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                      NO ONE WILL SAVE YOU

                           Written by

                         Brian Duffield

 1   INT. UPSTAIRS BATHROOM - MORNING                            1

    BRYNN practices smiling in the mirror.

    She's not particularly convincing.

    Adds a wave for good measure.

    Trying to look casual and pleasant-

    But just looking nervous and uncomfortable.

    Frowns and fixes her hair, still in her nightgown.

2   INT. BEDROOM - MORNING                                      2

    Brynn stares at two dress options.

    She made them both.

    After some debate, she picks one.

    Then changes her mind and goes with the other.

3   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - MORNING                              3

    Brynn lives here alone.

    She heads downstairs into her immaculately designed home.

    She passes an ever-growing collection of birdhouses designed
    to look like a village. Just a liiiiittle too big.

    She turns their lights on and admires the little world she's
    made for herself proudly.

4   INT. BASEMENT - DAY                                         4

    This is where she works.

    Reams of fabric. Drawers of buttons. Beloved sewing machine.

    Working on her Etsy orders. The work makes her happy.

    Brynn does a little more work on a dress. Finishes it off and
    carefully folds it, wraps it in a bow.

    Like it was the most special thing in the world.

    Hand writes a thank you note and pins it to the ribbon.
                          Pink Rev. (04/13/22)                  2.

     She places the dress delicately in a bubbled envelope.
     Already addressed with incredible penmanship.

     She prints out a stamp herself.

     A vintage alarm clock rings. She hits it, gathers her things.

     Eyes on a framed photo on her desk of a WOMAN and KID outside
     their house. Brynn and her mom.

A5   EXT. BACK GARDEN - DAY                                       A5

     Brynn cuts some flowers from her perfectly kept garden.

5    EXT. FRONT YARD - DAY                                          5

     Her home is very well kept. Surrounded by thick woods.

     But Brynn pauses when she sees a STRANGE BURNED CIRCLE.

     Brynn groans, looking closer.

     Not burned necessarily. Like everything dried up in a perfect
     8 foot wide circle.

     She sighs and waters it with a hose before she goes.

A6   INT. PARKED CAR AT HOME - DAY                                A6

     Brynn gets into her car. Strangely full of anxiety. She looks
     into her rear-view mirror and practices that smile again.

     Then, strangely-

     She puts on a hat and sunglasses to obscure her face. Then
     with a big deep breath, leaves her home.

6    INT. CAR - DAY                                                 6

     She listens to oldies while she drives. Packages beside her.

7    INT. CAR / EXT. PUBLIC MAILBOX - DAY                           7

     She has to drive through town to get to where she's going.
     She sits low in the seat. Not that anyone could even
     recognize her anyway.

     She drives up to a mailbox-
                         Pink Rev. (04/13/22)                2A.

    Quickly drops off her mail.

    Before zipping away quickly.

8   EXT. GRAVEYARD PARKING LOT - DAY                              8

    Brynn gets out of her car, the lone car in the lot. She
    carries the flowers with her, along with a small step stool
    and a bag of bird seed.
                          Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)                  3.

9    EXT. GRAVEYARD - DAY                                             9

     Brynn replaces the not-too-dead flowers in a vase by the
     headstone that reads-

               Sarah Adams, Wife to Hugh, Mother to Brynn.

     She spends some time with her mom, before she sets up the
     step-stool at the nearby tree.

     There above her, another ornate bird house. She fills it with
     seed and sets herself back down-

     Feeling that awful sensation that she's being watched.

     She slowly turns and sees a group of women across the
     graveyard at a funeral-

     Looking at her, talking amongst themselves.

     Brynn quickly stands and begins walking out of the graveyard.

     Has to move past them to do so.

     And when she does, she gives them her rehearsed smile-

     As if everything was totally fine.

     It's not very convincing.

10   EXT. GRAVEYARD PARKING LOT - DAY                             10

     There are some other cars in the parking lot now. When Brynn
     returns to her car, she sees a small SCRATCH along its side.

     Doesn't remember that being there before. Looks back towards
     the funeral, unsure of how to react.

11   Omitted                                                      11      *

12   INT. PARKED CAR AT HOME - DAY                                12

     She arrives home and exhales, all of that anxiety completely

13   EXT. THE POND AT BRYNN'S HOME - DAY                          13

     Brynn writes a letter, lounging on a small deck stretched
     over a small pond on her property.

                                 Dear Maude,

     And after a few more lines-

                           how sorry I am about

     Brynn looks up from her letter when she hears something.

     Turns towards the street. The sound of a car.

     She smiles. It's here.

     She huddles against the tree, making herself small-

     So THE MAIL MAN can't see her when he pulls up to her mailbox
     at the end of her driveway.

     He chucks in some letters.

     Then reaches into the back and pulls out-

     A hand-wrapped BROWN BOX.

     For a moment, he considers putting it in the mailbox...

     But not seeing anyone around-

     He just dumps it on the ground.

     Brynn hears it thump and winces as-

     The mail truck heads further down the road.

14   EXT. MAIL BOX - DAY                                          14

     Brynn peeks to make sure the coast is clear.

     Then hurries to her mailbox.

     She gently picks the box up.

     Tosses the letters under her arm.

     And heads back to her home.

     Skipping with excitement.

15   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - DAY                                   15

     She carefully cuts open the box with scissors, finally

     An ungodly amount of bubble wrap inside.

     She laughs victoriously at her flawless defeat of The Mail

     She carefully reaches inside and pulls out-

     Another beautifully custom made BIRD HOUSE.

     She grins, opens it so as not to ruin the packaging-

     Places it proudly in its designated spot in her village.

     Grabs a nearby POLAROID CAMERA and takes a picture.

     Brynn carefully selects a record from her shelf of oldies.

     She puts one on.

     The speakers crackle and the jazzy waltz begins.

     Brynn happily sways in her dress as she dances-

16   INT. KITCHEN - EVENING                                       16

     Into her kitchen.

     Pulls the cork off a bottle.

     Pours herself some red.

     Opens her laptop.

     And begins cooking a dinner for one.

     The `30s music carries her through as she-

     Sautés vegetables. Broils chicken.

     Practices WALTZ steps from a vintage dance book.

     Drinks more red (but never irresponsibly so).

     Messages online with someone. It's flirty but in a
     homeschooled kind of way.

     When her dinner is ready, she dutifully-
                             Pink Rev. (04/13/22)              6.

17   EXT. DECK - EVENING                                          17

     Closes her laptop and eats alone on her back deck.
     Overlooking her garden and shed.

     She eats her meal, staring out into her backyard, into her

     Lonely, but happy.

18   OMITTED                                                      18

19   INT. THE TV ROOM - NIGHT                                     19

     She sits down on her couch. Clicks on TCM.

     Watches a black and white romance.

     She loves it with all of her heart.

20   INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT                                         20

     Does all of her dishes. Ties up the trash.

21   EXT. SIDE OF THE HOUSE - NIGHT                               21

     Groans when she sees her trash cans knocked over, the bags
     chewed up.

     She leans down to clean it up. Tiny little prints scattered
     in the dirt. Glances back at the trees accusatorially.

     She puts her bags neatly in their respective bins. Puts the
     lids back on top.

22   EXT. DECK - NIGHT                                            22

     She finishes the letter she was writing.

                              I love you, M.


     Considers it for a heavy moment-
                             Pink Rev. (04/13/22)                 7.

     And then with a sigh, she polishes off the wine. Seals the
     letter in an envelope.

     And heads back inside.

23   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                                23

     Brynn carries the letter into a room. She's only in there for
     a few seconds.

     And when she returns, there is no letter in her hand.

24   INT. UPSTAIRS BATHROOM - NIGHT                               24

     She brushes her teeth and combs her hair.

25   INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT                                         25

     Breeze flutters into her room from the window. Curtains
     billow. The drone of crickets.

     She reads late into the night.

     No cellphone or iPad or TV in here.

     Just the soft glow of her bedside reading lamp.

     An owl hoots outside. She raises her eyes and smiles.

     Places her bookmark and sets the book down. Turns off the
     lamp and curls under the covers.

     And closes her eyes.

     It was a good day.

26   EXT. BRYNN'S HOME - NIGHT                                    26

     See the house from above, nestled into Brynn's woods.

     Crickets perform. Frogs croak.

     And then-

     Moving closer and closer to the house as-

     The frogs hush.

     The crickets cease.

     And then-

     The birds that were sleeping a moment ago flee from the
     trees, desperate to get as far away from here as possible.

     The house sits in the dark.

     Everything still and awful quiet.

     Too quiet.

     Just the breeze.

     But suddenly ALL OF THE LIGHTS TURN ON.

     The sound of the TV and radio downstairs and then-

     Even less than half a second after they turned on-

     They're OFF.

     And everything is silent once again as-

27   INT. BEDROOM - 3:27 A.M.                                     27

     Brynn is fast asleep.

     Breeze still ruffling the curtains.


     A large gust of wind comes through the room.

     Brynn's eyes flutter open.

     She rolls over, trying to get comfortable again when-


     She GASPS awake-

     Everything is silent.

     Then hears her cans jostling outside again. Eyes to the

     Reaches over and tries to turn on her lamp. Nothing happens.
     No power. Flick flick flick. Nothing.

                          Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                    9.

     Brynn quietly sneaks out of her bed and leans towards her

     Curtains billowing in the breeze.

     She cranes forward and peers outside.

