way to a low wall
and sits. He pulls a bottle of beer and a collapsible dog
dish from his pack and pours half the beer into the dish.
There, seated and ignoring the two Guardians who move up
behind them, man and dog share a well deserved drink.

A High Table Guardian approaches the duelists and their
respective Second / Sponsor with a tray that's home to a gold
and crystal flask of red wine and five matching glasses.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       110A.

John takes the bottle and pours Caine a glass. Caine returns
the favor.

The Harbinger, as part of the ritual, pours three glasses. He
offers one to The Marquis, one to Winston, and keeps the
third for himself. All raise their glasses.

                    THE HARBINGER
          `We seek the truth and will endure
          the consequences.'


They all drink, as does The Tracker who takes a pull of his
beer. The Marquis tosses his glass away, as do Winston and
The Harbinger. Caine simply lets his slide from his fingers.
John tips his, pouring his remaining wine onto the gravel and
drops the glass. It shatters.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Jackets, gentlemen.

John and Caine pull off their respective jackets. A few
flattened rounds fall out of Caine's... About a dozen clatter
to the gravel as John removes his. He offers it to Winston
who takes it like it was a dead animal.

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          And the vest, Mr. Wick.

John unbuttons his vest with his one good hand. As he pulls
it off, three smashed 12 gauge shotgun rounds fall to the
ground. Winston takes it.

The Harbinger nods and two Guardians holding exquisitely
crafted mahogany boxes approach the duelists.

The Guardians open the boxes to reveal finely wrought gold
and silver embossed single shot .45 caliber dueling pistols
and a row of hand crafted and intricately carved bullets.

                     THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          You may inspect your weapons,

The two duelists, bathed in the glorious Parisian sunrise,
expertly examine their weapons. As they do -- taking one
bullet from the box and loading the weapons:

                    THE MARQUIS
          There is something quite poetic
          about all this, don't you think?
                 SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022     110B.

          Il dort dans le soleil, la main sur
          sa poitrine, Tranquille. Il a deux
          trous rouges au côté droit...
          ...He sleeps in the sun, one hand
          on his chest, Motionless. He has
          two red holes in his right side.

                    THE MARQUIS
          ...Rimbaud. Très bien.

John and Caine, satisfied with the guns and the loads, nod to
The Harbinger.

                       THE HARBINGER

          To the end of tyranny...

John, gun in his left hand, and Winston head for one end of
the gravel runway as Caine, led by The Marquis, make their
way to the other.


                    THE MARQUIS
          Helping him was a mistake.

          For who?

The Marquis wilts just a bit as the two stop at the first --
thirty yard -- marker.

WITH JOHN AND WINSTON at their marker, taking a quiet moment
to drink in their surroundings. It's a beautiful morning in

          A lovely sunrise...

John gives him a nod. Gratitude? Resignation? Some
understanding that this is the end? Perhaps all.

                    THE HARBINGER
          Ready, Mr. Caine?

Caine... nods.

                       THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Mr. Wick?
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       110C.

          Last words, Winston?

          Just... have fun.

John eyes Winston who smiles and walks out of the line of
fire. Then John inclines his head to The Harbinger who is now
at the base of the Church's steps.

                    THE HARBINGER
          I commend your souls to God. We
          begin as we end. Ashes to ashes,
          dust to dust.

The Tracker, sitting on the wall with his dog raises his
bottle to the duelists.

                    THE HARBINGER   (CONT'D)

Both men raise their weapons and fire!

Caine's round clips John's left shoulder even as John's tears
into Caine's left elbow. Both men keep their feet.

The sound echoes through the streets. All around, pigeons
rise up from rooftops and eves.

                    THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Twenty paces.

Winston approaches John, the Guardian with the box in tow as
The Marquis strides towards Caine, also with a Guardian.

WITH CAINE AND THE MARQUIS: As Caine cracks the breach,
ejecting the smoking shell casing, and chambers a round.

                    THE MARQUIS
          Remember your daughter.