     There is no sign of anyone until-

     Her trash can lid rolls into her view, before falling flat to
     its side.

     She groans. Annoying fucking animals.

     She stomps sleepily over to her sandals.

28   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                           28

     She walks slowly across her wooden floors.

     Towards the stairs at the end of the hall.

     Passing closed doors on either side.

     But just as she's about to reach the top of the stairs-


     She freezes as-

     The soft creak of THE FRONT DOOR OPENING.

     The moonlight from outside shining up her staircase.

     Brynn is terrified, but she can't help lean forward-

     Just a bit.

     To see what she can see-


     Just an open door. No sound of anything or anyone.

     Leans forward a little bit more.


     And then a step forward when-


     A figure that is decidedly NOT HUMAN.

It walks on two legs, with two arms and a bulbous head-

Brynn only sees it for a second as it scurries by-

Marching deeper into her home.

Thwap-thwap thwap-thwap thwap-thwap.

The sound of FEET.

Weird fucking feet.

The ALIEN still rummaging down there.

It makes little GRUNTS and noises.

Like it was talking to itself.

She takes a slow step backwards-

Up the stair-

Back on the wooden floor when-


Brynn freezes.

But so does the alien.

Brynn just out of sight of the staircase. Trembling.

After a silent moment she hears-

Thwap-thwap thwap-thwap thwap-thwap

As it moves deeper into her house.

Brynn creeps out of her sandals, abandoning them-

Turns and starts heading back to her bedroom-

Not sure where else to go.


She moves as fast as she can without making noise.

Which is not very fast at all.

Footstep by footstep.

As she nears her room-

     She causes the slightest of creaks on the floorboard-

     She cringes-

     Looks down-

     Holds her breath-

     There is no sound from downstairs at all.



     It's RUNNING-

     Towards the stairs.

     Brynn almost dies where she stands.

     Holds back a petrified whimper and-

     Forces herself into her room as the Alien reaches the stairs
     and races up-

     But before it reaches the top stair-

     Her bedroom door is closed-

     And the Alien is on the second floor.

     It stands there, silently, an unmoving silhouette.

29   INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT                                      29

     Brynn looks frantically around the room-

     Nowhere to go-

     She hurries to her bed and lifts the blanket to crawl under

     There's old luggage blocking her route.

     She grabs it and pulls it to the side but-

     It makes a surprising amount of noise. She freezes-

     And then-


     It's running towards her room!
                        Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               12.

She desperately crawls over the bed and hits the floor-

Hiding behind the bed, hidden from the door's view as-

Her bedroom door is pushed open.

And from the dark-

The alien enters.

Tears in Brynn's eyes as-

It doesn't move for a long time.

A long time.

Staring in her general direction.

But there's no way it could see her.

No way.

And then, it seems to... talk.

A strange, off-key melodic-

                     chka-chka mmMMm chka-chka

As it sways in place-

Before moving deeper into the room.

Brynn slowly leans down and begins to quietly scoot herself
under the bed-

Reaches and pulls her blanket down to obstruct her view as-

All of a sudden-

The alien rushes forward in a flash and-

Doesn't look to see Brynn-

But instead hops on top of the bed.

The springs pushing down above Brynn.

Her head tilted to the side so the bed doesn't touch her.

The Alien stops moving for a moment-

And then resumes-

Rolling around on the bed.

Just round and round it goes.

As if it were testing the bed out.

Brynn holds her breath as best she can.

It coos to itself.

Wrestles with some blankets.

Making Brynn painfully more visible.

With a final contented snort-

It hops off the bed, landing with a soft thump near the

Brynn sees its feet in front of her.

Its toes tap for a second before-

All of its toes SNAP up.

And creep forward one at a time like insect legs.

Completely silent. The alien seems to glide to the window as-

It peers out into the night-

And then suddenly-

It calls out the window-


Brynn winces-

Surprised at how loud it is.

How disgustingly not human it sounds.

Then the Alien just seems to-


Right out the second story window.

Crawling up towards the roof.

Brynn is stunned-

Too smart to be hopeful.

But there's no return.
                             Pink Rev. (04/13/22)              14.

     No more awful calls in the dark.

     Nothing but silence.

     She works on being calm.

     Wipes tear trails from her cheeks.

     And after another excruciating moment-

     Begins to drag herself out from under the bed.

     She slowly lifts her head-

     And sees nothing.

     Just the breeze through her curtains.

     She swallows.

     Takes a deep breath and-

     Charges to the window!

     Quickly and quietly pushes it closed-

     Locking it.

     She dodges out of view, expecting some kind of reaction but-

     There is nothing.

     Just silence.

     She tries to will herself to move-

     But having a hell of a time finding the courage.

30   OMITTED                                                    30

31   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                              31

     Brynn walks, a curling iron gripped in her hand like a
     baseball bat.

     Shuffling down the hall, towards the stairs-

     She reaches the top of the stairs again-

     Sees the front door open down below.

     Leans forward to see if the coast is clear-

     Seems to be-

     So she takes a few sharp breaths and-

     RUNS to the door-

32   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                           32

     She pushes it closed and locks both locks.

     Backing away from it-

     Expecting something to happen-

     Some reaction-

     But there is nothing.

     She keeps backing away when-


     The TV and the radio.

     Horrifically loud.

     She SCREAMS!

     This time they don't turn off.

33   INT. THE TV ROOM - CONTINUOUS                             33

     She runs over to the TV and rips the plug out-

     Then rushes to the record player-

     Tries to turn it off but it just goes crazy.

     Radio channels flying by until she's able to reach behind the
     counter and unplug it.

34   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                      34

     She rushes to the light switches on the wall by the staircase
     to turn them off too-

     Frantically slams them down-

     Too freaked out to look up-

     And see THE TWO GREY LEGS standing at the top of the stairs.

     Not moving.

     Just simply watching.

     Brynn none the wiser.

35   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - CONTINUOUS                           35

     And it's dark and quiet once again.

     She passes by her bird house village.

     The tiny electrical lights inside blinking.

     She pauses and notices.

     Not sure what it means.

     Or why it's happening.

     She kneels down to turn off the power switch when-

                                 C r e a k-

     She hears something upstairs.

     She looks up-

     Towards the steps.

     Is that a shadow?

     Or was that always there?

     She softly unplugs the power strip.

     The tiny orange lights in her tiny little world go out.

     And the shadow on the staircase does not move.

     She looks behind her-

     Towards the kitchen-

     Where she can see the cord of her landline.

     Deep breath.

     Here we go.

     She slinks across the floor and into-
                           Blue Rev. (04/04/22)             17.

36   INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS                               36

     Where she presses her body flush against the wall.

     Waiting to hear anything but-


     She looks ahead-

     The phone cord above her.

     She slides her back up the wall.

     And reaches for her retro landline.

     She pulls it off the receiver and-


     Brynn yelps and drops it as-

     Everything in her home goes NUTS.

     The kitchen door beside her SLAMS repeatedly, glass

     The lights strobe.

     The refrigerator door bangs.

     Brynn covers her ears and-

     Sees that shadow on the stairs move.

     Her eyes go wide.


     It's coming.

     Her eyes dart around the insanity-
                        Pink Rev. (04/13/22)             18.

Looking for a place to hide-


Beside the fridge!

She throws her body into the tight space where she keeps her
brooms and-

Closes the fridge door-

Makes herself small as-

Once again-

Everything goes back to normal.

Everything is dark.

Everything is quiet.

Except for the noise coming from the telephone.

It dangles there, softly bumping the wall.

Brynn too scared to look-

Leaning back fully in the little corner-

When she hears the dial tone return.

No other sounds but that.

She decides to be brave and peek.

She see the phone, dangling there on its cord-

Oh God-

An ALIEN HAND with long boney fingers reaches out from the

And takes hold of the phone.

And slowly-

Places the phone back on the receiver.

Brynn's eyes watch the phone go up in the reflection-

And then realizes-

That the Alien is staring right back at her.

Just the glint of its two black eyes visible in the dark.

Brynn wants to throw up.

They stay in their respective spots-

Staring at each other's reflections when-

The refrigerator door suddenly pops opens-

Golden light obstructing the reflections-

Flooding the dark kitchen-

Brynn covers her mouth as it gently glides open.

Too scared to move a muscle.

Still gripping the curling iron-


Nothing happens.

It's just an open refrigerator door.

The only sound the hummmm of the fridge.

Brynn doesn't breathe.

She looks up to the top of the refrigerator door-

Nothing to see.

She looks to the bottom of the refrigerator door and-

Sees the tips of several TOES waiting underneath.

They wriggle.

The Alien crouched behind the door.


Fffffffucking with her.

And something about knowing that she's being played with-

Toyed with-

Eases her fear just a tiny bit-

Replacing it with fury.

     The toes wriggle again.

     Ugly fingers on the top of the refrigerator door-

     Like it's getting ready to pounce.

     Brynn drags her eyes to the reflection in the window where
     she sees it-

     But then it snaps its head towards her in the reflection. Eye

     Brynn pounces first.

     She pushes forward-

     KNOCKING into the door and throwing the Alien back-

     As she runs away barefoot-

     The glint of the Alien's eyes casually watch her go as-

37   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                         37

     She heads for the front door-

     Gasping as she goes when-

     All the lights, the tv, the radio-

     All TURN ON but with way too much power-

     Bulbs EXPLODE-

     Polaroids DISCHARGE-

     She yelps at the raining glass-

     Pixels in the TV burn through-

     Speakers on the record player blow out-

     But Brynn keeps running towards that door-

     But as she reaches for it-

     The front door BLASTS OFF ITS HINGES-

     Barreling into Brynn!

     Knocking her violently back as it slams through the room-

     She lands on the ground in a heap.

Blood dripping from her forehead-

Crawling for cover as the Alien appears behind her-

She tries getting under the table where her village rests and-

With a slick flick of its finger-

The table smashes away from Brynn-

Destroying her village.

She yelps as rubble rains down around her-

Before SHE GETS DRAGGED BACKWARDS by an unseen force-

She tries scrambling forward-

Looking for anything to grab hold of-

Her village scattered about-

With a violent tug she shoots backwards across the floor-

Grabbing a cracked chunk of bird house-

She gets JERKED to her feet-

And SPUN around-


She's face to face with the Alien-

And flailing-

She does the only thing she can-

And hits at the side of the creature's head-

Where the splinter of the house she was gripping sinks inside
its skin with a-


And for a moment nothing happens-

Brynn's eyes clenched closed-

Her home still-

And quiet. Just the sound of the night.
                             Pink Rev. (04/13/22)              22.

     And after a terrible beat, Brynn can't help but be curious as
     to why nothing is happening-

     She opens her eyes-

     And sees the chunk of bird house SUNK HALFWAY INTO THE

     The Alien's legs give out from underneath it-

     Brynn lets go of the house and desperately-

     Backs away against the wall in the family room as-

     The Alien slips to the ground-

     Slumping face forward.

     House still lodged in its head.

     Thuds when it hits the floor.

     And the Alien lays there-



     Brynn doesn't move for a second-

     Before sliding down the wall to the floor-


     Looking around to see if something else might happen.

     But nothing happens.

     Nothing happens for the rest of the night.

     Brynn stares at the body on her floor.

     Tomorrow will be worse.

38   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - DAY                                 38

     Brynn hasn't moved in hours.

     She shivers.

     Still in shock.


The Alien still very dead in the middle of her living room.

She blinks and finally realizes how cold she is.


Dried blood on her face and in her hair.

She unclenches her hand for the first time in hours-

Revealing it's skinned from how tightly she gripped that
wooden shard.

She flexes it, wincing.

She looks down towards her feet and sees-

A shard of LIGHTBULB lodged in the bottom of her foot.

She wiggles her faintly blue toes.

Drags her foot towards her and with a grimace-

Pulls out the shard.

Places it neatly beside her.

Half of it red.

She looks up again at the body.

Can't believe it's real.

Can't believe it's dead.

She gets to her feet-

Hobbles nervously over to it.

Dried brown blood crusted around the building stuck in its

GREY skin like marble.

Brynn runs a shaking hand through her hair-

Feels the sticky dried BLOOD for the first time.

Looks at her hand-

Then back at the Alien.

Hobbles over to her couch where a blanket lays.

     She picks it up and moves back to the Alien-

     Holds it out to cover it and-


     Feels the blanket in her fingers.


     She likes this blanket.

39   INT. CLOSET - CONTINUOUS                                     39

     She pulls the light string-


     Looks down.

     Sees bulb glass.


     Kicks it aside with her bare foot and grabs the blanket she
     likes the least and-

40   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                         40

     Lays it over the body so she doesn't have to look at it

     Sees the fracture of the building sticking out of its head
     from beneath the blanket.

     Nervously leans down and quickly flicks the blanket over it.

     Then stands, slowly looking up-

     And sees the wreckage of her beloved little village.

     Her shoulders drop.

     She picks up a piece and flips it over.

     There in marker-

                               To BrynnyBear,

                                Love, Mommy

     Brynn gives a long, heartbroken sigh.
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)             25.

41   INT. KITCHEN - MOMENTS LATER                                41

     The phone on the wall.

     Brynn stares at it nervously.

     Glances around.

     Fridge door open-

     No light on inside.

     Spilled drinks and food on the floor.

     Eyes back to the corpse.

     Still dead.

     Eyes back to the phone.

     A nervous step forward.

     She reaches out her hand.

     Then stops. Leaves-

     Comes back with a dish towel so she doesn't have to touch
     what it touched.

     Deep breath and-

     Grabs the phone off the receiver-

     No noise.

     No screeching.

     She gives a quick sigh of relief and-

     Dials 9-1-1-

     Phone to ear and-

     There's NO DIAL TONE.

     Huh. Clicks the receiver.


     Again. Again. Again.


     Checks the cord.
                            Blue Rev. (04/04/22)              26.

     It's fine.


     She throws open her laptop.


     Jams the power key.


     Plugs it in.

     No green light.


     Eyes back to the fridge and its open door-

     NO LIGHT on inside.

     Eyes go wide and-


42   OMITTED                                                   42

43   INT. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS                     43

     No power in the bathroom-

     Tries the sink. Water flows.

     Well at least there's that.

44   INT. BASEMENT - CONTINUOUS                                44

     Opens the door to the basement and flicks the lights.

     Nothing either.

     Hurries downstairs. It's dark. Glass on the floor.

     Light bleeds through the closed storm doors.

     Finds the fusebox.

     She opens it up. Tries turning it off and on.

     Makes no difference.

     She groans.

     Taps her foot, mind racing-

     Has a terrible thought.

     Then eyes back upstairs as-

45   INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS                                   45

     Scrambles through some of the mess to find-

     Her CAR KEYS.

46   EXT. FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS                                46

     Hobbles with her sore bare foot to the car-

     Hits the unlock button but-

     Nothing happens.

     Hits it over and over and over-


     Desperate and frustrated she unlocks it with the key like a
     goddamn peasant-

     And dives inside.

47   INT. CAR - CONTINUOUS                                       47

     Sits in the front seat.

     Deep breath and prayers and-

     Turns the ignition.


     She tries again and again until-

     She breaks down-

     Slamming her fists on the steering wheel and screaming.

     When she's done-
                            Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                 28.

     She doesn't feel better.

     She catches her disheveled reflection in the car window.

     Pats down her hair. Matted with blood.

     Knows exactly how it will go for her if anyone in town sees
     her looking like this.

     Looks down at her dumb bleeding foot.


48   INT. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM - DAY                               48

     Still in her nightgown, she scrubs her foot clean in the

     It hurts.

     She scrubs her head clean.

     It hurts.

     Big ol' cut and bruise where the door hit her.

     She pokes it curiously.

     There will be more.

49   INT. BEDROOM - DAY                                           49

     She opens her closet, wrapped in a robe, and pulls out
     options of what to wear.

     She goes to place the options on the bed but-

     Freezes at the last second.

     Eyes the ruffled sheets.

     Ruffled from where it played.

     Nose scrunches in disgust so-

     She puts the sheets in a trash bag.

     She ties it up and-

50   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY                                50

     The trash bag hits the floor from the top of the stairs.

51   INT. BEDROOM - DAY                                           51

     She resumes trying to pick out an outfit in a somewhat more
     sanitary space.

     It fills her with a TREMENDOUS amount of anxiety.

     She bites her lip and stares at three options displayed on
     her floor while she quickly combs her hair.

     She chooses one and puts it on.

     She applies Neosporin and bandages to her face. Covers the
     wound with her hair.

     Bandages her foot. Carefully puts hiking boots on over them.

     Looks at herself in the mirror.

     Fingers tap at her sides nervously and-

     Fuck this.

     She quickly takes off her boots-

     And goes with a different outfit.

     Groaning to herself as she gets dressed.

52   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY                                52

     Brynn sprays a ton of air freshener around the alien.

     Heads for the door-hole and-


     Realizes that anything could get in.

     She looks at her front door on the floor-

     Tries to pick it up but-

     It splinters into chunks as soon as she lifts it. Well fuck.

     Think think think-

     Looks around. Idea.

     She moves to her couch-

     Pushes it as hard as she can-

     Grunts and sweats as-

     It finally budges and-

     She blocks part of the door with it.

53   EXT. FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS                                53

     She crawls over it to land outside.

     Reaches back in and props up some cushions to block the
     entrance a little bit.

     Surveys her work.

     It'll do.


     A NOISE from the woods.

     Her eyes dart there in fear-

     But sees nothing.

     Maybe it was just a bird.

     She stares intensely into the distance-

     Nothing now but shadows and the creaking of trees.

     Then Brynn slowly moves her eyes skyward.

     To the clouds.

     To where it came from.

     She keeps gazing.

     The fear building more and more until-

54   EXT. THE ROAD - MOMENTS LATER                               54

     Brynn zips down the road on her bike.

     Long hair in the wind.

     Determined like she's never been before.

55   EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY                                       55

     She bikes down a quaint, cute American main street.

     A couple people notice her go past-

     But even though she clearly notices their gaze-

     She doesn't stop.

56   EXT. THE BIKE RACK - DAY                                     56

     She locks her bicycle at a rack by a MURAL and-

     Crosses the street. Head down.

     Walking towards-


     She's shaking.

     Scared as hell.

     Tries psyching herself up.

     She summons every bit of courage she has-

     Lowers her head and-

     Walks inside.

57   INT. THE POLICE STATION - CONTINUOUS                         57

     She opens the door and-


     When she comes face to face with MRS. COLLINS and her
     husband, THE POLICE CHIEF. In their sixties.

     They stare at her-

     No one in the world they'd rather see less than her-

     And no one Brynn would be more scared to see than them.

     The rest of the station hushes up to watch the unfortunate

     Brynn looks down-
                            Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)             32.