          Remember our deal.

WITH JOHN AND WINSTON: As John chambers a blood stained

          A word of advice.

          What's that?
                  SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022    111.

          Perhaps aim for the more important

John... walks to his mark as The Marquis leads Caine to his.
As soon as Winston and The Marquis are out of the line of

                      THE HARBINGER

The duelists raise their weapons and fire!

Caine's slug slams into John's left arm as John's slug tears
into Caine's thigh. Both stumble but keep their feet, just.

                      THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)

Winston and The Marquis approach John and Caine respectively
as the duelists shuffle forward to the final, ten yard,
marker. Guardians offer bullets. Shaking and blood soaked
hands crack breaches and fumble for cartridges...

WITH CAINE AND THE MARQUIS: The Marquis is about to speak
when Caine cuts him off!

                      THE MARQUIS

          Don't speak.

The Marquis holds his tongue.


As John turns towards Caine:

          Jonathan... Good luck.

John... nods. Gravel crunches under his weight as he focuses
on Caine who takes the locket from his pocket with his left
hand, rubs the worn metal with his thumb. At this range, both
know that neither can miss. A long moment, then:
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       112.

          'Those who cling to death, live...'

Caine's head tilts ever so slightly, almost like there was a
message in that line...

          `Those who cling to life, die...

The Tracker keys on those lines, like they mean something...

                     THE HARBINGER

Both rise their guns with shaking hands and fire! So evenly
matched are these men that when the guns fire, it is with a

John takes a step back. His gun clatters to the cobblestones.

Blood blossoms against his white shirt.

He drops to one knee.

-- Caine stares at him.

-- The Tracker stares at him.

-- Winston stares....

-- The Marquis... smiles.

Caine... approaches John... stops a few feet from him...

                    THE MARQUIS (O.S.)
          Arrêter! As your Sponsor, I claim
          the coup de grace.

Caine turns. The Marquis is striding towards him and John.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          Your weapon. Give it to me.

          ...Then she's free?

                    THE MARQUIS
          You and your daughter. Vous êtes

Caine turns back towards John who looks up at him...
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       112A.

The Marquis takes Caine's weapon, strides to the Guardian
holding Caine's gun box an ammo, takes a bullet, cracks the
gun open and slides the bullet into the breach, marches back
to lord over John...
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       113.

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
              (lines the gun)

Winston LAUGHS! The Marquis turns his head to the man,

                    THE MARQUIS (CONT'D)
          ...Why are you laughing?

          I'm sorry, it's just that...

Behind The Marquis, John rises.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          You arrogant, bloviating twat... he
          didn't shoot.

Blood drains from The Marquis' face as he turns back to John.
His eyes go wide as he stares down the barrel of John's
dueling pistol which is lined on his head.


BOOM! The Marquis' head turns to mist. His body falls.

Caine stares at John as the blood continues to spread over
his shirt.

The Harbinger checks The Marquis' pulse. He is dead.

The Harbinger looks to John. Sees the significant wound to
his chest. The look confirms that it is a mortal one.

                     THE HARBINGER
          Your obligation to The Table is
          satisfied, John Wick. You are...
               (turning to Caine)
 are you and your daughter,

The Harbinger eyes Winston, tips his hat.

                     THE HARBINGER (CONT'D)
          Mr. Manager, you will be satisfied.
              (to all)
          Our business here, now, is
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       113A.

The Harbinger departs, The Guardians falling in behind him.
In moments, they, the guns, the boxes and the bullets, even
the spent shell casings are gone.

John and Caine share a long look that speaks volumes.


John... nods respect. Caine turns and walks away.
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       114.



          ...Will You take me home?

          Of course.

John... nods. A beat and, holding his side, John limps away,
discarding his holster and magazines and carrier as the
morning light bathes a waking Paris.

                    THE TRACKER (O.S.)
          Where's he going?

ANOTHER ANGLE to include The Tracker, looking after John.

          ...To find his peace.

The Tracker... understands. He salutes John, turns and starts
to walk away. The dog trails..