     Tugs at her hair-

     Looks up at them-

     Opens her mouth to speak and-


     Brynn gasps.

     And after a hideous beat-

     Mrs. Collins passes her and heads out the door.

     The Police Chief stays for a moment-

     Like he knows he should apologize-

     But honestly-


     He just really doesn't fucking want to.

     So he follows his wife out the door.

     Brynn stands there, spit on her face-

     She looks up at the quiet station-

     The other officers that see her-

     And then one by one-

     They go back to work-

     And it's suddenly very clear that Brynn is incredibly-


     Hated in this town.

58   EXT. MAIN STREET - MOMENTS LATER                           58   *

     Brynn stumbles out of the station-

     Wiping her face-

     Hurrying back across the street-
                      Pink Rev. (04/13/22)               33.

Humiliated and mortified-

Doesn't even look when she crosses the street-

A car screeches to a halt-

She barely even notices as she.

Gets to her bike-

Kneels to unlock it and-

Breaks down into SOBS.

She can't help it.

It all just pours out of her.

She tries to make herself stop.

Balling up her fists-

Hitting her leg.

Wipes her face again.

Tries taking deep breaths.

Small against the mural behind her of a girl with fire red
hair. A memorial.

She looks up and-

Sees TWO COPS staring at her-

She doesn't break eye contact with them-

Tears down her cheeks and-

Soon they resume talking amongst themselves, not interested
in helping her.

She sniffles.

Closes her eyes, trying to think.

When a BUS drives by.

She opens her eyes, watches it go.

                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               34.

     That's a good idea.

     That's a fucking GREAT idea.

59   INT. BUS STATION - DAY                                      59

     Brynn walks with a BUS TICKET to Tulsa clenched in her hand.

     Keeps her head down.

     Just trying to get out.

60   INT. STORE AT THE BUS STATION - DAY                         60

     She quickly dashes into a convenience store-

     Grabs a baseball hat-


                                           Someone is watching her.

     She crosses an aisle-

     Grabs a sweatshirt-



                               The Mail Man at the end of the aisle.




     Whatever it takes to get to tomorrow-

                      There is something different about him now.

                                                   Something... off.

                                                   Not like the cops.

                                               Or the other people.

                                       Not offended by her presence.

                                          Something... just off.

Brynn reaches the check-out and-

The TEENAGE CASHIER rings each item up.

She looks at Brynn while she does it.

Recognizes her.

Knows exactly who she is.

Brynn looks back at her.

And has a sudden yawn.

Cashier keeps ringing her up.

Brynn ducks away to a small fridge by the counter.

And places a Monster energy drink on the belt.

Then a Red Bull.

Then a Rock Star.

Then grabs a handful of 5 Hour Energy Shots.

Then another handful.

The cashier looks at Brynn.

Not scanning anything for a moment.


Brynn scans the Red Bull on her own.

Then cracks it open and begins chugging it.

The other people in the store watch.

Brynn finishes the can and-

Reaches over the counter-

The cashier FLINCHES-

But all Brynn does is throw the can away.

Feels kinda bad about scaring the kid though-

Until the cashier begins scanning the next items-
                            Blue Rev. (04/04/22)              36.


     Minding her own fucking business.

     Brynn smiles, pleased with herself.

61   OMITTED                                                   61

62   INT. BUS - DAY                                            62

     Brynn sits against the window on the sparsely populated bus.

     Foot tapping anxiously.

     No one in the seat beside her.

     Just her bags of supplies.

     Hat down.

     Sunglasses on.

     She doesn't notice-

     That MAIL MAN sitting a few rows behind her.

     Out of focus but clearly staring at her when-

     The bus lurches forward.

     And the journey begins.

     Brynn lets out a small, victorious breath.

     Good plan, Brynn.

     She leans her head against the window.
                           Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               37.

     Trying to calm her nerves for the first time.

63   INT. BUS - A FEW MINUTES LATER                               63

     The man behind Brynn gets up and moves-

     To the row behind her, across the aisle.

     Still staring.

     She hasn't noticed him yet.

     But then, soon enough-

     She feels his eyes burrowing into her-

     She sends a quick glance his way-

     He doesn't look away from her-

     She spins back towards the window-

     Alarmed but not sure what to do or what his deal might be-

     Until he moves and sits directly behind her.

     Now she's spooked.

     She can hear his weird arrhythmic breathing.

     What the shit.

     He doesn't move or seem to be doing anything else.

     Just... breathing weird.

     Breathing... off.

     She calmly reaches to the seat beside her-

     Gently grabs her bags-

     And with a deep breath-

     Stands up to find a different seat.

     She moves across the row and-


     Not too aggressively-

     But definitely enough to be startling-
                     Pink Rev. (04/13/22)                38.

She tries to pull away but-

He pulls her in close and leans to her ear-

To whisper-

She's scared-

But not as scared as she gets when-

The man doesn't say anything.

Her eyes peer to their edges and see him-

Just moving his mouth open and closed-

Before he starts making STRANGE GUTTURAL NOISES.


Like he hasn't figured out how to use his voice yet.

Something unnatural moves within his throat, the outside of
his skin bulging just a little too much as-


Brynn tries to pull away again-

But he grabs her elbow tighter-

His noises weirder and more intense until-

She aggressively PUSHES him away-


Everyone in the bus staring at Brynn-

As she falls into the aisle-

A passenger stands to help her but pauses when he recognizes
who she is-

Brynn's eyes go wide as-

The Mail Man's hand covers the man's face, pushing him down
out of the way-

As he begins CRAWLING over a row of seats. Coming for Brynn.


Other passengers start freaking out-
                     Pink Rev. (04/13/22)                38A.

The driver slams on the brakes and the Mail Man falls

Makes eye contact with Brynn on the floor-

As Brynn springs up and runs for the bus door as fast as she

64   EXT. STREET - DAY                                     64

     The bus makes an unplanned stop and-

     Brynn BOLTS out of there-

     High-tailing it away as fast as she can.

     And after a long, drawn out moment-

     The MAIL MAN stumbles off the bus.

     He watches her go.

65   EXT. THE PARK - DAY                                   65

     Out of breath and sweaty-

     Brynn finally slows down.

     Hands on her knees.

     Deep breaths.

     She looks back-

     No sign of the man.

     Well that's something.

     But there is a park. Empty now.

     But something catches her eye.

     She walks slowly towards it.

     Then stands there, alone in the park.

     Leans down.

     Her fingers touch the dead dried grass-

     Before she stands back up.

     In the middle of the GIANT CIRCULAR BURN.

     Just like at her home.

     Nervously, she looks skyward.

     Barely a cloud in the sky-

     But damn does it feel like something is up there-
                      Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                 40.

High up there-

Watching her as the sun starts to set.




Brynn grasps her head-


          She's all alone-

              With nowhere to go-

                    Out in the open-

                             And they might come back for her.

Of course they'll fucking come back for her.

She killed one of them.

And it's almost night.

And as her breath quickens-

She hears the creak of a swing set nearby.

She tears her eyes from the sky to see-

A WOMAN with her back towards Brynn pushing a swing.

But there's no child in it.

She just absent-mindedly pushes the chains forward.

And it's clear that there is something very, very bad
happening to the people in this town.

Brynn's terrified when suddenly-

The woman grabs hold of the chains, stopping the swing.

A quiet pause, before she slowly turns to look back towards

A vacant expression in her eyes-

But Brynn has fucked right out of there long ago, adrenaline
replacing exhaustion as she hurtles away.
                            Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               41.

66   OMITTED                                                    66

67   EXT. THE ROAD - DAY                                        67

     Brynn hurries homeward-

     Shuffling more than running at this point.

     She reaches into her pocket and pulls out-

     Another 5 hour energy shot.

     Downs it as-

     A TRUCK is coming down the road from behind her.

     She stops and holds out her thumb, hopeful-

     But the truck doesn't stop-

     In frustration and desperation-

     Brynn SLAMS the little bottle onto the ground.

     More deep breaths-

     Trying to calm herself down-


     A RUSTLING in the trees nearby.

     She freezes.

     Was there that sound again? The one she heard at home?

     She stares into the forest when-

     Something unseen in the trees MOVES away quickly-

     Something that feels BIG.

     She takes some alarmed steps back-

     Wasn't expecting... that.

     But the trees are still.

     The woods are quiet.

     Brynn can't see anything.

     Nothing is coming.

     She picks up her litter and continues onward-

     It's just another normal afternoon.

     Except for all the ways it really fucking isn't.

68   EXT. THE OLD CHURCH - EVENING                               68

     Further down the road she sees it-


     And with a faint smile, heads towards it-

     She reaches the door and pulls the handle-


     It's LOCKED.

     Brynn groans and looks inside.

     Sees a church bulletin board, the worship hall behind it.

     Some MISSING PERSON fliers.

     But no one inside. Completely dark.

     She takes a step back and sees-

     The parking lot is empty.

     Beyond that a graveyard-

     Brynn clocks it-

     Stares at it for a second too long before-

     Tearing her eyes away.
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)      43.

     She rushes around the building.

     Checking for an open door or window-

     Goes the whole way around-



     Catches sight of the graveyard again.

     Trying NOT to look-


     Eventually she does-

     Peeking through her hair at it.

     And the ocean of regret that resides in there.

     Stares at it for a long moment.

     Wipes her brow and decides-

     Fuck it.

69   EXT. THE TINY GRAVEYARD - CONTINUOUS               69

     She slowly makes her way in-

     Checking each headstone's name when-

     She spots it.

     A few rows ahead of her.

                                Maude Collins

     She stares at it for a very long beat-

     Until THUNDER rumbles in the distance.

     She looks up.

     Storm clouds coming in.

     Wind picking up-
                         Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)               44.

     But at a longer look-

     Those clouds don't feel quite natural.

     Strange colors illuminating within them.

     Oh hell.

     Brynn knows what's in those clouds.

     And why it feels like THEY'RE MOVING STRAIGHT TOWARDS HER.

     Eyes wide-

70   EXT. THE OLD CHURCH - MOMENTS LATER                          70

     She looks desperately around the church-

     Sees a POTTED PLANT.                                              *

     Grabs it-

     THROWS IT at the door so she can break in-                        *

     Fucking thing bounces off-

     She looks around for something more useful.                       *

     Finds a rock. Chucks it.                                          *

     This time, the rock shatters the-                                 *


     The alarm is deafening.

     She covers her ears-

     Eyes dart back up to the storm clouds-

     They are closer now.

71   EXT. THE ROAD - EVENING                                      71

     Brynn runs faster than she has ever run in her life.

     The clouds follow steadily.

     There's only one place left for Brynn to go-
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               45.

72   EXT. BRYNN'S HOME - EVENING                                  72

     And that's her HOME.

     From the road, she stares up at her house like it's the most
     haunted place in the world.

     There is no sun left in the sky.

     She taps her watch a few times, wishing it was earlier.

     And that she had more time.

     But she doesn't.

     So she moves with the weight of the world on her shoulders
     down her driveway.

73   EXT. FRONT YARD - EVENING                                    73

     She slows down as she approaches her house-

     Craning her neck forward nervously to see if the couch
     blockade is still at her door...

     It is.

     She exhales. Small blessings.

74   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                         74

     She pushes the cushions out of the way and-

     The STENCH instantly hits her.


     She covers her mouth and sees-

     The Alien.

     It hasn't moved.



     Now crumpled up halfway between the body and the door.

     Brynn stares at it, more confused than frightened.

     The alien is, well, clearly dead.

     Flies buzzing around it.

     It's... souring.

     Disgusted, Brynn moves the blanket so it covers the alien
     again and-

     Notices a dried TRAIL leading from the alien towards the

     She gets down on her hands and knees fast.

     Touches it. Slightly sticky.

     Looks towards the couch and-

     Sees the trail continues on from under it-

     Straight into the yard.

     She stands up fast and-

75   EXT. FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS                                 75

     Follows the trail but it disappears in the grass.

     Searches the yard with her eyes but sees nothing.

     Doesn't know what the fuck it means.

     There's another rumble of strange thunder outside.

     And she snaps to.

     There's too much work to be done.

     And nowhere near enough time to do it.

     Taps her foot. Eyes clenched shut-


     Tiny moans as her brain tries making a halfway decent plan-


     Her eyes pop open.

     Okay. There it is.
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)             47.

     She darts away.

     So much to do.

     Storm clouds coming.

76   EXT. CAR - EVENING                                          76

     She makes sure all the car doors are unlocked.

     Then, to be extra safe, makes sure all the doors are just
     barely left open.

77   EXT. FRONT PORCH - EVENING                                  77

     Brynn latches closed all of the barn doors covering the front
     windows of her home.

78   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - EVENING                           78

     Wraps a scarf around her nose and mouth.

     Blanket goes back over the Alien.

     Tries her best to ignore it for now.

79   INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS                                   79

     Roots through the contents of her kitchen cupboards.

     Knives. Pots. Pans.

     Pulls out a BOX CUTTER.

     Pockets it.


     She flicks it.



     Turns her attention to the oven.
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               48.

      Turns the dial-

      Hears the hiss of gas.

      Points the candle lighter at it-

      Flick flick-


      She jumps in the air with glee.

      Fills four pots with water.

      Sets them to boil.

      A scented candle is lit. Then a second. And a third.

      Lighting her home for the coming nightmare.

      She has a new idea and runs to-

79A   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT                              79A

      Brynn lights the fireplace in the family room. Light source!

79B   INT. THE TV ROOM - NIGHT                                  79B

      Brynn lights the fireplace in the tv room. More light!

80    INT. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM - NIGHT                           80

      Takes the hand-held shower off its holder-

      Turns on the water-

      All the way hot.

      Leaves it there in the tub.

      Steam billows.

81    INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT                                      81

      She rips out all of the FUSES from the fusebox.

      Just drops them on the ground.

                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)            48A.

     But returns quickly-

     Gathering them up. Drops them in a nearby trash.

     Her eyes hit the sliver of light coming through the storm

     Barricades the handles with a pipe.

82   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                             82


     She begins NAILING a quilt over the open wound of her house.

     It drops down, cutting off whatever remaining light could
     enter from outside.
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)          49-51.

     Pushes the couch back in front of it.

     Surveys her work.

     She sighs. Hugs herself.

     Because no one else is going to.

     And so, she runs up the stairs-

83   INT. BEDROOM - NIGHT                                         83

     Hurries into her bathroom and gets the shower going in there-

     But does NOT see-

     The COLORFUL LIGHTS illuminate through her window outside-

     And by the time she comes back-

     The lights have moved on, and the bedroom is dark once again.

84   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                                84

     Brynn hurries back down the hallway-

     Never noticing the LIGHTS that silently illuminate through
     the windows of the rooms she passes.

     She runs back down the stairs-

85   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - CONTINUOUS                            85

     Through the family room-

     A girl on a mission when she hears-


     She pauses. What was that?

     She looks around then hears it again-


     And with the sound she sees-

     A bit of the quilt droop down over the door. She looks up and

     A nail being pushed out of the quilt.
                    Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)            49-51A.

Brynn puts two and two together and instantly seeks cover as-

THWUMMMPPPP!                                                    *

A BLINDING WHITE LIGHT powers through the front door!           *

VIOLENT.                                                        *

The quilt launching down the hallway.                           *

The light hits the couch and the impact cracks it.              *

Brynn dives for cover, never in the path of the beam.           *

A droning HMMMMMMMMM accompanies it-                            *

Brynn covers her ears-                                          *

Squinting through the brightness even though it's not           *
directly on her-                                                *

And then-                                                       *

The couch FLIPS out of the hallway-                             *

Landing beside Brynn.                                           *

She flinches but doesn't make a sound as-                       *

The light rises-                                                *

LIFTING THE ALIEN UNDER THE BLANKET-                            *

As it begins MOVING through the light.                          *

Pulled out of her home.                                         *

Brynn stays motionless.                                         *

Trying to keep her breathing calm.                              *

The body is out of her house and then-                          *

Silently-                                                       *

That awful light DISAPPEARS in a blink-                         *

Everything caught in its path crashes back down and then-       *

All is still.                                                   *

And dark.                                                       *

And quiet.                                                      *
                    Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)              49-51B.

Brynn too smart to move.                                         *

Or hope.                                                         *

But maybe... maybe they took what they came for and left.        *

Maybe.                                                           *

Brynn watches as the colorful lights of some craft peer          *
through the cracks of her barn doors.                            *

Moving slowly around the house.                                  *

Towards where she hides.                                         *

Smart enough to not want to be near it when it reaches the       *
kitchen as she turns to go down the hallway but-                 *

Dashes back to where she was because-                            *

Something is where the dead grey used to be.                     *

Investigating.                                                   *

Bizarre, long limbed ARM-                                        *

Brynn staying out of potential eyesight.                         *

It has a gravel voice that grumbles out a-                       *

                             eeeuk                               *

Sends her blood ice cold.                                        *

This Alien is SMALLER. The same species, maybe just a            *
different gender.                                                *

Sharp talons at the edge of its fingers scratch into the         *
wood.                                                            *

It mews sadly-                                                   *

Like it was mourning.                                            *

Brynn eyes the lights still moving around her house.             *

Peers again towards the hallway-                                 *

It seems like it's turned away from her.                         *

And then-                                                        *

It moves into the tv room.                                       *
                         Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)   49-51C.

     So while it's distracted-                              *

     Brynn takes her moment and-                            *

     Scurries across the floor-                             *

     It doesn't notice her.                                 *

     She reaches the door to her basement-                  *

     And quietly pulls it open.                             *

86   Omitted                                           86   *
                         Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)                52.

87   INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT                                        87   *

     She closes the door behind her.

     Locks it.

     It's darker down here.

     The little scratching sounds from the living room above her.

     She creeps downstairs, pausing when-

     She sees that LIGHT move across the basement windows.

     Brynn ducks safely out of sight when she sees the lights-

     Hit one of mannequins. It pauses there for a moment-

     Before turning off. Brynn exhales as she moves deeper into
     the room, past the storm doors when-

     The light returns, pushing through the storm door cracks-

     Intensifying as Brynn hears the doors bulging inwards.

     The pipe Brynn placed there earlier creaking under pressure-

     Brynn hurries and hides behind the old fireplace as-


     The doors SLAM open! The pipe SNAPS IN TWO!

     The pieces CLANG on the floor loudly.

     Brynn crouches low and peers around the edge of the fireplace
     and sees-
                        Pink Rev. (04/13/22)          53-55.

Light pour in through the broken storm doors and then-

It disappears-

Revealing the shuffling FIGURE descending the steps as-

The Alien enters the basement.

The same kind as the one she killed. But a new visitor.

Thwap-thwap. Thwap-thwap.

She hears it rummaging-


Like a tourist at a museum.