                    THE TRACKER
          Well... at least we're not dead.

He flips the dog a treat. She catches it, gobbles it down as
The Tracker pulls out his notebook.

We catch a glimpse of a list of names and numbers, "John
Wick", with a very large number, being at the top of that

                    THE TRACKER (CONT'D)
          ...Who's next?

With that, man and dog are gone leaving Winston alone in that
courtyard standing by The Marquis's body as blood pools from
the back of his head.

A garbage truck, small High Table emblem stenciled on the
side, pulls up. Two GARBAGE MEN step out. One grabs The
Marquis' feet and pulls him towards the back of the truck as
the second pulls out a hose and power washes the blood away.
And just like that, The Marquis Vincent de Gramont is gone.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022          115.

137   EXT. PARIS / SACRE COEUR / OVERLOOK - MORNING              137

      John slowly makes his way to the railing. Paris stretches out
      in front of him as the sun rises behind him. John holds the
      railing for a long moment, and looks out over the city with
      the eyes of a free man. He slowly slides down to the ground,
      his back against the railing.

                    (a whisper)

      He sits there for a beat, looking up at the glorious
      sunrise... remembering. As the light washes over him, he
      closes his eyes, slumping a little...

      REVERSE TO Winston, watching as two Hobos approach John. One
      gently places a blanket over him.

      As the image softens:

                          THE D.J. (V.O)
                Bonjour, Paris! The sun is shining
                bright today. And the bells of
                Sacré Coeur are ringing loudly as
                we're hearing that there's been a
                change of management. Our fair city
                is open once more, mes amies. Stay
                tuned to WUXIA, your home for all
                your entertainment and
                informational needs. As always, it
                has been a pleasure to serve...

                                                      DISSOLVE TO:

138   EXT. MANHATTAN / CEMETERY - AFTERNOON                      138

      A sun shower gently falls. The drops, illuminated by the
      sun's rays, seem to sparkle in this, the magic hour. Winston,
      The Bowery King -- in a tailored suit -- and John's dog stand
      together, paying their silent respects.

                          BOWERY KING
                I never thought I'd live to see the
                day... I wonder where he is?

      Winston glances at the King.

                          BOWERY KING (CONT'D)
                Heaven or hell?
               SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       115A.

          We'll never know... All we can do
          is wish Jonathan the very best.

Now the Bowery King eyes Winston sidelong... then laughs and
walks away. Winston walks to John's grave, places his hand on
the headstone.

                    WINSTON (CONT'D)
          Farewell, my son...

A beat and Winston heads off in the other direction.
                SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022      116.

We PUSH IN on two headstones side by side: "HELEN - LOVING
WIFE" and "JOHN - LOVING HUSBAND." No last names. Just John.
John Wick is dead.

Roll credits.
                     SALMON REVISED - 28.1.2022       117.


139   EXT. PARIS / OPERA HOUSE - MORNING                          139

      The sky is blue and the air crisp. That lovely song washes
      over the stairs, the notes resonating with power and promise.

      Caine's daughter, Mia is at her spot, violin to her ear,
      swaying to the music. She stops to applause.

      ANGLE ON Caine standing in his spot. Crisp suit, cool
      glasses, and something else. A sense of contentment.
      Happiness even. A beat and he steps forward, walking towards
      his daughter with purpose.

      A group of people walk towards Caine, moving around him as he
      approaches Mia.

      ANGLE ON one of those people's hands. A blade snaps out. As
      Caine passes, the knife flashes.

      Caine takes two steps and his hand moves to his throat. Blood
      wells from a razor cut.

      Another two steps and he stumbles, dropping to one knee. He
      turns his head, looking back at his killer.

      ANGLE ON Akira, walking away. Behind her, and not a dozen
      feet from Mia, Caine falls to the pavement.


                             THE END

John Wick: Chapter 4

Writers :   Shay Hatten  Michael Finch  Derek Kolstad
Genres :   Action  Crime  Thriller

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