Not seeming to suspect Brynn hiding nearby.

But moving closer to her with every step.

She doesn't breathe.

Grabs a pair of clothing scissors nearby and-

As it crosses the fireplace-

Brynn moves low around the other side, crouching beneath her
work table-

Trying to circle around it undetected-


She hears something behind her!

She snaps her head back, scissors pointed at the ready-

To see a mannequin toppled over but-

It hasn't touched the ground.

It hangs there, suspended strangely as-


Brynn has no idea until she turns back around and-

Jumps in fright, banging her head off the bottom of the table-

Backing up as fast as she can away from it.
                      Pink Rev. (04/13/22)             53-55A.

From the gleam of those awful black eyes in the dark.

Tries getting to her feet when-

Her work table surges straight at her!

Brynn thinks fast and ducks down low as-

The table hurls over her before crashing into the staircase.

All her stuff crashing to the floor.

Brynn re-grabs her scissors and sees-

That framed photo.

She instinctively grabs it as she gets to her feet.

She points the scissors at the alien.

It's still kneeling there.

It just gazes at her.

With those awful fucking eyes.

Until finally, it speaks.


Brynn doesn't respond.

Just points the scissors when-

Her arm jerks forward.

Her toes bend as-

The scissors are being PULLED FROM HER.

Brynn lets go so she doesn't fall forward as-

The scissors sail through the air-

Past the motionless Grey-

And straight into the chest of the mannequin behind it.

It falls to the floor unceremoniously.

A threat.

Brynn scans the floor for something to use instead but-
                     Pink Rev. (04/13/22)              53-55B.


Brynn backs up until she hits the table behind her.

The reflection of the picture frame she's holding catches the
Grey's attention.

Cocks its head.

And Brynn's hand holding the frame juts forward-

But expecting it this time-

She jerks her hand back.

The Grey cocks its head again. Now its curious.

Her hand juts forward harder, but she pulls it back again.

This is hers.

The Grey takes an annoyed shuffle forward. Brynn shrinks

Eyes the steps behind her.

And when The Grey summons the frame again-

She lets go.

It arrives in front of The Grey as it looks down at the
photo, oblivious to why she would care about this as-

Brynn tosses herself over the table and scrambles up the


Narrrrrrowly missing her.

She yelps, covers herself with her arms as she-

Reaches the door-

Unlocks it and-

Throws herself through-
                            Pink Rev. (04/13/22)               56.

88   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                        88

     Brynn hits the wall opposite the door-

     Slamming it closed.

     She gasps for breath when-

     She feels the breeze.

     Looks to her left-

     The fucking wide open space where the door used to be-

     Where the light comes.

     She panics and scrambles out of the way, rounding the corner
     so she's-

89   INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS                                   89

     Safely in the kitchen, out of its potential path.

     Okay. Now breathe.

     But there, behind her-

     The two little eyes reflecting in the dark of the closet-

     Watching her.

     Brynn starts to feel that awful feeling of being watched.

     She straightens up slowly-

     And as she turns to look-

     It SHRIEKS!


     Half as tall as the other aliens-

     But with hideous long skeleton arms raised-

     Talons out.

     Brynn scrambles back but not fast enough as-

     The little fucker POUNCES!

Brynn grabs both its wrists as it tries to slash at her-

She's able to keep it far enough away from her face as they
wrestle for dominance-

Brynn losing balance as the fucker flails about-

Its talons getting closer and closer-

And out of options-

Brynn does the only thing she can think to do-

She opens her mouth and-

BITES DOWN as hard as she can into the fucker's arm-

It SQUEALS in agony as it tries to get away from her-

Until finally-

She lets go-

And they separate at opposite ends of the room.

The Alien licking its wound like a sad dog.

Brynn catching her breath-

Until she tastes what's in her mouth-

And starts gagging and dry-heaving.

Spitting the blood onto her floor.

They lock eyes.

The little fucker getting its anger back and-

Brynn turns and-

Sprints towards the stove-

The little fucker scampers after Brynn as she-

Grabs a pot of boiling water and-


Slinging it into the fucker's face-

It SHRIEKS again as the water burns its face.

Brynn throws the pot, then hurls another boiling pot at it-
                          Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                58.

     It stumbles back, pawing its eyes when-

     Brynn attacks, THROWING a pot at it which-

     Bangs off the fridge as the little fucker hides in that space
     beside it where Brynn hid earlier-

     She grabs the last pot and hurls the boiling water at it, but
     keeps hold of the pot as-

     It stares at her.

     And she stares at it as-

     It slowly moves forward again. Pushing her backwards-

     Towards the entryway.

     Brynn swings the pot but-

     Slips back awkwardly in the water-

     As the alien keeps advancing.

     Brynn eyeing the front door and the danger that could come
     from there-

     The alien takes another aggressive step forward and Brynn-

90   INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                         90

     Moves quickly through the entryway! No light hits her as she-

     Raises the pot again defensively as-


     That light SMASHES through again-

     Hitting the pot in the middle, cracking it in half!

     The force smacking against the wall as she hears the door
     glass break as-

     She lets go and it hangs there-

     The little fucker on the other side of the light, watching

     She stands there, weaponless as-
                             Blue Rev. (04/04/22)             59.

     The little fucker puts a taloned hand in the light. Aw shit.
     It doesn't phase it.

     Brynn backs up slowly as the creature emerges on the other
     side of the light and-


     Sits down.

     Cocking its dumb little head at Brynn as she keeps backing up-

     Now very concerned the bathroom she's heading to may be worse
     than what's out here.

     But it seems empty as-

91   INT. DOWNSTAIRS BATHROOM - CONTINUOUS                        91

     She slowly enters it.

     The little fucker still not moving. Still just watching as-

     Brynn slowly closes the door-

     It clicks shut up-


     The little fucker slams its talons into the door!

     Over and over again!

     Splintering it-

     It begins breaking through-

     Brynn scrambles-
                       Blue Rev. (04/04/22)              60.

Spraying it with the shower head and-

It does fucking nothing.

No reaction-

And Brynn realizes how totally fucked she is as the little
Alien gets closer and closer to destroying the door-

And getting inside-

Brynn looks up-



She rushes to her feet and pushes it open-

It's a small window but she can fit-

She pulls herself through it-

Almost out when-

The little Alien GRABS HER LEG!

Cutting into her ankle!

Brynn cries out as-

It jerks her back violently-

She slams into the wall outside-

Scratching her stomach on the window sill-

Grasping for something to hold onto-

It gets her back into the bathroom-

She's screaming-

Grabs the window frame for dear life-

Flailing and kicking-

Claws in her calf-


One of her kicks gets it smack-dab in the head-

It falls back-
                            Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)            61.

     Smashing its skull into the sink-

     It collapses in a heap on the ground-


     But Brynn is free!

     And launches herself outside!

92   EXT. BACK GARDEN - CONTINUOUS                               92

     It hurts like hell when she lands-

     She forces herself to crawl away from the window-

     Terrified it might come back but-

     Nothing happens.

     She doubles over-

     Catching her breath.

     She hobbles across her backyard.                                 *

     The fabric on the clothes line wafting softly in the wind        *
     behind her when-                                                 *

     She hears it again.                                              *

     That sound she's heard all day.                                  *

     Closer now.                                                      *

                     Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)              62.

Brynn starts backing up towards the sheets, not aware of the   *
silhouette of a MAN standing back there, watching.

The unseen creature calls out again and spooked-               *

Brynn turns to run but-                                        *


Runs straight into something.

Her back hits the ground and suddenly-

Her hair is being pulled away from her house!                  *

Brynn strains against the grip of the man, trying to pull      *
herself free as she sees that-                                 *

It's the MAIL MAN dragging her.                                *

Never looking down at her. Never reacting to her struggles.    *

Just making sure she gets to where she needs to go.            *

And it's clear to her-                                         *

He is now, somehow, one of them.                               *

As she struggles against him she sees where he's taking her-   *

Taking her to IT.                                              *

The source of that sound.                                      *

Ten feet tall.                                                 *

Four disgustingly long limbs-                                  *

But a tiny alien body at its center-                           *

Probably nine or ten feet tall on all fours-                   *

God it's fucking disgusting-                                   *

THE DADDY-LONG-LEG ABOMINATION.                                *

She struggles in terror when-                                  *

Disgustingly it stands on two legs-                            *

And begins a strange rhythmic motion with its horrible arms    *
stretched out to the sky.                                      *
                       Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)              63.

And there in the sky is something-                              *

Something big and featureless-

That blocks out the many stars shining down.

Desperate she reaches up to her hair and with a vicious yank-

Pulls herself free-

The Mail Man stumbles forward, confused.

Looks back at her as she gets to her feet-

She senses the ship above-

And as The Mail Man approaches again-

She surprises him by running straight at him and-


Then diving out of the way as-


The violent light SLAMS into the ground from above but-


Catches the Mail Man in his torso as he falls back!

He hangs there, half caught in the light, and half bent
crooked outside of it.

He stares at himself as if it caused no pain.

As if he can't even really register pain as-

Brynn stares up at him as-

The light vanishes-
                              Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               64.

      And he hits the ground like a ragdoll-


      He stares at her-

      That vacant look as-

      He begins to shake-

      His mouth opening as he gags-

      Like something inside was trying to get out.

      Brynn backs up in disgust when-

      Something catches her eye above him-

      When she finally sees-

      The Daddy-Long-Legs skittering towards her like a spider!

      Oh God it's so close-

      She gets to her feet and takes off running-

      More like limping-

      Desperate oomfs as she tries to move her sore bones and
      bleeding leg faster-

      Gaining on her-

      Tearing apart her perfect garden as it chases her-

      Fuckity fuck-

92A   EXT. FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS                                92A

      She turns the corner of her house-

      Looks desperately behind her but-

      The creature is gone.


      Not at all relieved, Brynn stumbles to the front of her house-

      Confused what's the least terrible option.

      Inside is awful. The abomination still out here. The sky is
      fucked. She makes up her mind and-
                     Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                 64A.

Takes a step towards the house to go back inside when-

A lightning rod from her roof FALLS-

Hitting the ground in front of her.

She backs up in alarmed-

And then she hears it-

And looks up to the roof of the house where-

The Daddy-Long-Legs is now perched.
                       Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                 65.

The abomination roars into the night sky-

That awful deafening sound-


OTHER CREATURES respond to it in the night.

As if to say, there's nowhere left for you to run.

The alien looks down at Brynn and begins moving down the
house towards her.

Brynn backs up to her car, slowly.

She reaches it without turning around, her hand searching for
the handle behind her when-

The Daddy-Long-Legs seems to SLIP off the roof!

Falling onto its back.

Brynn's hopes rise-

But the upside down creature stares at her proudly.

Aw fuck it can move upside down.

Brynn throws open the passenger door and-

Dives inside-

Brynn doesn't close the door-

Leaving it open as-

The abomination tries to burst in after her-

Squeezing its body inside the car-

As she tumbles out the driver door-

Lands rough on hands and knees-

Scrambles away from the creature's swipes-

Rolling onto her back.

It's stuck!

It reaches for her furiously, claws swiping as-

She roots into her pockets and-

Wields her box cutter!

Well that won't do shit.

As the alien struggles-

One of its hands crashes through the floor of the car.

Gasoline slicks down.

Brynn sees it and reaches into her pocket-


She flicks it and-



Brynn spasms forward-


Lighter flying out of her hand.

Bouncing away from her on the ground.

Brynn forces herself to crawl-

C r a w l-

Gets her hand on the lighter-

Stumbles to her feet-




The gasoline alights-

Brynn's eyes grab the abomination, still struggling to get
towards her again.


Then remembers what the fuck she just did.

Eyes wide.

She moves away as the fire spreads into the car and-



The blast knocks her forwards-


She rolls onto her back and-

Admires the carnage she hath wrought.

Fire burning in her eyes.

The Abomination flailing as it burns to death until-


That awful light HITS the car directly from above.

The fire instantly snuffed out.

The Daddy-Long-Legs dies, a smoldering husk.

Brynn cranes her neck to see the source-

But the light is too blinding to make anything else out from

Then just as quickly and silently as it appeared-

It's gone again.

Just faint trails of smoke coming from the car-

Brynn catches her breath and-


The light hits where she just was!

She gets to her feet and limps awkwardly-


Back towards her home but-


Just about reaches her when-

She's back inside-
                             Pink Rev. (04/13/22)       68.


     Throwing herself up the stairs until finally-

     The light can't reach her anymore.

94   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS                  94

     She doesn't have time to catch her breath when-


     She hears them behind her-

     Her bedroom at the end of the hall.

     Not sure if she can make it in time.

     So she turns left.

     Into The Room.

95   INT. THE ROOM - NIGHT                               95

     It is quiet in here.

     Quieter than the rest of the house.

     Darker too.

     Shades and curtains drawn.

     Until the door is pushed open-

     Jussssst a little.

     The silhouette of a Grey peering through.

     Black eyes glisten.

     Pushes the door open more and-

     And comes inside, back on its stealthy toes as-

     It sees what's actually in here.

     A bedroom.
                            Pink Rev. (04/13/22)               69.

     Boxes upon boxes.

     The Alien investigates.

     Boxes full of letters.

     Letters that Brynn wrote.

     All to one person.


     As the Grey discovers-

     Brynn rises silently from behind it.

     Weapon raised in her hand and-


     But before she reaches it-

     The Alien flicks a finger and-

96   INT. UPSTAIRS HALLWAY - NIGHT                              96


     Smashing into the stair rail.

     Letters flutter in the air as Brynn-

     Hits the floor.


     Holy shit that was awful.

     She grabs her ribs.

     Something's probably broken. Something must be broken.

     But she remains alive.

     For now.

     She looks into the room and sees The Alien standing there.

     Just... watching her.

     As the door slowly closes on them.


     She pushes herself up to her feet-

     Falls down. Forces herself back the fuck up-

     Stumbles but stays up this time.

     Probably concussed. Definitely concussed-

     Using the wall as support. Back still bloody.

     Makes her way to-

97   INT. BEDROOM - CONTINUOUS                                    97

     She enters the room and-

     It's different-

     Takes her a second to realize-

     The bed is no longer in front of her-

     She looks and it's been slammed against the wall-

     Realizing much too late-

     That the window is exposed directly in front of her.


     Brynn is CAUGHT IN THE LIGHT-

     Blasting through her bedroom window-

     Paralyzed by it-

     She trembles in place. Can't even move her mouth when-


     Smashing her against the ceiling then-

     Viciously back down into the floor-

And finally back up, pinned against the ceiling-

Drops of blood float from her nose.

An awful droning the only thing she hears.

She can move her eyes.

And that's it.

She can't move. She can't move. She can't move.


98   INT. BEDROOM - MORNING                                    98

     Brynn SCREAMS when she wakes up in her bed. So frantic that
     she falls off the side of the bed, still trying to get away
     from the grey.

     She tries breathing.

     Hair a mess from the nightmare.

     The... nightmare?

     It takes her a few seconds to calm down.

     There's no one else in her room.

     It's morning.

     In her nightgown.

     Birds chirp outside.

     She grasps at her back-

     It's dry.

     No cuts.

     She's clean.

     Still alarmed-

     But starting to slowly realize that-

     Everything is absolutely fine.

     And it's just another normal day.

     She sits on her bed.


     Almost laughs.

     But instead can't help but cry.

     For a while. Such a release.

     She stops when she hears something downstairs.

     Something... pleasant. Laughter.

99    INT. DOWNSTAIRS HALLWAY - DAY                                99

      Brynn comes downstairs, still processing when-

      She sees her bird house village, just the way it always was.

      She looks at it for a moment before-

      More laughter, nearby.

      Nervously, she walks towards it.

      Bare feet on the floor as-

100   INT. KITCHEN - DAY                                          100

      Brynn sees-

      People gathered outside. Music, talking, having fun.

      Almost bizarre in how warm it seems when-

      Two people walk in from outside to refill their plates.

      Brynn steps back at seeing-

      Mrs. Collins and the Police Chief.

      Happy to be there, happy to be in her house.

      Mrs. Collins turns to say something to Brynn and she-


      Startles back.

      Mrs. Collins is surprised. She asks a question but it sounds
      distorted as-

      Brynn's mind starts to break-

      Mrs. Collins and her husband take a worried step towards
      Brynn but she just moves away again.

      They call outside for someone to help as-

      Brynn stumbles back into-

101   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - DAY                                  101

      She looks around her home.

Things are different.

Things in different places.

Photos on the wall.

Brynn takes a step back.

Looks into the family room again-

Her bird house village.

There amongst them-

The building she plunged into the Alien's skull-

Mrs. Collins and the Police Chief at her side, asking
questions that she can't make out-

She just keeps trying to breathe-

But is having trouble-

Until between them she sees-

Out of focus-

A woman approaching.

Red hair.

Her face fuzzy.

And Brynn stares as she gets closer-

Becoming more and more aware-

Of what is happening-

As the woman approaches-

And Brynn takes a harried step back.

To the surprise of her friend.

Back against the wall.

Sliding down to where she landed after killing the Grey.

Muffled questions as the panic attack rises-

Brynn doesn't answer.

She covers her ears with her hands-

      Pulling at her hair-

      Overwhelmed with emotion.

      Tiny pained groans.

      Tears she's fighting to keep inside.

      Until finally-

      She looks up at Maude.

      Takes a deep breath.

      Wipes her eyes.

      Forces a smile at the woman she'll never see again.

      And speaks at barely barely barely barely over a whisper:

                                  i'm sorry


      She violently reaches into her mouth with her hand-

      Pushing it as far down her throat as she physically can.

      Maude screams-

      But it's too late.

      Because Brynn has grabbed hold of the parasite.

102   EXT. BRYNN'S HOME - NIGHT                                   102

      She rips the parasite from her mouth.

      Spits up fluid.

      That parasite thing in her hand.

      Brynn catches her breath, looking frantically around-

      She's outside.

      Confused how she got there when-

      The parasite suddenly spasms in her grip.

      Brynn tries to keep hold of it but it-
                     Blue Rev. (04/04/22)                  77.

Scrambles away on its tendrils-

Evading her.

She instinctively crawls after it-

Desperate to kill it but-

As she's about to grasp it-

An INTENSE SCREECHING rings out in the night sky above.

Like an alarm.

Brynn covers her ears with her hands, freaked as-

She loses sight of the parasite in the dark.

Wind whips at her hair.

Whatever is happening-

It's panicked.

Brynn gets to her feet-

Oof that hurts-


Brynn startles back but-

The light isn't on her.

Or near her.

It's further up the yard.

Over it.

And then, it starts strobing.

Strange, disgusting lightning crackling within it.

Brynn shields her eyes with her hand but through her fingers
she sees-

To her horror-

Something is being made within the light.

Made for the parasite.

And whatever it's doing-
                           Blue Rev. (04/04/22)               77A.

      Brynn knows it's not good.

      And she runs the fuck away.

103   EXT. THE ROAD - NIGHT                                       103

      She keeps close to the tree line as she stumbles forward-

      Eyes darting behind her.

      Not sure where she's going, just getting away.
                              Pink Rev. (04/13/22)              78.

104    OMITTED                                                  104

105    EXT. FOREST - NIGHT                                      105

       Keep going, Brynn!

       Checks behind her-

       There are people on the road. Walking slow.

       People ahead of her too.

       Heading in the same direction. All at a calm, peaceful pace.

       Brynn hears something to her right in the woods and-


       Quickly ducks behind a tree as-

       A MASSIVE DADDY-LONG-LEGS emerges from the woods.

       It bellows into the night as it moves down the road.

       Some of the people wait for it-

       And it lovingly shepherds them forward.

       Brynn watches them go, before heading the other way.

105A   EXT. ROADSIDE TREE - NIGHT                              105A

       She scrambles towards the road-


       So fucking tired.

       So fucking sore.

       She doesn't hear the FIGURE behind her-

She turns around-

And comes face to face with-



It takes her a startled second to figure out what-


She's looking at.

SHE looks like Brynn.

A Brynn that hasn't gone through hell.

Hasn't gone through... anything.

It wears Brynn's clothes.

It stares blankly at Brynn.

Who can't really comprehend what she's seeing.

Until she looks down.

And sees it's holding a jagged piece from her broken village.

And it's buried deep in Brynn's stomach.

Brynn looks up at the AntiBrynn and-

It jabs it into Brynn's stomach again.

She feels it this time-

Lets out a gasp.

Steps backs-

It follows in step.

Brynn coughs blood.

The two locking eyes with each other.

But there's just... no malice in its eyes.


Just total casual indifference.

Even curiosity.

Brynn looks at herself.

This cleaner, simpler version of herself.

The better version.

And for a moment-

It almost seems like she's ready to call it.

To just let it end here.

She's so tired.

She exhales and her eyes catch-

There swaying in the tree-

Her bird house.

Stares at it for a second.

Something stirs in her. A grit.

She looks up at the perfect AntiBrynn-

And JABS her box cutter into its neck.

Its mouth gapes open like a fish that can't breathe.

It staggers back from Brynn-


Not really sure what to do with its hands-

Or how to stop it from hurting.

It doesn't want to die-

It just started living-

Brynn removes the wood.

Red all over Brynn's stomach.

Brynn grabs her wounds-

Looks up and sees the AntiBrynn struggling for air.

It sees Brynn-

      And reaches out for her-

      Not to hurt her.

      But for help.

      Just a scared little girl looking for a mom.

      The AntiBrynn stumbles on its way towards Brynn-

      Who catches it in her arms.

      And cradles her in the middle of the road.

      It looks up at Brynn-

      Mouth still gaping.

      Trying to breathe-

      Blood flooding its throat-


      Brynn strokes her hair.


      As the AntiBrynn dies in her arms.

      Brynn cries.

      Holding its body.

      As those awful THWUMMMPPPPs blaze in the background behind

106   EXT. THE ROAD - NIGHT                                    106

      The parasite that was in the anti-Brynn-

      The same one that Brynn pulled from her own mouth-

      Spasms on the ground as-

      Brynn feebly grabs it. It doesn't resist her as-

      She staggers forward, wheezing as she stumbles.

      Barely able to walk as-

      Unclear where she's going.

Just grunting and groaning further down the road.


There in the mist ahead.

A solitary GREY.

She sees it and too weak to flee-

Or be scared.

She just heads straight towards it-

Until she's close enough and-

Weakly tosses the parasite to the ground.

It doesn't move anymo-


The light grabs hold of Brynn.

Freezing her mid-step.

She strains against it.

Sweat beading and rolling across her face.

And inevitably-

From the mist and darkness ahead-

The Grey begins its walk towards her.

Brynn sees it and begins groaning-

Deep guttural groans.

Until it becomes clear that they aren't groans at all.

She's growling at the Alien.

Teeth bared.

Eyes bulging-

Glaring from beneath her bloody and matted hair.

As the Alien stands before her.

And then circles around her.

      It regards her, curious.

      This girl that seems more like a rabid animal at this point.

      It returns to face Brynn.

      Tilts its head at her.

      Brynn growls louder.

      Blood floats mid-air from her stomach.

      From her back.

      The Grey raises its hand.

      Long skinny fingers.

      Brynn growls harder-

      Desperate to fight-

      To attack-

      Until the Alien's fingers touch her forehead.

      And Brynn in that instance seems to fall slowly backwards
      into the road until-

107   INT. THE FAMILY ROOM - NIGHT                                107

      Brynn opens her eyes and-

      Recognizes her mother and herself as a little girl-

      Working on her mother's bird houses when-


      They are frozen in the light as-

      Brynn moves towards them-

      Unclear of what's happening when-

      Someone SPRINTS past her out of the room!

      Holy shit.

      Brynn catches a glimpse of her as she goes. Recognizes her.

      The red hair.

      Brynn can't help but follow her-

      The girl throws open the front door and runs outside, closing
      it behind her as Brynn chases-

108   EXT. FRONT YARD - CONTINUOUS                              108

      Opens the door and-

      There's a MAN standing there that wasn't there before.

      Brynn startles, his face in darkness but behind him-

      The light shines down on two COP CARS, flashing red and blues
      frozen in place as Brynn-

      Ducks around the man and sees-

      The POLICE CHIEF on his knees, a freshly ruined man, consoled
      by an OFFICER, frozen in hell.

      Brynn recognizes this.

      She moves past it, trying to find Teen Brynn, trying to stop
      her when-

      She trips and falls-

      Landing in-

109   EXT. THE WOODS - DUSK                                     109

      Face down in the leaves until she looks up and sees-

      To her horror-

      The girls fighting. Inaudible shouting. Slowed down.

      Maude pushes Teen Brynn down and she lands down on the ground-

      Face to face in front of Brynn.

      Brynn sees her furious tear streaked face.

      And how her eyes spot

                                The rock

                                                      between them.

      Brynn scrambles to get it but-
                             Yellow Rev. (04/21/22)            85.

      Is too late-

      Powerless as the girl grabs it-


      And swings her fist as-

      Brynn screams silently and-

      At the unseen impact-

      RED LIGHT blasts through the scene.

      Obscuring what happened.

      But Brynn sees it. The worst moment of her life. The last
      moment of Maude's.

      Frozen in front of her.

      Overwhelmed, Brynn opens her mouth to scream and-

110   THE STARS                                                   110

      The alien's home, a BLUE PLANET with a ring around it, BLOWS
      APART like a daffodil in the wind until it becomes-

111   OMITTED                                                     111   *

112   EXT. GRASS - DAY                                            112

      Brynn watches as a daffodil floats apart in the breeze as she     *
      writes her letter to Maude.

      She wipes her wet eyes. It doesn't really get easier. But
      with a sigh, she keeps pushing on as-

113   EXT. THE ROAD - DAY                                         113

      A tear rolls down her eye, still frozen in the light.

      Brynn's eyes snap back to focus-

      As the Grey before her-

      Lowers its hand.
                        Blue Rev. (04/04/22)     86.

Brynn not growling anymore.

Just long-



As the alien stares at her.

Head cocked.

And then-

It turns and walks away as-

The light from above disappears-

And Brynn falls to the ground.


She stays there, face down for a few seconds.

Just trying to breathe.

Everything is quiet.

Everything is still.

Everything is peaceful.

With a painful force of energy-

Brynn rolls onto her black.

Staring up at the night sky.

Holding her bleeding stomach.

Starts laughing.

Just a little.

Because the sky is full of stars.

And as her laughter builds and builds-

Those ALIEN LIGHTS return.
                              Blue Rev. (04/04/22)             87.

      Reflecting on her face as she looks up at them in the night

      It's oddly beautiful.

      And Brynn keeps laughing.

      Because it's just another normal night.

      Except for all the ways-

      It really fucking hasn't been.

114   EXT. MAIN STREET - EVENING                               114

      Two gloved hands place a record on the player.

      Brings down the needle.

      The audio crackles and then-

      The WALTZ begins.

      Brynn moves away.

      Looking classy as hell in a winter coat and a dress.

      Flurries in the air.

      She smiles to herself, swaying with the music, revealing that-

      She's in the middle of the road.


      Newly painted. Newly manicured.

      Christmas lights twinkling overhead.

      She surveys it all proudly.

      Because SHE DID ALL OF THIS.

      And then-

      She begins DANCING-

      Alone at first-

      Until she sees PEOPLE-

      Standing off to the side of the streets-

You'd recognize some of them but-

Something's a little...

Off about them.


As if they were all getting used to their bodies.



Brynn twirls and a MAN is waiting in front of her-

They begin to dance.

He smiles, still getting the hang of it.

It's not great, but he'll figure it out with her help.

And after a few moments-

A WOMAN is waiting for them-

She replaces the man, and her and Brynn dance.

Brynn having the time of her life.

Having a community.

A home. All of her own.

She smiles, full of joy, nothing forced about it anymore.

It's been a good day.

                                                    THE END.

No One Will Save You

Writers :   Brian Duffield
Genres :   Horror  Sci-Fi  Thriller

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